Crafts from salt dough with their own hands for children with photos and videos


For those who have not yet strongly mastered the technology of modeling of the test, I propose a light master class on the craft from the salted dough "Leaf with Ladybugs".

Easy master class

Preparing salt dough on classical recipe. Namely: in the same proportions, 1 cup, mix the "Extra" salt and wheat flour, to give the plasticity of our mass you can add a little (1 tbsp.) Hand cream. If it did not turn out to be at hand, replace sunflower oil. And the latter is adding somewhere 130 ml of water, its quantity depends on the type of flour.

Crafts from salt dough with their own hands for children with photos and videos

Note! To simplify the process of the knead, it is convenient to use a mixer or blender.

It is necessary to make a ball of chicken egg from the dough. On a flat surface, pre-graded flour, roll out this circle into a flat cake, a thickness of approximately 5-6 mm. You can make a cake from it with your own hands.

Pre-from the cardboard make a sample of the maple leaf, and now attach it to the cake, cut out the contours. The finished maple leaf can be sent to drying and proceed to the modeling of ladybugs.

Cows make a red dough or can be angry with watercolor paints. To do them easily, roll balls from the test you need. If you decide to decorate the cows, do it only after drying.

Crafts from salt dough with their own hands for children with photos and videos

Here is a photo of finished work.

Salted dough - an affordable type of creativity not only for adults, but also for children. Most often, adults think over the entertainment program for kids, which includes a section of the toy modeling from this type of test.

Crafts can make children of any age, because there is nothing complicated. All ingredients from which it is preparing, will have in the kitchen in any mommy.

I bring to your attention, to begin with, consider pictures of a variety of products from salt dough. How endless is a fantasy of a person, each work breathes with his individuality, the impression that the heroes of these works are about to come to life.

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Crafts from salt dough with their own hands for children with photos and videos

Crafts from salt dough with their own hands for children with photos and videos

Crafts from salt dough with their own hands for children with photos and videos

Crafts from salt dough with their own hands for children with photos and videos

Every woman is a keeper of home heat, creates a comfort in his home, decorates his walls. Each hostess is trying to decorate his home as unusual as possible, creating unique, original works of art. How not to twist, but the main room, so to speak, the cabinet of each woman is a kitchen, so she tries first to improve this area of ​​its hearth.

Here is a small selection of products for the kitchen, which you can please the relatives and loved ones, and of course share the secrets of your skill with neighbors.

Crafts from salt dough with their own hands for children with photos and videos

Crafts from salt dough with their own hands for children with photos and videos

Crafts from salt dough with their own hands for children with photos and videos

Crafts from salt dough with their own hands for children with photos and videos

Crafts from salt dough with their own hands for children with photos and videos

This kind of art is very easy to master, on the Internet, you can find an unrealistic large number of detailed MK on the modeling of salt dough. They are accompanied by a detailed description of the product, how to prepare the dough, what additional materials will be needed. Through the Internet, you will master a set of different techniques for the manufacture of the very test itself, how to make bulk paintings, the better paint the dough, as for longer to fix the paint on the product and other questions you are interested in.

All products are divided into various thematic groups, for example, in a separate category to separate the autumn. At the coming to school, after hot summer, very interesting to small schoolchildren to blind beautiful autumn compositions made of yellow leaves and vegetables. And give these wonderful crafts to their parents, grandparents and grandmothers, and of course favorite teachers.

Crafts from salt dough with their own hands for children with photos and videos

Crafts from salt dough with their own hands for children with photos and videos

Crafts from salt dough with their own hands for children with photos and videos

When winter comes, this type of activity becomes especially relevant. New Year's holidays come, and we begin to think about how to decorate the most important heroine of the New Year - Her Majesty Spruce. Toys on the Christmas tree are the most simple on the manufacture of salted mass. You only need to get old old molds from your bins and, repeating simple movements, create a festive mood.

Crafts from salt dough with their own hands for children with photos and videos

Crafts from salt dough with their own hands for children with photos and videos

Crafts from salt dough with their own hands for children with photos and videos

Crafts from salt dough with their own hands for children with photos and videos

Crafts from salt dough with their own hands for children with photos and videos

Continuing the festive topic, you can not only sculpt the toys on the Christmas tree, but also to present a beloved person to a solemn event Salted cake. If there is a desire, it can, of course, can be tasted, but it is better to leave for memory to decorate the festive table. Also for small amateurs of tea drinking you can make simple and simple pieces of cakes for the game.

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Video on the topic

This is an enclosed video with detailed modeling instructions. Whatever level of qualification on the modeling you have not been, with simple instructions and master classes from the Internet it is easy to master in stages, how to make animals, flowers, mushrooms, leaves and trees. Over time, a hand will come up, and even the most difficult work will seem simple and easy. You can hear such names as biocheramics, testoplasty, and funny - mucasol, all this name of the modeling of salt dough. How not to call, the main thing is the result that will be at the end. The process of creating art is always pleasant, as well as the birth of a salty mass of the new brainchild. Create and share your skills with others.

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