Popular Sizes of Eurocuba and Other Features


Popular Sizes of Eurocuba and Other Features

According to its execution, Eurocubes represents a container based on polymers, which is made in the form of Cuba. It is not necessary that these products are quite commonly used at various facilities, including car wash, construction sites and oil and chemical industries. The reason for this is associated with high strength characteristics that the material used for this design has. At the same time, ordinary citizens often resort to this device.

Eurocub - Views

Today the market offers many models of Eurocubes, which have different dimensions, material and volume. But despite these features, you can still allocate The general characteristics of these aggregates:

  • Popular Sizes of Eurocuba and Other Features

    Outdoor packaging. Most often it has a tough basis and is made in the form of a dory and pallet made using steel. Some models may have a wooden or plastic pan. The appointment of a particular device is obtained.

  • The form. The overwhelming majority of these products are made in the form of a cube.
  • Material. For the manufacture of the Eurocuba, a durable low pressure polyethylene is used, most often PE 100 is in the role of it.
  • Wall thickness. The proposed Eurocups may have the walls whose thickness can be in the range of 1.5-2 millimeters, which is also determined by the appointment of the product.
  • Color. The traditional design is white, however, if you wish, this design can be painted in any other shade.
  • Crane. Most often, the containers are equipped with a piston crane, which is a lack of less than a long service life.

Depending on its purpose, the Eurocup can be Classified to the following types:

  • Food. They are used to storing products, and ethyl alcohol, vinegar, oil, etc., are usually used as the latter;
  • Technical. They serve as a container for storing and transporting such substances like a row, acids, fuel, etc.

In our country, the manufacture of such products is engaged in a limited number of firms, but even such a small range provides them with great popularity among consumers. The reason for this is the convenience of use and great functionality.

Sphere and method of applying the Eurocuba

Popular Sizes of Eurocuba and Other Features

Eurocub - this name is more clear for ordinary consumers. Officially, HIP Name IBC container . This is due to the fact that it was originally created for the transport of liquids, primarily ordinary and aggressive.

Such plastic containers are unique products and exceed in such parameters as the convenience of transporting bulk substances and liquids. All other similar products.

A fairly universal is considered to be an eurocub with a capacity of 1000 liters, which can be used and large companies, and ordinary citizens.

Among the advantages that these tanks possess, the striking strength should be allocated. At the same time, such structures are not subject to negative impact of any aggressive chemicals and excellent Put atmospheric influences . To demonstrate such qualities, it allows them to be used in the manufacture of a blowing method, which among technologists is called rotoformation.

In some cases, this container can be applied again, however, it is necessary to bear in mind that if for the first time it performed the capacitance function for the transportation of harmful chemicals, then with the following application it is undesirable to use it as a container for watering the garden. As you find the harmful substances in the Eurocube, they gradually penetrate the plastic, because of which the water transported in it can negatively affect human health.

It is preferable to apply a container that was used to transport non-aggressive fluids. Flushing makes it pretty well to remove the remains of the previous contents, as a result of this, the container can serve For the purpose of transportation of water intended for household needs. If you have a need for such a capacity, then there is no need to buy a new Eurocube. You can always find those who are ready to sell a used article. This will allow you to save, and on the efficiency of using such a container it will not affect. If you want to get a new product, remember that the cost of the Eurocuba from the manufacturer will be high enough.

Using used Eurocubets in the farm

Popular Sizes of Eurocuba and Other Features

These products received great popularity thanks to convenience, multifunctionality and an unusually large service life. If you are the owner of the cottage or country house, you will not hurt to have an extra container volume of 1000 liters . A similar container will be useful for any dacket, since in this case it can get rid of herself from hard work on the rise of water from the well used for irrigation. Most often, Eurocube is used in the economy to solve the following tasks:

Watering the neck

If you are planning to use Eurocube for watering, then in addition to this container, you need to purchase a pump. This plastic container will have to be placed at some height, and you will not have difficulties with its lifting, because the material used for its manufacture is low weight, so you can easily lift it together. To fill the barrel with water, you can use the pump.

In that case, if you have a sufficient time of time, you can fill the container with water using as a source Water tap To which the hose must be connected, after which the free end is immersed in the hole on top. If you can't wait when the barrel is filled with water, then you need to connect the pump to the crane, as a result it will immediately begin to supply water to the place where you plan to use it for irrigation.

Summer shower

This container also makes it possible to provide quick water heating. The reason for this is a special material from which the container is made. If there is warm enough on the street, you will need only a couple of hours to heat the water to the temperature, which will be comfortable for swimming.

In this case, Eurocube can serve you as a summer shower without a pallet. To do this, it is enough to place this container at some height, attaching on the iron strong structure. For the supply of water in it you can use hose and pump. Provided in the design of the crane You simplify yourself the procedure for opening and closing the flow of water. The container with heated water can be applied not only for the reception of the soul, but also for washing various things, including dishes.

Construction of Septica

Eurocube can quite successfully fulfill the role and septicism, for the construction of which you do not have to spend a lot of strength and money.

Water for everyday needs

If you have a personal vehicle, then you probably often have to wash the car, paying for it quite big money. The presence of a cottage or country house saves on this procedure. At the same time, many of us have other water needs. For example, the Eurocub can solve the tasks of filling the pool, for which it is enough to have a pump. If you often have to water your site, using water from a well or well, then the Eurocube will perfectly cope with the role of cumulative water tank.

Typical sizes of the Eurocuba

Popular Sizes of Eurocuba and Other Features

The Eurocub differs little from most other containers, which fully refers to its size, which meet certain standards. If you think to purchase a similar container, then before making a final decision, we recommend paying attention to the upper and lower part of this product: there you can see its dimensions, focusing on which you can easily understand whether this container matches your requirements or not. For a popular 1000 liters, the following sizes are characteristic of the European Consumers of the Eurocuba.

Dimensions of 1000 liters capacity:

  • Length - 1200 +/- 10 mm.
  • Width - 1000 +/- 10 mm.
  • Height - 1160 +/- 10 mm.
  • The volume is 1000 liters (perhaps more than 50 liters, it is quite acceptable).
  • Weight - 53 +/- 10 kg.

The overwhelming majority of firms engaged in the manufacture of European-tasks are paying great attention. Compliance with sizes These containers. For this reason, any consumer who became interested in similar tanks will be quite simple to determine how much containers it needs to be solved by one or another task.


In recent years, the Eurocube has received increasing distribution among ordinary consumers, as well as many companies. These products are distinguished by their versatility, which explains their demand. However, not every product can come up to the buyer to meet his needs. First of all, it is necessary to take into account the material from which it is made, as well as dimensions. All this may eventually have an impact on how effectively this container will cope with the task assigned to it.

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