Watch from vinyl records with their own hands: Abstract and decoupage style (MK)


Many people have a gramophone at home, on which they listened to loved music. Looking at the vinyl records, a sense of nostalgia arises. Therefore, not everyone can overpower themselves and throw this relic of the past. It is better to take advantage of the case and make a watch from vinyl records with your own hands. This accessory will decorate any room and give the interior of originality and elegance. This is especially true of collectors of old and exclusive things.

Make vinyl watch is not so difficult, as it may seem first. Observing simple rules, each in the power to create an original decor element that optimally fit into the kitchen interior or living room.

Setting the clock mechanism (MK)

The product with an hourly mechanism is the simplest. The essence of the work lies in the installation of the clock mechanism directly on the plate.

Watches from old vinyl records with their own hands: 3 original master class

For the manufacture of homemakes, you need to go through the following steps:

1. Secure the basis of the mechanism on the reverse side of the plate. It is better to use glue.

2. The arrows will go out through the hole, which is placed in the base center. Here you need to ensure that the mechanism is located exactly in the center.

3. It remains only to install arrows and hours ready.

4. If desired, the foundation can be embellished with various drawings or patterns. For minimalism lovers, this option will be the most suitable.

Watches from old vinyl records with their own hands: 3 original master class

On video: Watch from the vinyl plate with numbers.

Watch from the plate of an unusual form (MK)

Unusual hours - in this case, we will talk about creating a product of various shapes. How to make:

1. The pattern is applied on the plate, which will be carried out in the future in the future. You can use the finished stencil. It needs to be simply attached to the base and outlines.

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2. The cutting of the vinyl record is carried out by a special burmascular or ordinary jigsaw. Work should be performed very carefully so as not to damage the source material.

3. To give the product a finished look, you need to apply the dial on the plate. Figures are applied on the record with a simple pencil. With the help of the burmaars, they are cut along the contour. When performing such a job, you should not hurry and apply the tool efforts. Work should be carried out on an even and sustainable place.

Watches from old vinyl records with their own hands: 3 original master class
Watch manufacturing process

Do not forget to decorate hours from vinyl records. There are many technologies that will give the product the original appearance. A good decision will be a decoupage.

On video: Original watches from vinyl plate.

Abstract clock (MK)

Attach the mechanism to the vinyl record. But to make a truly original product, you need to try a little. A not bad version will be an abstract clock. To do this, you need to heat the plate in the oven and give the appropriate form.

Watches from old vinyl records with their own hands: 3 original master class

Initially, the oven is heated to a certain temperature and placed there an old plate. After some time, it is removed and their hands give the necessary shape. To give the record the desired form, you must carefully bend it at several points. It should be borne in mind that the center should remain a place for the smooth fixing of the mechanism.

Condition to remember the safety technique. It is better to work in special heat-resistant gloves.

Watches from old vinyl records with their own hands: 3 original master class
Production of abstract watches from the plate

Decoupage decoration (MK)

Decoupage will be the best option for creating original hours, with which you can decorate your home. Of course, as a result of the work performed, it will not be seen from what material the product is created. Therefore, it should be seriously thinking, maybe instead of a plate rationally use the plywood sheet.

To create the original product, you will need:

  • acrylic paints;
  • brush;
  • glue for decoupage;
  • Special napkins;
  • scissors;
  • clockwork.

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Watches from old vinyl records with their own hands: 3 original master class
Necessary materials

Manufacturing process:

1. Take the disk and cover it with white acrylic paint. This is a base layer to create a decoupage. The paint is very good for vinyl. But so that the coating is actually uniform, several layers must be taken.

Watches from old vinyl records with their own hands: 3 original master class
Prayer Planner White Paint

2. Then the plate is covered with a second lacquer layer on a water basis. To create high-quality decorative cracks, specialists recommend using varnish and paint one manufacturer. The painted product is left for several hours so that the paint is dried.

Watches from old vinyl records with their own hands: 3 original master class
Cover the second layer and let dry

3. The use of the technique of crakylur implies the creation of a layer of cracking paint. It should be borne in mind that the subsequent layer is applied to a slightly frozen varnish. If it dry completely, the creation of elegant cracks will become impossible. The size of the crabelles mainly depends on how much time passed between the processes. The longer the time passes after the coating, the less cracks will turn out.

4. When the paint is completely dry, you can proceed to apply decorative patterns or images. For their fixing, special glue is used, which is applied in small quantities. Special attention is paid to the edges of the patterns. To decorate the clock it is better to use flowers.

Watches from old vinyl records with their own hands: 3 original master class
We glue a napkin with a pattern

5. Now it remains only to set the mechanism into the hole in the center of the plate and attach the numbers.

Watches from old vinyl records with their own hands: 3 original master class
Ready job

Thus, you can create original watches from the vinyl record with your own hands, which will decorate any interior. In order not to be later to blame someone in an unsatisfactory result, it is necessary to accurately comply with the above stages.

Vinyl watch decor (1 video)

Possible options (39 photos)

Watches from old vinyl records with their own hands: 3 original master class

Watches from old vinyl records with their own hands: 3 original master class

Watches from old vinyl records with their own hands: 3 original master class

Watches from old vinyl records with their own hands: 3 original master class

Watches from old vinyl records with their own hands: 3 original master class

Watches from old vinyl records with their own hands: 3 original master class

Watches from old vinyl records with their own hands: 3 original master class

Watches from old vinyl records with their own hands: 3 original master class

Watches from old vinyl records with their own hands: 3 original master class

Watches from old vinyl records with their own hands: 3 original master class

Watches from old vinyl records with their own hands: 3 original master class

Watches from old vinyl records with their own hands: 3 original master class

Watches from old vinyl records with their own hands: 3 original master class

Watches from old vinyl records with their own hands: 3 original master class

Watches from old vinyl records with their own hands: 3 original master class

Watches from old vinyl records with their own hands: 3 original master class

Watches from old vinyl records with their own hands: 3 original master class

Watches from old vinyl records with their own hands: 3 original master class

Watches from old vinyl records with their own hands: 3 original master class

Watches from old vinyl records with their own hands: 3 original master class

Watches from old vinyl records with their own hands: 3 original master class

Watches from old vinyl records with their own hands: 3 original master class

Watches from old vinyl records with their own hands: 3 original master class

Watches from old vinyl records with their own hands: 3 original master class

Watches from old vinyl records with their own hands: 3 original master class

Watches from old vinyl records with their own hands: 3 original master class

Watches from old vinyl records with their own hands: 3 original master class

Watches from old vinyl records with their own hands: 3 original master class

Watches from old vinyl records with their own hands: 3 original master class

Watches from old vinyl records with their own hands: 3 original master class

Watches from old vinyl records with their own hands: 3 original master class

Watches from old vinyl records with their own hands: 3 original master class

Watches from old vinyl records with their own hands: 3 original master class

Watches from old vinyl records with their own hands: 3 original master class

Watches from old vinyl records with their own hands: 3 original master class

Watches from old vinyl records with their own hands: 3 original master class

Watches from old vinyl records with their own hands: 3 original master class

Watches from old vinyl records with their own hands: 3 original master class

Watches from old vinyl records with their own hands: 3 original master class

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