Wall decoration with wood with your own hands: bedroom cladding


Facing the walls with wood with your own hands is not such a difficult task. Thanks to the modern achievements of building and finishing materials, it can be lined with wood with a tree can afford almost everyone.

Wall decoration with wood with your own hands: bedroom cladding

Layering laying scheme: 1 - lattice; 2 - profiles; 3 - lining.

Wood Facing Scope

Choosing a tree as a finishing material, remember that today in the construction store presents a rich choice of both artificial wooden panels and natural. The artificial category includes laminate, MDF and PVC panels. All of them have a decorative trim under a tree, completely imitating the texture and color of this material. And the natural finishing material is a long-known lining, wooden panels and a timber.

A tree is a universal material, it can decorate any room.

Most often, the trim of walls from wood is used in the kitchen. It is very important to use such a material that will last long, it will be environmentally friendly (as we are dealing with products) and with honor withstanding numerous cleaning, without losing its presentable species.

Wall decoration with wood with your own hands: bedroom cladding

Walking board circuit.

But sometimes designers challenge rooted glances and traditions and choose something completely new. So, for example, one of the innovations can be called the option when the walls of the bedroom walls are trimmed with wood. We are accustomed to believe that wooden walls in the bedroom can be found only in Russian skeners and small Finnish houses. Such interiors brings the incredible atmosphere of comfort and warmth, I want to instantly wrap in a warm plaid, sit down in a rocking chair and drink a mug of pair milk.

It is not possible to achieve such an effect in the apartment! However, there is nothing impossible, and you can even put a tank comfort and warmth in a bedroom in a multi-storey building in the center of the metropolis. Typically, the decoration of the walls of the bedroom tree occurs in the place where the bed is worth, namely the headboard. As materials use the above options (MDF, PVC, lining, wooden panels, etc.). In order not to overload the room, the cladding touches only one wall. Thus, it is possible to preserve the perfect combination of modern decorating elements and wood. All together they will make the necessary tandem, and the bedroom will receive the atmosphere of comfort and maximum comfort.

Article: Modern style in the interior

Decoration wall bedroom tree

Below is one of the many wall finishing options in the bedroom. But before you begin work, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • Chipboard sheets or wooden panels;
  • protractor;
  • electrolovik;
  • pencil;
  • level;
  • roulette;
  • double-sided sticky tape;
  • assistant.

The decoration of walls by wood is happening according to the following algorithm:

  1. On a piece of paper, draw a wooden panel laying scheme. You can put them in different ways, it can be traditional parquet laying or a drawing "Christmas tree". In any case, the scheme is needed for a more accurate and clear visual representation of what the bedroom finish will result in the end.
  2. Using the roulette and level, calculate the center of the wall. The wall should be as smooth and not to have any defects, if any, the surface is worth it to align. Further in the center from the ceiling to the floor we carry out a straight line. She will be a kind of lighthouse that will not let go from the course.
  3. Each wooden panel cut through the corners. The cutting angle should be 90 °. In order for the calculations to be as accurate as possible, we use the transport. Remember that you shared the wall half, so half of the panels cut the left corner from the other half - the right angle.
  4. We stick on the inner side of the board, bilateral sticky tape. For better clutch, the bands must be two, and better three. The advantage of this fastening is obvious: unlike the screwdriver, they do not leave traces of their presence.
  5. Remove the protective film from the board and carefully, so as not to go beyond the boundaries of the line, glue the board to the wall. In this case, it would be good to act in a pair with an assistant and glue 2 panels at the same time. Thanks to the perfectly smooth cut, the ends of the boards will get up smoothly without deviations in one direction or another.
  6. Start gluing the wooden panels on the wall is best with its central part, because this place is most striking at the entrance to the room.
  7. After the first row of boards was installed, it is necessary to establish the remaining part of the wooden panels in the same way.

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As you can see, the walls of the walls do not take a lot of effort and time, and in the presence of the necessary tool and material, the whole process does not take you much time.

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