How to close the gap between the wall and floor: recommendations


Making repairs, everyone came across such a problem as the sealing of the slots between the wall and the floor. Make it is necessary not only for beauty and order. For example, in private homes or in apartments that are on the first floors, this problem may result in the appearance of dampness, unwanted insects and drafts. Therefore, it is necessary to solve this problem at once without postponing in a long box. First of all, you need to figure out than to close the gap between the wall and the floor.

How to close the gap between the wall and floor: recommendations

Thanks to the rich selection of finishing materials and a manifested fantasy, you can come up with your way of sealing a gap near the wall. The only condition - the design should be reliable and aesthetic.

There are quite a lot of options, but it all depends on the size of the gaps. This work is simple, but it also requires a little training.

With small gap sizes, up to 3 cm, you can only use the mounting foam. The slot between the floor and the width of up to 1 cm is easily sealed with a putty, plaster or cement mortar.

If the size of the slit is greater, then it will be necessary to close up, using other materials, and approach it much more.

Work and features of such a device

In order to close the slit between the wall and the floor, you need to first remove the wallpaper and, if there is, remove the paint layer.

Keeping you need to wash off and then give the wall to dry carefully.

How to close the gap between the wall and floor: recommendations

Delete old paint is better with the help of special means.

If you hoped to close the gaps, not starting even a small cosmetic repair, then these hopes were in vain.

You will have to remove and plinth, under it, everything is thoroughly washed and cleaned. Preparatory work is required, because otherwise the sealing of the gaps is only an instorodu of your interior.

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If you have new wallpapers and you do not plan to change them, you can try to do the work on the sealing of the slots gently.

Try to close the bottom of the wallpaper with a film, you can use food. It is possible to mount it using conventional stationery or sewing needles.

You can also use old newspapers, but it is less reliable. Since the water will be used in the process and you will probably get on the wallpaper.

If you are not going to change the wallpaper, then work with the mounting foam as careful and in mechanical stripping (which is stated below) do not damage the wallpaper.

What you need to close the presence of a big gap

  • Slices Brick, plastic, foamflast
  • Mounting foam

How to close the gap between the wall and floor: recommendations

When embelling the plays with mounting foam, do not splash too much foam, fill the space by a third, as a last resort, half, since the foam swells and increases in size several times.

To close the very large gap between the wall and the floor, they will need pieces of bricks, foam, plastic, etc.

Filling the required place by this material is the first step. It is desirable that the pieces are small to fill out the hole itself as close as possible, but it's not a very small garbage to fall over there. The pieces should be smaller in diameter to, encouraging them into the hole, you did not increase its volume.

After that, you can pour it with the mounting foam. Using broken bricks, etc. Helps you save the mounting foam. So this option is quite economical, funds will take only on the purchase of an electric foam balloon.

What you need to close the presence of medium gap

  • moss, jute felt or pala
  • Konopka
  • a hammer

For sealing slots between the wall and the floor, the moss can be used, jute felt or pass.

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There are certain requirements for the use of these materials. For example, moss should not crumble in no case, and the jute felt certainly need to be pre-impregnated with formalin, otherwise moles will be headed there.

How to close the gap between the wall and floor: recommendations

By the way, if you use moss, it will in no way be chosen in your hands, and it is advisable to soak felt in addition to impregnate in formalin - so you will save it from moths.

And in addition, you will need a small blade, there are special cacked, but it can be replaced by any suitable spatula.

Whatever the material you choose, it is more convenient to ride it in the "sausage" in the hole. Then the "sausage" is applied to the necessary place and clogs into it with the help of a cavinc and a hammer.

The size of "sausages" should be greater than the hole itself, in order to fill it enough tightly. It is not worth putting the material with small pieces, it will increase your work on time and reduce the density that should be very high.

After climbing the hole and complete drying, you can do decorative trim. Well, if you have been sick with a sickle with sickle before the start of work.

By the way, instead you can use another suitable tissue. Thanks to this precaution, a vapor insulation layer will be formed at the junction.

Of course, this process is excluded if wallpapers are already pissed. This one more reason to take care of the slots in a timely manner.

Mounting foam. Recommendations

If you are going to use the mounting foam in the process of embelling the slots between the wall and the floor, then you need to know how to do it right.

Before applying it, it is necessary to moisten the gap water for better interaction with the surface.

How to close the gap between the wall and floor: recommendations

The most favorable conditions for work with foam are quite high air temperature plus high humidity.

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It is most convenient to do with a spray gun, but you can use the usual spray, which is very simple from the usual plastic bottle.

  • To do this, there are several holes in the lid, water poured, and everything, the spray is ready.

Since the mounting foam has a property to increase in volume, then this also needs to be considered. By the way, it is thanks to good moisture, foam increases much more actively.

The cylinder is heated to about twenty-degree before use, for this, simply place the cylinder into the tank with water heated to the desired temperature.

Then the balloon shakes well, the gloves wear and you can begin to marry the gaps. It is very convenient to do this with a special pistol, but the usual cylinder is also convenient for work.

Surplus foam are removed mechanically, but only after complete hardening of the mounting foam. When foam hits on the surface, which can be damaged, it is better to immediately remove it with a special liquid or acetone.

But do not expect that this process will be easy: removal of foam is not easy job. The layer of the mounting foam should not exceed 3 cm. If you want to close the large gap only with it, you need to swapping several layers, giving each layer to dry well.

In addition to all these nuances, you need to consider the room temperature. Only at temperatures above +5 degrees can begin to marry gaps.

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