We use a color painting kel


The main ways to finish the walls are laying of ceramic tiles, pasting with wallpaper and painting with a color. Each of them has its advantages and disadvantages, specific specifics, technology of applying and editing. You are free to choose anything, since the range is quite wide. Here, we will also talk about the paint of walls, its capabilities and diversity.

What is a kel?

The kel is called paint, which has a very saturated or contrasting color. It is used to give the desired shade (otherwise to spawn) oil, latex, alkyd, water-dispersive and other paints. The kel can go through the finished coating or the coloring additive for individual surface sections.

Just do not forget that the sites should be small. Best of all the color is applied to concrete, twineways, plastered and brick surfaces. The kel is just a find in the question of finishing facades and interiors.

We use a color painting kel

The home tinting is indispensable for people with a rich fantasy, which requires a "complex" shade, which cannot be purchased in the store or to do with the help of a composite machine.

The class of "complex" includes colors that are a mixture of various tones, as well as sample colors. For example, corn-yellow color is simple, because it can be bought at any store or on the market. And the color of the currant juice is already quite another thing, because there is a mixture of purple and red colors. In this regard, it is impossible to buy such paint, so the only way out is to spawn directly at home!

We use a color painting kel

There are two types of calves:

  1. Koloranta - saturated caloring paste.
  2. Paints - concentrated intense solutions.

Advantages of Koller.

The advantages of the composure for home repair are sufficiently weighty, attention should be paid to them:
  • Easy to execute (paint the walls will be able both man and a woman);
  • low cost (repair - expensive pleasure, so the opportunity to save nowhere will not prevent);
  • aesthetics of appearance;
  • Compliance with the requirements and safety standards: antistaticism, environmental friendliness, practicality, obstacle to the appearance of parasite colonies, a wide range.

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I will say that modern paints in terms of quality properties are completely not inferior to the rest of the finishing materials.

Important! When applied to paint on whatever surface, the technology should be very carefully observed, otherwise the result may disappear.


The first stage is the preparation of walls. One way or another, when applied to the paint on the wall, all its defects are visible: irregularities, cracks, etc. To avoid such a species, we should use the shtlovevka.

After stirring paint, which is discussed in detail below. After that, the paint is applied to the surface of the roller. On it will dwell a little more detail.

We use a color painting kel

To apply a ring on the wall, it is necessary to prepare a roller with a fur coat (pile 15-18mm). Due to the fact that some particles will settle on the bottom of the capacity, do not forget to mix the composition after a certain gap. This will give him homogeneity and when applied to the wall, the difference between the plots will not be noticeable.

It can be added here that a rolling roller play an important role. This is due to the fact that the thick layer of paint climbed on the roller does not allow it evenly to distribute the wall.

In order for the use of the koller to give a good result, you should not forget a few more simple rules:

  • Exclude drafts and entering the straight rays of the sun;
  • make a probe;
  • use when working gloves;
  • Start painting from the wall that is not in relevant.

A mixture of paint and a koller needs to be applied - vertical strips are required to overlap each other. If the paint is applied to the wallpapers, which are pasted under the color, pay special attention to the staining staining and joints staining stains.

Do not miss the paint drying moment. It is indicated on the packaging, but usually does not exceed five hours. Thus, if you paint into two layers, the room decoration should take one day.

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We use a color painting kel

Nowadays, the kolker is like powder and liquid. I can not say that some of them has more advantages, so you can safely choose what I liked more.

Mixing technique

First you need to determine: how much paint will you need? When mixing manually, the human factor always remains, and ninety-nine percent of the hundred, that when mixing the second time you get the wrong color that in the first. In order to avoid such troubles, be sure to calculate, determining the proportions of the paint. It will be better if it remains unnecessary than re-try to guess the initial shade.

Before applying a place on the wall, you need to prepare it. It is important to follow the rules in order not to make mistakes.

We use a color painting kel

To begin with, you can make a probe that will help determine the desired color and will not destroy the whole volume. This is done like this: 100 ml of paint is mixed in a small capacity, then several pigment droplets are added. You can add a syringe, this method will allow you to determine the amount of droplets and see when the mixture will get the desired color. When it achieved the number of drops somewhere write down, so as not to keep in your head.

The next step is to see how the kel will look on the wall. It should be borne in mind that on the surface it may be somewhat different than in the tank. To check, highlight a small section of the wall and paint the resulting mixture. Wait until everything is dry. Look at it with different lights, taking as a basis, which usually prevails in the apartment. If the color is suitable, you can continue to work.

By the way, it is one of the advantages of painting by a kelper manually. You can prepare a small amount of paint and significantly save funds.

We use a color painting kel

For more significant volume, plastic or enameled bucket takes. It is poured into it with water-level paint, stirred by manually or by a construction mixer. A little water is added to obtain the "milk" consistency. Next make a solution of the koller. Here we will come up with calculations.

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If you used 10 drops of one color for the probe, 10 drops of one color and 6 are 100 ml, then for painting the entire wall, it is necessary to reduce the base by 20%. A 100 and 60 drops should be taken per 1000 ml, respectively, and 80 and 48.

The resulting solution of the kolker is added in small portions to a bucket with paint. Apply on the wall is exactly the same as the Probe. In this case, the hurry is inappropriate. The time spent will pay off a pleasant eye result.

Important! The kel must be mixed in one container. In different might get completely different shades.

Painting the walls with a kel - this is not such a complex process, which gives confirmation this article. The most important thing is to closely and carefully approach the stages of painting work. Each stage is a special and independent process that has its own technology. Some little things may seem insignificant, but you should not wave with your hand. When repairing an apartment, each trifle is needed and important.

Video "Painting of the walls. Useful Tips "

The video describes how the color is suitable for a particular room in a house or apartment. Useful tips give experts in construction business.

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