Cabinet box with your own hands: master class with diagrams and video


Creating a cardboard box with your own hands is a very interesting and exciting occupation. Manufacturing will require some time and patience, and the result will exceed all expectations. Such caskets will decorate your home and give the decor originality.

Cabinet box with your own hands: master class with diagrams and video

Cabinet box with your own hands: master class with diagrams and video

Cabinet box with your own hands: master class with diagrams and video

We start with simple

On the example of the master class, where the manufacturing process is step by step, you can trace how to make the original box.

In order to create such a casket, we need a dense binding cardboard, a thin cardboard, a pair of fabric species, glue, fleece, attributes for decor, scotch tape, knife, scissors, ruler, clips.

Cabinet box with your own hands: master class with diagrams and video

From thick (darker) and thin (lighter) cardboard, cut out the details: Seven-to-thirteen blanks 4 parts, 4 parts seven nineteen cm two couples, light detail seven nineteen cm, dark detail 7 * 20 cm, couple of light color items 13 * 19 cm and two dark color blanks 14 * 20 cm. All billets are shown in the following photo:

Cabinet box with your own hands: master class with diagrams and video

Take the workpiece at the numbers 4 and 6 and stir them on the fabric.

Cabinet box with your own hands: master class with diagrams and video

We apply parts on the fabric and cut the rectangle, making a margin of about 1.5 cm.

Cabinet box with your own hands: master class with diagrams and video

On the inner side of the edge glue. We will do such a technology more than once. The outer part is ready. You can decorate it using bispers, sequins, buttons.

Cabinet box with your own hands: master class with diagrams and video

Take the workpiece 1, 2, 5, put on the fleece, as needed, shown in the photo, and then stir them on the fabric.

Cabinet box with your own hands: master class with diagrams and video

The distance between the billets strengthen the scotch.

Cabinet box with your own hands: master class with diagrams and video

Again cut out the workpiece from the fleece. From the inside, fix the edge of the fabric.

Cabinet box with your own hands: master class with diagrams and video

Stitch the fold line.

Cabinet box with your own hands: master class with diagrams and video

Bend the side of the box as in the photo.

Cabinet box with your own hands: master class with diagrams and video

We take the remaining parts and cut out exactly the same details from the fleece.

Cabinet box with your own hands: master class with diagrams and video

We are tightening the details of the cloth. We glue only short sides.

Cabinet box with your own hands: master class with diagrams and video

Glue blanks. First glue long details to the box.

Article on the topic: how to sew a cape with your own hands

Cabinet box with your own hands: master class with diagrams and video

Now short.

Cabinet box with your own hands: master class with diagrams and video

Take the workpiece number 3 and tighten the fleece from short sides. Long remain open.

Cabinet box with your own hands: master class with diagrams and video

Get the third workpiece on the cover.

Cabinet box with your own hands: master class with diagrams and video

Last detail of paper cover the cloth.

Cabinet box with your own hands: master class with diagrams and video

On the lid, you can stick a bead lock. And on the bottom of the rubber. It turns out a beautiful lock.

Cabinet box with your own hands: master class with diagrams and video

We collect a box. We glue all the blanks on the "moment" glue.

Cabinet box with your own hands: master class with diagrams and video

Cabinet box with your own hands: master class with diagrams and video

Cabinet box with your own hands: master class with diagrams and video

Detailed schemes

We offer you in this article another five ideas for creating cabinet boxes. Each step-by-step photo-master class shows how to make a particular accessory.

Idea number 1:

Cabinet box with your own hands: master class with diagrams and video

Cabinet box with your own hands: master class with diagrams and video

Idea number 2:

Cabinet box with your own hands: master class with diagrams and video

Idea number 3:

Cabinet box with your own hands: master class with diagrams and video

Idea number 4:

Cabinet box with your own hands: master class with diagrams and video

Idea number 5:

Cabinet box with your own hands: master class with diagrams and video

These are such beautiful boxes can be made from ordinary cardboard.

Video on the topic

We offer to see a selection of more creative master classes on creating a box with your own hands.

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