Plasticine modeling for children step by step: machines and animals with photos and videos


Plasticine modeling for children is one of the very first creative classes. This type of activity is very useful for both kids and adults. This is a great way to spend time with the benefit for your child. Many mothers teach a child with this technique from 2 years old, because It is during this period that the development of small motors of hands takes place, as well as kids learn to apply their fantasy in business.

For children of the middle group of kindergarten, as well as for children of the older layer of laying from plasticine, it is necessary to strengthen the muscles of the brush. This will allow them to continue to master the letters and develop creativity. If the child refuses to use Plasticine, offer him to make crafts from a soft dough.

Matter techniques and techniques are quite a lot. Consider some of them.

  1. Constructive - The child sculpt the figure from individual parts, hence the name. This method of smearing the baby is developing in 2-3 years;
  2. Sculptural - the child thinks himself some kind of image, and then sculpts him from one piece of plasticine, giving the necessary form to his product;
  3. Combined - Combining two previous techniques. Most often, children pose large parts by the sculptural method, and small - separate parts. This method of modeling the baby is mastered, as a rule, in 5 years;
  4. Modular Laper - Designing from individual parts, thereby creating an image from modules, usually make animals. An older kids use this technique, usually 1-2-3 class.

From plasticine, you can do anything, whether these are cars or bunnies, crickets or spiders, ice cream or lollipop, and maybe it will be flowers for mom - to solve only your little sculptor, and you, in turn, can help the baby make an incredible thing.

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For the smallest


Let the child do everything yourself, and you can simply watch and suggest a little. Take a piece of plasticine of red and roll out of it a big ball, slightly shine it.

Plasticine modeling for children step by step: machines and animals with photos and videos

Next of black plasticine will make a ball smaller - it will be a head. It should be attached to the tank with the toothpick. Also split the toothpick insect wings. Slopim from black plasticine. Little flapped balls are dots on the body.

Plasticine modeling for children step by step: machines and animals with photos and videos

Make eyes and mouth, as well as horns with a red wire.

Plasticine modeling for children step by step: machines and animals with photos and videos


Take 2 balls: White - more (torso), green - smaller (head).

Plasticine modeling for children step by step: machines and animals with photos and videos

Take your head and connect it with a torso. Make horns and legs from the wire.

Plasticine modeling for children step by step: machines and animals with photos and videos

From black plasticine to cut the wings.

Plasticine modeling for children step by step: machines and animals with photos and videos

Crafts ready!

Plasticine modeling for children step by step: machines and animals with photos and videos

Heroes of beloved cartoon

After watching cartoons, every child dreams to have a favorite heroes of them. In the article, we will tell you how to blind heroes from the cartoon "cars".


From black plasticine, we will make 4 identical balls, so they are flattened - these are future wheels of the machine.

Take blue plasticine and make 2 squares of different sizes, connect them, as shown in the photo. Slightly wait at the back. Make a smile in front.

Plasticine modeling for children step by step: machines and animals with photos and videos

We take white plasticine and form a rectangle, roll off, make the windshield. Confirm wheel, as well as make tires from blue plasticine on them. I excite your eyes, headlights and side windows and smile.


Using black plasticine, make 2 balls, flatten them, turned out wheels. From blue plasticine, we make 2 rectangles, connect them, as shown in the figure.

Plasticine modeling for children step by step: machines and animals with photos and videos

From white plasticine we make windshield and gvido smile. From the material of the blue color, we make a visor, the hands of the machine and the side windows - from gray. We form your eyes.

Plasticine modeling for children step by step: machines and animals with photos and videos

Based on our lessons, you can also step by step and other heroes of this cartoon.

In order for you to have bright and interesting figures, you need to choose high-quality plasticine. Play DOH material material is made using the latest technologies, it is absolutely safe for kids of any age, both for the kids of 4 years and for a child of 10 years.

Lepim Scorpion

First, it is necessary to develop plasticine well. Take a piece of red plasticine and make a ball from it, then extend the ball into the ovoid shape. The torso scorpion is ready. From the red material we make claws. To do this, take 2 identical pieces, form 2 balls, then we replete the details of the necessary form.

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Plasticine modeling for children step by step: machines and animals with photos and videos

Using orange plasticine, make 4 "fingers" of scorpion in the form of droplets. From the material of the same color we make 6 legs. We sculpt 6 black dots to end the scorpion paws.

Plasticine modeling for children step by step: machines and animals with photos and videos

I excite your eyes. We make several yellow plasticine balls - it will be a tail. At the end of the body, we make a hole and insert the tail into it.

Plasticine modeling for children step by step: machines and animals with photos and videos

We connect all the details. On such a bright and cheerful scorpion, you can watch infinitely.

Plasticine modeling for children step by step: machines and animals with photos and videos

Video on the topic

In our article you can find a presentation, as well as video lessons for children by laying plasticine.

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