How to stick wallpaper on chipboard: work order


Many people passing to live in a new dwelling are trying to save on repair. Initially, plywood or chipboard can be used. And how to be next? Can I beat the wallpaper on top of the chipboard? Sure you may. Plywood is an excellent basis for any finishing work. It is enough to know some tricks and rules for gluing wallpapers on Faneru.

How to stick wallpaper on chipboard: work order

Before you start, you need to dry the chipboard as it should, opening the windows and the door on a sunny day.

How to glue wallpaper on chipboard: preparation

Carefully prepare plywood sheets to shook wallpapers.

If Plywood was long in a non-residential room, it is necessary to dry it, opening the windows and creating drafts in the warm season.

If you started repairs in the cold, then turn on the total power of heaters near the walls from the chipboard, then, as in the first case, thoroughly carry out the room. Clean the surface from dirt and dust with a wet fabric, again dry the plywood.

Be sure to treat the entire surface and seams with a primer, give the walls to dry, then put all the seams to get rid of the irregularities that will be highlighted quite strongly through the wallpaper.

When the plaster dries out, it should be treated with a skin and coat with any oil paint, preferably white so that it does not shine through the wallpaper.

How to stick wallpaper on chipboard: work order

Application scheme for glue on wallpaper.

There is another way to prepare a chipboard to salable with wallpaper. In this case, we glue with white paper on the phaneer, the width of which is 4 cm, we glue the 3-centimeter strips on top and at the end - a strip of 2 cm wide. Thus, we create a convex wall. After complete paper drying, it is necessary to process the entire surface of the pimple to get a rough coating on which the wallpaper will be perfect.

Instead of paper strips, you can use the usual gauze. It should also be glued to the surface of the walls, and then scream, clean and cover with light oil paint.

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In most cases, plywood sheets are located so that the smoother side is always facing the wall, but to the room, but it happens when the chipboard is screwed to the wall and the opposite side. In this case, you should be primed and treated with a putty surface, and after stripping, you can begin to be saved by wallpaper.

When the surface is completely dried, you can start the chipboard with wallpaper.

Next, the order of work is no different from the wake-up wallpaper of ordinary walls. To work, you will need the following tools:

  • roller and brushes to apply glue (brush better choose sewing);
  • towel;
  • scissors, ruler and pencil in order to smoothly measure and cut the wallpaper;
  • paper knife to make cuts in the corners;
  • the table on which you will cut the wallpaper (or purely wash the floor);
  • Bucket for glue.

How to stick wallpaper on chipboard?

How to stick wallpaper on chipboard: work order

Phased salary walls with wallpaper.

If the building is new and it is built on conscience, most likely all the walls will have one length - see in cm. But it happens that the difference between opposite walls can reach up to 5-10 cm. Therefore, before sticking, be sure to measure all the walls, write down All on paper not to confuse and not stick a short strip on the wall. If the pattern on the wall does not need to be customized, you can immediately cut all the wallpaper on pieces, if the drawing requires a thorough fit, you will have to cut the strips gradually.

Next we applied glue. Dilute glue with water is needed, strictly following instructions and your experience. For each glue, there is a separate scheme and dosage of water. After you have prepared glue, you can apply it on a wallpaper or wall.

If you are using wallpapers on a regular basis (paper), it is better to apply wallpaper glue on their opposite direction. If the material is at the heart of fliesline or textiles, apply glue immediately on the wall.

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The first wallpaper strip is stirred from the corner, in the other side of the room, which rushes into the eye at the entrance. Thus, the central part will be easy to be perfect, there will not be small pieces and cut walls cut in half.

Window and doorways Try to hinder with wallpaper last. At the end, get the border, trying not to remember it, otherwise it will affect the appearance of the walls.

Following these uncomplicated rules, you can quickly prepare Phaneur to work and easily blew the wallpaper.

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