Replacing the larvae and the castle in the metal door do it yourself


A part that is responsible for the secrecy of the castle, in common, is called a larva. And sometimes, in case of failure of the locking device or the wrench, the need for its replacement may occur. Today we will tell you how the replacement of the larvae and the castle in the metal door do it yourself. This can be done in several ways that will be discussed below.

Replacing the larvae and the castle in the metal door do it yourself

How to replace the larva in the iron door?

Repair of the castle

When accidenting with a locking device on an expensive system, be prepared to fork on its repair. Better and cheaper to purchase a new one in this case. But if damage is not serious, you can try to change the filling. Before you start work, think if you do it yourself, or it is better to turn to a specialist.

Replacing the larvae and the castle in the metal door do it yourself

When repair, it may be necessary to replace any of the lock components on the inlet metal door. It can be:

  • cylinder;
  • secrecy mechanism;
  • accessories;
  • or another element.

However, some details are not available on sale separately. Also, do not try to repair the locks from the Chinese manufacturer.

Replacing the larvae and the castle in the metal door do it yourself

Main steps

Replacing the closing device with your own hands is possible. To do this, at first, it is necessary to determine which castle you are installed. You should also know:

  • whether there is a goal in it;
  • How turns it is fixed;
  • And how it is locked from the inside.

Replacing the larvae and the castle in the metal door do it yourself


  1. Separate the meter from the floor, noting it from the side of the input metal door, which is shy to the jam, as shown in the photo;
  2. To the line, try the device housing and draw a back from the bottom. So that everything goes successfully, use the reissue, collecting its planks for a distance corresponding to the thickness of the mechanism that plan to install;
  3. Draw perpendicular to several lines passing in the center of the end. The reysmaus must fit tightly to the door end when you are marking the device parameters. Remember the location of the well;
  4. It is very important to choose the right drill. It must be of such a size so that the spindle is free to enter the hole;
  5. You need to start drilling according to the front side. Similarly, the hole under the well is done. Make everything neatly, since the slightest flaw can lead to a flushing door.

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Replacing the larvae and the castle in the metal door do it yourself

Replacing the mechanism

  1. Recessing under the body is done by the drill, identical to him in thickness. So that it is not too deep, we advise you to stick on the drill to the isolate, thereby noting the place of depth, as shown in the photo;
  2. After drilling holes, clean it with your own hands, which is intended for the jack, bites and hammer;
  3. It's time to insert the case, fix the screws and attach the spindle and handles as shown in the video.

Replacing the larvae and the castle in the metal door do it yourself

Fasteners lining

  1. Put the mark on the jammer in the place where the tongue is located locked the front door. Do it stands with the door covered;
  2. After that, install the lining and the parameters for the cant;
  3. Carefully make a niche and removing under the screws, securing after the lining.

Replacing the larvae and the castle in the metal door do it yourself

Change of larvae

The cylindrical castle was invented in the past century the British. It is impossible to choose a wash to such a type of device, but repaired simply. When breakdown, do not rush to throw it out and run to the store for a new one.

It is cylindrical devices that are popular and are in great demand among buyers choosing a device for inlets of metal doors. When the lock failure or the wrench is lost, you can simply replace the larva.

This part of the cylindrical device is a secret. Finding the key in the well from the inside or outside, causes the larvae. When breakdown, replaced it easy. In addition, they are universal, since interchangeable for products of different manufacturers.

Replacing the larvae and the castle in the metal door do it yourself

Repair of the larvae

Unfortunately, the complexity of the castle does not guarantee its durability and long life. There is always a chance of a breakdown, which will lead to the need to replace the larvae.

For repair, first of all, it will be necessary to get the larva:

  • Remove the mechanical plate of the device;
  • disulte the central screw and locking cylinder;
  • The latter is removed using the key. If the key is lost, you will have to use the drill;
  • With a removed larva, go to the store, where experts will help you choose identical;
  • Purchased core insert in the existing lock using the key for this;
  • fix it with a central screw;
  • From above, the removed end lock plate is screwed.

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Then you should try the operation of the device at the open door. When subsequent operation, it is necessary to handle the lock gently, produce periodically lubricant and not allow him to clog.

Let's summarize

In order not to disassemble the door, you can try to change the lock to a similar one. This is the easiest and most inexpensive way, but it is not always available. If there is a mortise lock on your door and do not pick up, then be prepared, which will have to be pregnant. It is necessary to move the nesting holes or increase them. And maybe you have to cut new ones.

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