Garden figures do it yourself


Garden figures do it yourself

Very good to have a garden near the house, here you can always enjoy the evening cool and fresh air. The garden can be independently decorated and make it an ideal place for family holidays.

If you have a sufficient stock of fantasy and there are small skills, you can create excellent garden figures in it, thanks to them, a kindergarten can be made by a real work of art.

The garden decoration has gained popularity relatively recently, before a long time, many plots decorated only scarecrow, it should have scaretured birds, the truth has frightened the guests.

Times are changing, and the concept and design of the household plot is now important for everyone.

Now almost every day there are flowerbeds, lawns, many grow real tropical plants and sparkled beautiful reservoirs with fountains, almost everywhere there are rosary with plenty of colors and picturesque alpine slides.

The trendy became a variety of garden figures, they can be bought in the store or do it yourself. They will add your charm site and emphasize your personality.

They can be fun and funny or majestic and monumental, in any case, they will raise the mood, and will always bring joy.

You can build several merry gnomes that will delight you and guard the country house. Paradise birds can sit on the green lawn, and the caterpillars and frogs will always meet you on the shore of the pond.

From the primary materials it is fairly easy to make big wild animals. In the corners of the garden, you can coach the mushroom plantations or to implement

Plots of favorite fairy tales.

In principle, any figures can be bought at the nearest store, but the garden figures do it with their own hands much more interesting, it will make your garden individual, besides, it is very exciting, it is not difficult and unpainted, for this work only simple infirm materials are needed for this work.

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Ideas for garden figures do it yourself

Any plot of stone lock will be perfectly declaring, for its construction, there will be 3 trimming pipes, a broken tile or ceramic tile, you can use instead:

  • Old DVDs, they will need to break;
  • Two half-andpilled plastic bottles;
  • as well as cement mortar.

Pipes need to be inserted wherever you decide to build a castle, their base must be cemented and make stone masonry. It will be the towers, the length and location of the pipes can be chosen independently.

Garden figures do it yourself

Wait for a complete burnt of the first layer of laying, it will take up to 3 days and start the next stage of work, forming the basis of the structure. When the masonry comes to the planned windows, you will need to cut a plastic bottle vertically and consolidate its halves on the pipes, continue the work until you reach the edge of the pipes.

The roof of the castle can be made of pieces of tiles by placing them as a mosaic. The castle is ready, you can build another gate, tracks and arches.

In the garden you can make a classic, but very beautiful scarecrow, it will also be very functional. Many grow different vegetables and other cultures for cottages, and birds get used to the usual scarecrow over time and cease to respond to it, it is possible to solve the problem, unusual scarecrow.

Take two rails, 1 and 2 meters long, run them crosswise, approximately 30 cm. You need to leave to arrange your head and insert so much so much. The rest of the rake will scare the body.

It needs to be bright and beautifully apparently, it is possible to use a regular furniture stapler to fasten clothes. Stuchu can make a beautiful necklace of flasks.

You can attach several inflated balloons to his hands, you will have a real beautiful security device.

If you hang the bells and banks on it, then with any dungement of the wind, they will ring hard, and the lobs and balls move, such a scarecrow will scare any uninvited guests, the scarecrow must be as close as possible to the place that needs to be protected.

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From the old automotive tire and two chocks a length of meter and 30 centimeters make a funny giraffe. Discover the tire on half to the ground, run away two chocks with the letter "g" and insert them near the tire.

Garden figures do it yourself

Ears, nose and eyes can be cut out of a plastic bottle, pull them out and attach them to the lard of the giraffe. As a tail, you can apply the nose from the old watering can, pull the resulting figure in the giraffe colors and enjoy your new friend.

From twigs and rods, left from trimming trees, you can make a beautiful deer.

Its frame can be made of well bend and durable wire, he must repeat the shape of a deer, it needs to be carefully crushed by branches, in the same way you can make any crafts for giving, at the beginning you need to make a paper sketch, and then make them out of the wire.

It is easiest to make garden figures from foam, but it crumbs greatly, so you need a sharp knife, you will need to carefully glue not only the basis, but also the edges of the blanks.

In this case, it is impossible to use conventional glue, it will destroy the foam, it will take a special adhesive for working with foam, to buy it is not difficult.

From the foam can be made a pretty garden opener. Apply on the thick sheet of the material, the sketch made in advance and gently glue the two parts of the opener.

In order to fasten the paws and wings, the duck should be cutting holes in the body, you need to insert blanks and secure them with glue.

Your workpiece is ready, before starting it to paint, you need to primarily use it, using a white putty, can be painted with acrylic paints.

As you can see, if you can reveal a little imagination, you can create any crafts for the garden, they will make it original and beautiful.

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