What can be made of plasticine do it yourself for the new year with video


This master class is about what can be made of plasticine with your own hands. Plasticine is a popular and convenient material for children's creativity, known since childhood every adult. The laying of plasticine helps mental development, contributes to abstract thinking and imagination.

What can be made of plasticine do it yourself for the new year with video

What can be made of plasticine do it yourself for the new year with video

Crafts from plasticine

From plasticine you can make many entertaining crafts and gifts for the new year, March 8 or other holidays. Mass for modeling allows you to simulate, play and overall helps the child to develop.

Modern manufacturers of goods for creativity offer various types of plasticine and masses for modeling. Today in stores you can buy plasticine for any purpose from the usual modeling and game, before modeling and creating figures for coloring (frozen weights or for firing).

What can be made of plasticine do it yourself for the new year with video

What can be made of plasticine do it yourself for the new year with video

What can be made of plasticine do it yourself for the new year with video

For fools from plasticine, food and household items are made.

What can be made of plasticine do it yourself for the new year with video

What can be made of plasticine do it yourself for the new year with video

What can be made of plasticine do it yourself for the new year with video

For puppet tea, it is easy to make a pretty cake in the glaze.

What can be made of plasticine do it yourself for the new year with video

We will need plasticine of different colors (for chocolate and berry cakes), board and tools for modeling, napkins for hands.


  1. Roll the same balls of the necessary colors;

What can be made of plasticine do it yourself for the new year with video

  1. Make a pellet from the balls (you can also roll out the plasticine and cut out the "cortiers" of the round form);

What can be made of plasticine do it yourself for the new year with video

What can be made of plasticine do it yourself for the new year with video

What can be made of plasticine do it yourself for the new year with video

  1. We collect "cake" and run sides;

What can be made of plasticine do it yourself for the new year with video

What can be made of plasticine do it yourself for the new year with video

  1. We slightly roll off plasticine, which will play the role of glazes;

What can be made of plasticine do it yourself for the new year with video

What can be made of plasticine do it yourself for the new year with video

  1. Wrap a "cake" in the "glaze", we remove everything too much and smoothed;

What can be made of plasticine do it yourself for the new year with video

What can be made of plasticine do it yourself for the new year with video

What can be made of plasticine do it yourself for the new year with video

What can be made of plasticine do it yourself for the new year with video

  1. We make "cream" - roll white plasticine in the sausage, twist and decorate the "cake";

What can be made of plasticine do it yourself for the new year with video

What can be made of plasticine do it yourself for the new year with video

What can be made of plasticine do it yourself for the new year with video

  1. Give the view of the biscuit - cut off a piece and process brown layers toothpick;

What can be made of plasticine do it yourself for the new year with video

What can be made of plasticine do it yourself for the new year with video

  1. Pieces can be decorated from above "fruit."

What can be made of plasticine do it yourself for the new year with video

From plasticine just make toy dishes: tea sets, pots, cups. The easiest - plates.

What can be made of plasticine do it yourself for the new year with video

In order to make a simple plate, you need:

  1. Make mugs from plasticine - roll the ball and flatten it, or cut the round mold from the rolled plasticine plasticine;
  1. Make recesses in skewers with the opposite end of the marker or other similar item;
  1. Slightly raise the edges in a circle;
  1. On the back side, fade Dysheko - roll out the sausage and roll it with a ring.

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What can be made of plasticine do it yourself for the new year with video

What can be made of plasticine do it yourself for the new year with video

Cups are made somewhat more complicated. One of the options is to assemble a cup of a circle, stripes and sausages. For this you need:

  1. Roll out the mass for the modeling and cut the round object of the future cup of the future cup;

What can be made of plasticine do it yourself for the new year with video

  1. Cut through the strip line (width equals the height of the cup);

What can be made of plasticine do it yourself for the new year with video

  1. Wrap the circle strip, smooth the seams, remove extra plasticine;

What can be made of plasticine do it yourself for the new year with video

  1. Range the sausage and attach in the form of a handle on the side of the cup.

What can be made of plasticine do it yourself for the new year with video

The original tea service can come from the acorns. It is worth attacking only the handles and bottoms from the plasticine and can be arranged tea drinking.

What can be made of plasticine do it yourself for the new year with video

For dishes, it is good to use a polymer clay, as it has a property to stick when drying. Clay dishes are painted with acrylic paints.

What can be made of plasticine do it yourself for the new year with video

What can be made of plasticine do it yourself for the new year with video

Plasticine pictures are very beautiful and original. They can be both smooth (plasticine is applied, swinging on the surface) and relief.

What can be made of plasticine do it yourself for the new year with video

What can be made of plasticine do it yourself for the new year with video

What can be made of plasticine do it yourself for the new year with video

The following materials and tools will be needed to create such drawings:

  • Plasticine of different colors;
  • cardboard or fabric for the basis of the picture;
  • tools for smearing;
  • board;
  • Napkins.

For starters, the background is made. For this, small pieces of selected plasticine are carefully swept. Then the cardboard gently waves the plasticine with a uniform layer. Next, you can proceed to individual items.

What can be made of plasticine do it yourself for the new year with video

Figures can be sculpt with convex, volumetric and attached to the cardboard, and can be cut out of the rolled layer of plasticine. The main thing is to fasten the elements and details on the cardboard to smooth and press. On cardboard should not be strongly speakers. When creating a plasticine pattern, you can navigate the pattern-sample, and you can invent the plot along the work.

What can be made of plasticine do it yourself for the new year with video

Another option to create paintings is to transfer the drawing to the cardboard and to deceive it along the circuits of plasticine.

What can be made of plasticine do it yourself for the new year with video

It is necessary to take into account the age and experience of the child, so for the smallest drawings with a simple plot: a snowman, a house, chickens. At the older age, the child will be able to pay more attention to the details and plot. Such an occupation will have to do with both kids and teenagers, as well as parents.

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What can be made of plasticine do it yourself for the new year with video

Store ready-made work better away from heating systems and sun rays. For reliability, they can be covered with varnish or stationery.

For the new year, crafts are made from plasticine in the form of Santa Claus and Snowman. To do this, it is enough to loose (roll) separate parts and connect them together.

What can be made of plasticine do it yourself for the new year with video

Basic figures for creating any models - ball, droplet, sausage. For convenience, it is recommended to use tools for modeling, especially when creating small parts.

What can be made of plasticine do it yourself for the new year with video

What can be made of plasticine do it yourself for the new year with video

What can be made of plasticine do it yourself for the new year with video

What can be made of plasticine do it yourself for the new year with video

What can be made of plasticine do it yourself for the new year with video

What can be made of plasticine do it yourself for the new year with video

What can be made of plasticine do it yourself for the new year with video

For a developing game, "play-to" is well fits - a special mass for modeling, which can be bought in the store or make yourself at home. With such a plasticine, it is very convenient to work: it does not leave fat spots, it is easy to knead it, it is easy to cut out the shapes from it and make different figures.

What can be made of plasticine do it yourself for the new year with video

How to play and what can be made of such plasticine, as well as several ideas on the modeling you can take note of the video selection.

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