How to cut the castle in the door with your own hands?


A man should be able to fulfill any home job: to nail the shelf, fix the crane or embed the lock on the door. All this work requires not only skillful hands, but also knowledge. Next will be given instructions on how to cut the lock on the door correctly. This process is not so complicated, but requires a certain level of preparation, which any owner of the house should have.

How to cut the castle in the door with your own hands?

Diagram of a fixing lock device.

Set of necessary elements for locking castle

In order to embed the locking element at the door from the first time correctly, without damaging the material and not deforming the surface, you need to have a necessary toolkit at hand. Do not do without a drill or screwdriver that must have a function of performing drilling. This is necessary in order to perform a hole in the door. To cut the opening of the correct shape and the desired size, you will need a set of round crowns.

How to cut the castle in the door with your own hands?

Suwald-type mortise door lock.

They are well suited for drilling a tree. You also need to have a hammer and a chisel at hand, with which the hole is easy to poll and put the device to close the doors. In order to make the necessary measurements, you will need a roulette, a ruler or centimeter. To mark the desired points on the surface of the door, you can use a simple pencil. To fix the lock, do not do without a screwdriver. That's all the basic tools that are required to perform the locking of the castle with their own hands.

Before you embed a closing mechanism, it is necessary to determine its location on the door surface. To select the maximum convenient position of the lock and handles, you should simply try to open an imaginary door while in front of the door of the door without a lock. At what level will the hand be, there and you need to do the hole to open and close it was simple and comfortable. In the event that there is a child in the family, it is necessary to install the lock slightly lower, so that the child does not have discomfort when manipulation with the lock handle. The place that was defined by the experimental way, you need to designate a pencil directly on the surface of the door. Preparatory work is over!

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Plane markup for performing work

How to cut the castle in the door with your own hands?

Cutting door lock with cylinder constipation.

The next step in the process of the insertion of the closing device is to do the hole in the door material. Before drilling, you need to determine the place where the drill with the crown should be located. To make it right, you need to take a closing mechanism yourself and determine with a roulette distance from its visible edge to the pin hole, which organizes all the operation of this device.

It is this distance from the edge of the door to be noted at the height, which was previously determined. After the space for drilling is defined, you need to select a crown for drill.

Competent selection of crowns for drill - a guarantee of quality work

The main difficulty when choosing a crown for drilling is the correct selection of its diameter. It should be wide enough so that the mechanism for closing, and is so narrow so that the hole is not noticeable due to the outer part of the latch. To do this, you need to measure the height of the visible part of the latch and take several centimeters from this distance. With this diameter of the hole, the mechanism must pass inside the space of the door, but the hole will not be noticeable under the cover of the castle case.

For those who are afraid to be mistaken in the calculations, there are special crowns that are manufactured to do the holes under the door locks. Typically, such crowns are sold in a set of 2 tools of different diameter. After the necessary measurements of the diameter of the hole are made, you can proceed to drilling. In the process of drilling there is one trick that allows you to work qualitatively. To do this, drill not on the one hand, but on both. First we drill to the middle of one side, then another. So the hole will be as smooth as possible and smooth.

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How to cut hole hole in the end?

After the hole on the plane was cut, you should do the same in the door of the door. In this space, the mechanism itself will be inserted to close the door, so it is necessary to make a hole neatly and carefully. The crown of the drill must be sent in such a way that it turns out to be exactly in the middle of the door end. The size of the crown must be selected according to the principle similar to the process of selecting the diameter of the hole on the surface. In order for the locking of the castle to be considered complete, you need to make another little barcode. It is required to do a little deepening so that the latch can be completely hidden in the end. If this is not done, it can cling to the door jamb, which will create problems with the door opening.

Then it is necessary to insert a closing mechanism and circle all its visible part with a simple pencil. After that, the latch can be pulled out. Now you need to smear the emptiness inside the door using the chisel. The deepening, which should be obtained as a result of this work, should be sufficient to accurately accommodate the outer plate. You need to perform this work as closely as possible, since too much empty space can spoil the door, and the mechanism will be fused. Therefore, it is desirable to have experience with the chisel.

Installing the lock in the hole

How to cut the castle in the door with your own hands?

Door handle button with lacking overlays.

When all holes and recesses are ready, you can move to the final part - installation of the lock. It is very important not to be mistaken when installing the door lock. At first it may seem that there is no difference between the sides of the locking device. However, if it is equipped with a stopper, then this difference is. The lock sticks most often really rotate in both directions, but the stopper works only in one. Therefore, it is necessary that it be directed towards the end. The stopper can be controlled using the key or separate latch.

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Locking hole hole in the door jamb

The main thing is not to forget that the hole for the latch tongue should be on the door jamb. To make it properly, you need to start the measurements after the castle was embedded, and the door herself hangs on the loop. This hole must be where the tongue rests on the door jamb. The depth of the opening must be no less than the lock tongue. Make a deepening in the door jamb is more convenient with the help of the chisel.

Each man should know how to embed the castle inside the door on its own.

Of course, many would have trust this matter a professional, but it is always more pleasant to fulfill difficult work. Then the result will give the present pleasure, and a person will receive invaluable experience.

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