How to make a volcano from plasticine with your own hands at home with video


Young researchers will probably interest how to make a volcano from plasticine with their own hands. Crafts of the volcano can be both static and acting. For static enough to reproduce with the help of plasticine, the appearance of the "smoking" mountain. The acting handicraft will look much more spectacular and entertaining.

How to make a volcano from plasticine with your own hands at home with video

The model of the acting volcano will interest not only schoolchildren, but also young children. Perhaps the modeling and testing of the volcano will break in interest in geology, geography and chemistry.

How to make a volcano from plasticine with your own hands at home with video

How to make a volcano from plasticine with your own hands at home with video

Getting to craft

At home, the acting volcano is very simple. For the surface of the volcano, not only plasticine, but also salted dough or paper can be used. The main secret is the chemical interaction of soda and vinegar. So that the process of "eruption" was more interesting, you can add a natural dye. But first things first. Initially, it should be understood as a real volcano arranged.

Before the start of the crafts, it is recommended to consider together with children pictures and diagrams of the volcano structure, as well as documentary photos. After all, such a project is not so much developing imagination and motility as cognitive. Children can learn a lot about the structure of the earth and natural phenomena.

Here is the main circuit of the volcano in the context:

How to make a volcano from plasticine with your own hands at home with video

As can be seen from the drawing, Magma rises by a thin jerle before getting out and become a lava. Therefore, in order for the experience with the volcano to be at home, you need to create the same conditions: a wide tank for "magma" and a narrow neck as a taper.

The most convenient to design a home volcano from plasticine and bottles. In addition to these materials, you will also need:

  • plywood or dense cardboard of large format (approximately 50 × 50 cm or more);
  • acrylic paints and brushes;
  • Scotch;
  • dishwashing liquid;
  • soda;
  • Food dye (red or orange color);
  • vinegar.

Plywood is needed for the base. It can be replaced by an unnecessary pelvis, pallet or tray. The main thing is that the size of the volcano does not exceed the size of the base. The mountain should rise by about 20 cm from the edges of plywood.

How to make a volcano from plasticine with your own hands at home with video

Consider the process of creating a volcano phased.

  1. We form the "Zherlo" of the volcano. To do this, you need a bottle that can be used entirely or reduce to the desired size (depends on the height of the future volcano).

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To create a small model it is better to cut a bottle, i.e. Cut the upper part with the neck and the bottom with the bottom and combine these two parts with the help of a tape. After that, the bottle can be fixed on all sides in the center of the base also scotch.

  1. We begin to sculpt the mountain. For this, most likely, there will be a lot of plasticine. You can collect all the remnants, turn on the total mass of spoiled plasticine, old figures. The color of the volcano should be brown, gray and black, so the mixing of several colors will just give the desired shade. Before modeling it, it is better to spin very well.

The formation of the mountain begins bottom. First, the base is fixed, and then gradually gradually, plasticine is applied by layers. Volcano should not necessarily be perfectly smooth, as if removed from the potter's circle. On the contrary, relief and irregularities will give more realism. You can even make the gutter, for which the "Magma" will be fluffing.

Here are some photos of volcanoes made of plasticine:

How to make a volcano from plasticine with your own hands at home with video

How to make a volcano from plasticine with your own hands at home with video

How to make a volcano from plasticine with your own hands at home with video

How to make a volcano from plasticine with your own hands at home with video

From above, when the plasticine mountain is ready, you can make a imitation of flowing lava. This requires yellow, orange and red plasticine. The pieces are connected in one lump, but do not mix so that multicolored divorces are visible.

How to make a volcano from plasticine with your own hands at home with video

At the end, the cracker can be treated with stacks and paint paint if desired.

  1. Coloring the Fanur with acrylic paints around the volcano, make the landscape. To do this, you can use ready-made models of dinosaurs, palm trees, trees.
  1. After the exercise dries, you can proceed to the test. For this, the following mixture is done:
  • 1 tbsp. Spoon products for washing dishes;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon soda;
  • A few drops (5-10) of a liquid food dye.

The resulting mixture is pouring into a volcano through a funnel. After that, vinegar is added to Zherlo, and the chemical reaction begins. Vinegar must be added gradually until the reaction begins (foam does not appear). With a volume of a bottle of 2 liters, it is necessary to pour ¾ glass of vinegar.

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How to make a volcano from plasticine with your own hands at home with video

If there is no liquid dye, you can use dry, but then it must be dissolved in vinegar. This is an additional component to give foam the color of the lava. For a simple experiment, you can do without a dye.

How to make a volcano from plasticine with your own hands at home with video

The volcano layout can be an excellent project for a school exhibition or a homework in geography. It can be used to demonstrate eruptions or as an exhibition exhibit.

How to make a volcano from plasticine with your own hands at home with video

At home, children can play with such a volcano in the Mesozoic Era, when dinosaurs went on the ground, and the volcanic eruption was familiar.

How to make a volcano from plasticine with your own hands at home with video

How to make a volcano from plasticine with your own hands at home with video

How to make a volcano from plasticine with your own hands at home with video

About how the plasticine volcano acts, you can see in a selection of video.

Video on the topic

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