Book of book: master class with photo and video


On the eve of any holiday, I want to make a gift to your beloved sister or mom. Not every person loves dear gifts, so the box of the book can serve as an excellent alternative.

Book of book: master class with photo and video

Book of book: master class with photo and video

Book of book: master class with photo and video

Simple lesson

The process of making a box from the book can be traced on the example of a master class with a photo.

In order to make such a casket, you will need a book, glue, a stationery knife, a ruler and a pencil.

Book of book: master class with photo and video

The first step is separating the first page from all other sheets. Most often, this sheet is glued to the bellows of the book.

Book of book: master class with photo and video

We apply this sheet to the crust. On the main part with the help of the line, we separate two cm of the edges on each side.

Book of book: master class with photo and video

Next, very carefully cut with the help of a stationery knife to the middle. The cutting process will take a lot of time, patience and forces. Most of all it is worth paying attention to the corners of the box. Cut through their harder. Every forty-pages need to redo the frame so that it turns out to be smoother.

Book of book: master class with photo and video

The next step needs to strengthen the pages. In this case, PVA glue, brush, two A4 sheets.

Book of book: master class with photo and video

Under the books of the book, you need to put the sheet to the back wall of the casket.

Book of book: master class with photo and video

Loose with each piece of glue. Work is very painstaking.

Book of book: master class with photo and video

We also miss the casket and inside the book.

Book of book: master class with photo and video

The next step will need to cover all the pages of the book by the second white sheet and put it a heavy thing on it. To dry up the book should almost a whole night, but if you need to make a casket as quickly as possible, then for drying it will take about four hours. After drying, remove the top sheet.

Book of book: master class with photo and video

Book of book: master class with photo and video

The top sheet, which we removed from the very beginning, should be glued here in this way, as shown in the photo.

Book of book: master class with photo and video

Now we have already passed more than half, the next step will be decorating the casket. Printing the top sheet is needed so that the cover does not hang. Take the most common sheet of white paper for the A4 printer, doubt into a small ball.

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Book of book: master class with photo and video

Now we deploy the sheet.

Book of book: master class with photo and video

The back of the box is best losing with glue, except the root.

Book of book: master class with photo and video

Next you need to stick the crumpled sheet. We do this in this way: the paper covers the root, leave some paper around the edges. In general, the book should be in the center of the face.

Book of book: master class with photo and video

Now make small cuts. The edges need to be wrapped as shown in the photo and glue them to the cover.

Book of book: master class with photo and video

From corrugated cardboard, cut out a small rhombission and glue it to the center to the top of the casket.

Book of book: master class with photo and video

Book of book: master class with photo and video

Next, we welt glue and the second part of the cover and glue the second sheet of crumpled paper. We do it in the same way as the first.

Book of book: master class with photo and video

The edges glue the casket. Spine lubricate glue and glue paper to it. Remains need to be hidden or trimmed.

Book of book: master class with photo and video

Book of book: master class with photo and video

To the back crust of the books glue a book leaf. Also applied on the contour.

Book of book: master class with photo and video

Attach the satin ribbon to the bottom of the book. The inner part of the casket is also gluable with mint paper.

Book of book: master class with photo and video

Take acrylic paint, brush, piece of foam sponge. It will be needed for painting the lid.

Book of book: master class with photo and video

Carefully apply paint on paper protrusions. Do it need very careful movements.

Book of book: master class with photo and video

Crouch the root of the book. This can be done with stamping movements.

Book of book: master class with photo and video

We glue the tissue on the box.

Book of book: master class with photo and video

We decorate the top cover at your own request.

Book of book: master class with photo and video

Use satin ribbons and beads, you can glue everything to super glue.

Book of book: master class with photo and video

Then we make the flower in the Origami technique and stick it to the center of the podium.

Book of book: master class with photo and video

Seams we stick off satin ribbon. You can add beads.

Book of book: master class with photo and video

Video on the topic

We offer a selection of video lessons, where it is shown how to make a casket from the book with your own hands.

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