How to make a house from plasticine for dolls do it yourself with photos and videos


Surely many children will like the master class on how to make a house from plasticine. "Building" at home will be an interesting game in itself. Children will be able to learn from what and how the house is made, and show fantasy in design and architecture. Such an exercise can be a decoration or element of the game. Having learned to make plasticine houses, you can design whole streets and create cities for toys and dolls at home.

If it is planned to keep the construction for a long time and often play with it, it is better to use a polymer clay that freezes in the air. In any case, it is better to take ordinary plasticine for a test craft.

How to make a house from plasticine for dolls do it yourself with photos and videos

Small house

The house can be squeal in different ways and using various materials - boxes, bottles, glass cans, seashells, pebbles, etc.

The easiest way is out of the box. To do this, you will need:

  • Plasticine set;
  • small box;
  • cardboard (for roof);
  • stacks;
  • Board for modeling.

How to make a house from plasticine for dolls do it yourself with photos and videos

The box will play the role of the house frame for the house completely or the role of the base for the walls. The roof can serve as a part of the box, for example, in a box of milk (yogurt, kefir), you should only trim the upper "scallop" and cut triangular parts (they open such a box through these places). Also, the roof can be folded from a sheet of cardboard or foam.

How to make a house from plasticine for dolls do it yourself with photos and videos


  1. Weching a piece of plasticine, for example, brown, roll the ball from it and roll well;

How to make a house from plasticine for dolls do it yourself with photos and videos

  1. A stack cut out from rolled plasticized plastic in the size of the "walls" (only 4 layers);

How to make a house from plasticine for dolls do it yourself with photos and videos

  1. Plasticize all the walls of the house, smear and smooth out the seams;

How to make a house from plasticine for dolls do it yourself with photos and videos

How to make a house from plasticine for dolls do it yourself with photos and videos

  1. For the roof, it is possible to prepare several balls and flatten into oblong pellets;

How to make a house from plasticine for dolls do it yourself with photos and videos

  1. Gently stick to the roof of the roof rows (the next row overlaps the previous one);

How to make a house from plasticine for dolls do it yourself with photos and videos

  1. From both sides, take the triangular lumens with a plate with a plate of the same form slightly larger size (for smoothing the seams), on top of laying a sausage;

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How to make a house from plasticine for dolls do it yourself with photos and videos

  1. Reduce the walls with a stack under a brick;

How to make a house from plasticine for dolls do it yourself with photos and videos

  1. Make the door from the pellet, to decorate the stack and plasticine and stick to the wall of the house;

How to make a house from plasticine for dolls do it yourself with photos and videos

How to make a house from plasticine for dolls do it yourself with photos and videos

  1. Make square windows from blue plasticine and shutters and glue to home;

How to make a house from plasticine for dolls do it yourself with photos and videos

How to make a house from plasticine for dolls do it yourself with photos and videos

Instead of plasticine layers, you can use strutted sausages. Then the log cabin can get.

How to make a house from plasticine for dolls do it yourself with photos and videos

How to make a house from plasticine for dolls do it yourself with photos and videos

How to make a house from plasticine for dolls do it yourself with photos and videos

How to make a house from plasticine for dolls do it yourself with photos and videos

For dolls as home, it is also best to take a box (for example, from under shoes), but the arrangement of the room (furniture, carpets, paintings, dishes) can be loosened from plasticine.

How to make a house from plasticine for dolls do it yourself with photos and videos

How to make a house from plasticine for dolls do it yourself with photos and videos

How to make a house from plasticine for dolls do it yourself with photos and videos

The house can be "folded" and from individual items. To do this, cut out from cardboard wall and roof. The prepared elements are decorated with plasticine (a stack is made of brickwork, plasticine windows and doors are glued) and connected with each other. Stop the construction recommended on the old CD disc, it is also necessary to decorate the plasticine.

How to make a house from plasticine for dolls do it yourself with photos and videos

How to make a house from plasticine for dolls do it yourself with photos and videos

How to make a house from plasticine for dolls do it yourself with photos and videos

How to make a house from plasticine for dolls do it yourself with photos and videos

As a base, you can also use a sleeve from toilet paper. The roof is made from a cardboard cone. It may turn out a cute muma-house.

How to make a house from plasticine for dolls do it yourself with photos and videos

How to make a house from plasticine for dolls do it yourself with photos and videos

Beautiful fabulous house can be made of holistic plasticine pieces. To do this, you will need:

  • Plasticine of different colors (white, brown, green, red);
  • stacks;
  • ball pen;
  • Board for modeling.

How to make a house from plasticine for dolls do it yourself with photos and videos


  1. It is good to stretch white plasticine and form a cube from it (you need to use stacks);

How to make a house from plasticine for dolls do it yourself with photos and videos

  1. From brown plasticine with a knife for modeling to form a triangle of the same size (width and length), like a white cube;

How to make a house from plasticine for dolls do it yourself with photos and videos

  1. Roll a few small brown plasticine balls;

How to make a house from plasticine for dolls do it yourself with photos and videos

  1. Split balls, stick to their rows to the roofs of the roof (the next row should cover the previous one);

How to make a house from plasticine for dolls do it yourself with photos and videos

  1. For more similarities with a tiled, make each stalk with a stack, as well as draw wooden boards from two sides of the roof;

How to make a house from plasticine for dolls do it yourself with photos and videos

  1. Connect the roof with the walls;

How to make a house from plasticine for dolls do it yourself with photos and videos

  1. From brown plasticine roll harness, flatten it and cut small stripes, decorate them corners and seams between the roof and walls;

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How to make a house from plasticine for dolls do it yourself with photos and videos

  1. Glue the windows made from sausages and the door of the pellet;

How to make a house from plasticine for dolls do it yourself with photos and videos

  1. Give the door to the glass "Wooden" view and make a small handle;

How to make a house from plasticine for dolls do it yourself with photos and videos

  1. Around the perimeter from the bottom to attach the house of the green sausage and give the texture with a ballpoint handle;

How to make a house from plasticine for dolls do it yourself with photos and videos

  1. Decorate the "flowerbed" with red balls;

How to make a house from plasticine for dolls do it yourself with photos and videos

  1. Make a small arcamous visor above the door.

How to make a house from plasticine for dolls do it yourself with photos and videos

House ready!

How to make a house from plasticine for dolls do it yourself with photos and videos

The smallest can also "build" their own hands. For this, the principle of applications is used.

How to make a house from plasticine for dolls do it yourself with photos and videos

Necessary materials:

  • plasticine;
  • cardboard;
  • pencil and ruler;
  • Paint and brushes.


  1. On the cardboard schematically (square and triangle) depict the house;
  1. To smoke pieces of plasticine in hand and start gramnogo to evenly apply plasticine to cardboard, sticking to the contours of the pattern;

How to make a house from plasticine for dolls do it yourself with photos and videos

How to make a house from plasticine for dolls do it yourself with photos and videos

  1. When the base of the house (walls and roof) is filled with plasticine, you can proceed to decorative elements: Make windows, doors, decorate the house, designate tile and brick (log) masonry;

How to make a house from plasticine for dolls do it yourself with photos and videos

  1. Coloring paints cardboard around, making a background for the house (draw a landscape).

How to make a house from plasticine for dolls do it yourself with photos and videos

How to make a house from plasticine for dolls do it yourself with photos and videos

You can dream and blind various houses from BRUSEV (rod plasticine sausages), "brick" (from small rectangular pieces) or real pebbles (plasticine as "cement").

How to make a house from plasticine for dolls do it yourself with photos and videos

How to make a house from plasticine for dolls do it yourself with photos and videos

You can familiarize yourself with the master classes on the video.

Video on the topic

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