Original plastic bottle curtains


So you started repair, but you really do not have great financial opportunities. Question: What to do? For a start, you should not panic, because, as you know, the human mind is very inquired and curious. Recently, modern society is increasingly and more often used in everyday life. For example, you drank mineral water that bought in the store. But do not rush to get rid of empty containers. Now and plastic bottles can be used secondary.

Original plastic bottle curtains

Plastic Bottles Curtains

Plastic Bottle Handmade

So, plastic bottles can be used in needlework in order to produce the most beautiful curtains in the world, which are presented in the photo below. Did you like the idea? Let's try to consider stages, how to make such curtains?

  1. We buy mineral or any other water.
  2. Bottles do not throw out, and mine and dry them. Now collect them until the collection is replenished until the desired volume.
  3. We choose the Tyason of future curtains.
  4. We carry out work on the preparation of the workplace, we harvest stencils, ensure the necessary construction tools and other gadgets.
  5. Now you will need only time. Start performing work in the sequence, according to the scheme.

The photo below shows the most sought-after curtains from plastic bottles.

Original plastic bottle curtains

Unusual curtains for home

What is the unusual and functionality of such work? Of course, the first thing that is worth noting is the simplicity of playback. Now you do not have to resort to professional assistance masters, all you need is a little imagination, well, or free access to the Internet. Secondly, you do not waste the family budget, for example, as if you decide to buy ready-made glass or fabric curtains.

Plastic bottles are distinguished by the possibility of playing light, provided that the rule will be served as a light source. It is important to say that such a source can be both natural and artificial origin. In the photo we see just a similar light effect. Is it really remarkable? And you have the opportunity to create at home such beauty, such unusual curtains.

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Original plastic bottle curtains

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any other material, plastic bottles also have certain advantages and negative sides.

First, the curtains from bottles are very durable and can be operated for a pretty long time. Secondly, such curtains can be painted (a completely any color tint). Thirdly, they are easily cleaned, for example, you can use the shower jet or just a damp cloth wipe all pollution. Of course, you should not forget that plastic bottles, like all plastic, have a negative side - toxicity, and this is how we know with you, dangerous to health.

Original plastic bottle curtains


If you have conceived to conduct innovations on the territory of your home, we boldly use plastic bottles. Thanks to their unusual forms, numerous color gammams of the cavity inside (for example, you can put beads or other elements for decor) the walls of your house can be transformed for the better. On the Internet you can find the most unusual options, and, of course, such curtains will become a real highlight of your home.

Original plastic bottle curtains

Some things sometimes just need to look in a new way, so dare - and you will get a lot of positive emotions.


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