How to glue washable wallpapers: work technology (video)


The modern market is replete with many types of wallpaper, which sometimes makes the process of choosing very complex. Materials are different from each other with a structure, pattern, color, as well as texture.

How to glue washable wallpapers: work technology (video)

Preparation of walls to shook wallpaper ..

Some types of coatings are permissible to apply exclusively in residential premises, while others can be laid even in those rooms whose conditions are characterized by increased humidity. But if you need to be resistant to abrasion and moisture effects, it is necessary to prefer washable wallpapers, among which vinyl materials.

In the production process of such wallpapers, an artificial polymer is used. Washing vinyl coatings can have any texture, relief and color, which acts as the main advantage. If we consider the advantages over the rest of the wallpaper, you can select the ability to expose them with wet cleaning.

However, there are also disadvantages, and the main of them is air-resistant.

How to glue washable wallpapers: work technology (video)

Wallpaper sticking circuit in corners.

This means that condensate can accumulate under the cannut, which enhanced the appearance of mold. In order to avoid unpleasant consequences, certain rules should be followed in the process of placing the room with washing wallpaper. One of the rules implies the use of special glue, which includes antibacterial agents.

There is another way that will avoid the appearance of the fungus under the surface of the wallpaper, it consists in using washable wallpapers, which have a special coating equipped with micropores, it is they helping from the side of the room not to skip moisture, and from the back side provide the ability to breathe.

In addition to the fact that the washable wallpaper easily undergo wet cleaning, they are extremely elastic, which is good when shrinking a new house, whose apartments sometimes do not advise to make repairs during the first year after putting it into operation.

Vinyl washable Wallpaper It is recommended to use in those rooms that need additional sound insulation, since such material acts as a good sound absorber, which is due to the use of a darous material, which is perfectly delaying sound.

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Tools and materials

How to glue washable wallpapers: work technology (video)

Required tools: scissors, stepladder, bucket, brush, spatula, sponge, rag and others.

  • Brush for priming and applying adhesive composition;
  • roller, which is useful when rolling;
  • The spatula required for smoothing the canvases;
  • roulette;
  • level;
  • line;
  • Scotch;
  • Cotton rag;
  • soft sponge;
  • scissors;
  • knife;
  • Brush for applying glue in seriously available places and plots that are unbearable with a massive roller.

Technology work with washing wallpaper

How to glue washable wallpapers: work technology (video)

Treatment of places of climbing wallpaper to power plates.

Despite the fact that the washable wallpaper have a rather dense structure, which allows them to cope well with the irregularities and defects of the base, it is preferable to handle the wall with putty, and then clean. After the canvases are cut, they should be withstanding for a few minutes, only after it can be processed to their gluing.

Washing tight wallpaper is better glued to join. Initially, the surface using liquid glue should be processed, which can be replaced by primer with the action of deep penetration, after the surface should be treated with a special composition warning the appearance of mold, despite the fact that glue with the appropriate additives of the same action will be used.

After drying, the primer should determine the vertical, according to which the first wallpaper can be paste. As a reference, it is better to use a plumb method, as it is most convenient.

The surface before sticking the wallpaper should be dry. From old wallpapers before the pasting process, it is necessary to get rid of, cracks should be sharpened, and to align the surface.

In order to determine whether the walls are sufficient enough to stick the wallpaper, it follows to the surface to glue a small piece of polyethylene. If after night there is no humidity on it, then the surface is ready for the beginning of the pasting process.

How to glue washable wallpapers: work technology (video)

Application of glue on the wallpaper.

Surface strength is also very important. This can be determined by gluing a piece of scotch on the surface, after which it should be treated with sharply. If old paint or plaster remains on its surface, it means that the surface must be delivered from old coatings. Make sure that there are no drafts in the room of the walls in the room.

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When sticking the canvas, it is necessary to ensure that the adhesive composition does not fall on the base of the face of the wallpaper. After swelling the wallpaper glue, it should be left for 10 minutes. Then it must be applied to the wall, additionally glue can be applied to wallpaper. After the wallpaper is dried, you can open windows and doors to ventilate the room.

For some masters, there is a particularly difficult task that the wallpaper is becoming increasingly available places, as for the plinth and space under the ceiling, as well as in the corners and near the heating pipes, no exception to the areas around sockets and switches.

Near the baseboard canvas should be attached to the jack between it and the wall surface. If the bottom remains, it should be trimmed and pasted the strip from above, which will allow you to close the upper area of ​​the plinth. In order to get a more aesthetic effect, before starting the bed of the room, the plinth should be dismantled, and after the completion of the work it will be possible to set it to its former place.

Features of sticking washable wallpaper

How to glue washable wallpapers: work technology (video)

Stowing wallpaper on the ceiling.

Sticking the wallpaper in the corners, the allowances should be left, equal to a little greater width than the depth of the niche. After the allowances it is necessary to make cuts at the bottom and upper parts, so that the ability to bend wallpaper for an angle appears.

Bypass the wallpaper, the battery follows in a special way: for the radiator it is not necessary to go more than 20 cm. The area of ​​the walls hidden behind the batteries can not be accumulated at all, it is permissible to cover the wall of the wall in the color of the wallpaper. In those places where sockets and switches are installed, the wallpaper does not need to be cut, they must be attached to the holes. After drying, the adhesive will have to cut holes, giving them the shape of sockets and switches.

The washable wallpapers, made on the basis of solid vinyl, although they have a more significant weight even in a dry form compared to the rest of the wallpaper, but it is easier to glue them, since it is unusual to swell from the applied adhesive composition. The density of such a material has an increased, which is why there will be a complete exclusion of the walls of the wall through the canvas, which allows glue similar wallpaper directly to the concrete surface, which can be previously and not painted.

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After the cloth is attached, it follows it to press it to drive out bubbles. It is noteworthy that the washable wallpaper is so elastic that it is permissible to disconnect from the surface several times, if it did not work out perfectly combine the joints from the first time. Only after they turned out to be combined, they can be carefully stroke the roller. The adolescent calendar should not happen, it will allow forment of inconspicuous seams. The glue mix must have a reinforced formula so that dense wallpaper was held on the wall.

Such coatings can be glued on any surfaces, including dry-fiber, concrete, plaster, aerated concrete, and prefabricated panels, but this is not a complete list. Other types of wallpapers that are unacceptable subject to wet cleaning, much faster need to be replaced. After all, sometimes a small stain can spoil the whole interior. The duration of operation of such coatings may be equal to 15 years, while the surface of the wallpaper will not lose its qualities. But in case of repair, they will be easily removed.

After placing the room with washing wallpaper, you will receive not only an exquisite interior, but also the possibility of washing the surface of the walls, which in the conditions of a dusty and ridden city especially relevant.

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