How to make a horse from plasticine stages: master class with photos and video


This article on how to make a horse from plasticine. A horse is an elegant and a noble animal that both adults like and children. This is a symbol of power and hard work.

How to make a horse from plasticine stages: master class with photos and video

To make a plasticine horse in different ways using matches or toothpicks for stability or without them. Realistic models are made on the basis of a metal frame so that the horse is resistant to thin legs.

Ditcher horses can be made as a souvenir or for the game (you can also make a rider).

How to make a horse from plasticine stages: master class with photos and video

Lepim the horse

The master class contains several models and methods of a horse modeling, from simple to complex.

A simple horse model is made using stacks from plasticine bar, such as brown, and matches. Also need plasticine for the mane, hoofs, eye.

How to make a horse from plasticine stages: master class with photos and video


  1. From a small ball to form an ellipse (you can combine and smooth two balls) is a blank for the head;

How to make a horse from plasticine stages: master class with photos and video

  1. Made of brown, white and black pellets make triangular ears and eyes and attach to the head, a stack or match to make nostrils;

How to make a horse from plasticine stages: master class with photos and video

  1. Roll a big piece of plasticine in oval (body of a horse) and on one side insert a match;

How to make a horse from plasticine stages: master class with photos and video

  1. Wrap a match with enough plasticine to get the neck, and attach the finished head;

How to make a horse from plasticine stages: master class with photos and video

  1. Range four identical sausages (legs) and attach them to the body, smooth;
  1. To each leg add on black cake - hoofs;

How to make a horse from plasticine stages: master class with photos and video

  1. Range out of yellow or white plasticine thin flavors and make the mane from them (stick with rows and on each other).

How to make a horse from plasticine stages: master class with photos and video

Horse ready!

How to make a horse from plasticine stages: master class with photos and video

How to make a horse from plasticine stages: master class with photos and video

An elegant horse can be made of white and brown plasticine.

How to make a horse from plasticine stages: master class with photos and video


  1. Start from plasticine blanks, as in the photo:

How to make a horse from plasticine stages: master class with photos and video

  1. To the oval torso to connect the cone legs, neck and head, smooth out (it is important that the horse stood on all four legs and did not fall);

How to make a horse from plasticine stages: master class with photos and video

  1. Brown balls flatten and attach to legs in the form of hooves;

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How to make a horse from plasticine stages: master class with photos and video

  1. Attach a smooth arcuate tail;

How to make a horse from plasticine stages: master class with photos and video

  1. From thin sausages (it is possible to use a garberody) to fold the mane, not forgetting by bangs;

How to make a horse from plasticine stages: master class with photos and video

  1. On the muzzle to make eyes from black and white pellets;

How to make a horse from plasticine stages: master class with photos and video

  1. Stack cutting mouth.

How to make a horse from plasticine stages: master class with photos and video

Such a horse can be decorated with bows or make a saddle for her.

Slopim is a beautiful white horse in the "apples". For this, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • Plasticine beige and orange colors;
  • stacks;
  • Board for modeling.

You can take other combined colors (white and brown, yellow and orange, etc.).

For the peephole, it will take some white and black plasticine. You can also use beads or beads.

How to make a horse:

  1. Rock and prepare the necessary parts of the horses: torso, head, neck, four legs, hoofs, mane, tail and "apples";

How to make a horse from plasticine stages: master class with photos and video

  1. We connect the cone-shaped head with the neck and attach it to the body, smooth;
  1. Split orange balls for hoofs, connect them with carrots and attach them to the body, smoothed;
  1. Attach the tail;

How to make a horse from plasticine stages: master class with photos and video

  1. Sausages - billets for the mane - cut the desired length and put in a row on the neck from the head to the back (also do not forget about bangs);
  1. Flatten small balls and glit to the body in an arbitrary order (apples turned out);

How to make a horse from plasticine stages: master class with photos and video

  1. We make eyes from white and black plasticine, cut the stack of mouth, nostrils, process the tail.

How to make a horse from plasticine stages: master class with photos and video

Horse is ready!

How to make a horse from plasticine stages: master class with photos and video

A more complex and elegant model is recommended to sculpt from sculptural plasticine or clay. Sculptured plasticine is better holding a form, hardly hardened in the cold air. At the same time, he is elastic, it's nice to work with him.

So, the following materials and tools will be needed:

  • Sculptural plasticine of black, green or olive color;
  • stacks;
  • Sketch for modeling.

We will describe in stages, how to do:

  1. Roll a big ball of plasticine;

How to make a horse from plasticine stages: master class with photos and video

  1. Split plasticine into two equal parts;

How to make a horse from plasticine stages: master class with photos and video

  1. Roll out of each part the same in width and length of sausages;

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How to make a horse from plasticine stages: master class with photos and video

  1. Divide each sausage on 6 equal parts;

How to make a horse from plasticine stages: master class with photos and video

  1. One of the 12 parts of the common parts to divide in half;

How to make a horse from plasticine stages: master class with photos and video

  1. Distribute all the pieces in parts of the horse's body: four on the torso, four on their feet, half on the head, one and a half pieces on the neck, one on the mane and tail;

How to make a horse from plasticine stages: master class with photos and video

  1. Cut the head: roll the ellipse and slightly sharpening at the end;

How to make a horse from plasticine stages: master class with photos and video

  1. From pieces for neck to form a wide crescent;

How to make a horse from plasticine stages: master class with photos and video

  1. Connect the pieces for the body together and roll into a thick roller;

How to make a horse from plasticine stages: master class with photos and video

  1. Make the elongated legs of the same length (should be dried down);

How to make a horse from plasticine stages: master class with photos and video

  1. Connect your head with the neck and combine the whole design with the torso;

How to make a horse from plasticine stages: master class with photos and video

  1. Glue legs;

How to make a horse from plasticine stages: master class with photos and video

  1. Shut down and smooth all seams;

How to make a horse from plasticine stages: master class with photos and video

  1. From the remaining pieces to make blanks for ears, mane and tail;

How to make a horse from plasticine stages: master class with photos and video

  1. Attach all the remaining parts, smeared and handle stack;

How to make a horse from plasticine stages: master class with photos and video

  1. Give a horse the required position (bend your legs, turn your head).

How to make a horse from plasticine stages: master class with photos and video

For convenience, you can start the carriage with a simple framework from the wire: it must be sealed with plasticine, give the shape of a horse and modify the stack.

How to make a horse from plasticine stages: master class with photos and video

How to make a horse from plasticine stages: master class with photos and video

How to make a horse from plasticine stages: master class with photos and video

How to make a horse from plasticine stages: master class with photos and video

How to make a horse from plasticine stages: master class with photos and video

How to make a horse from plasticine stages: master class with photos and video

How to make a horse from plasticine stages: master class with photos and video

How to make a horse from plasticine stages: master class with photos and video

How to make a horse from plasticine stages: master class with photos and video

How to make a horse from plasticine stages: master class with photos and video

How to make a horse from plasticine stages: master class with photos and video

Read more, how to make a plasticine horse, you can choose a video.

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