Decor of lamps and proper lighting


Decor of lamps and proper lighting

Proper lighting in the room and the unusual decor of the lamps and the unusual decor of the lamps are half a good interior design. Poorly selected lamps, or located not in those places are capable of the best designer concept. To create a stylish and elegant interior, the correct lighting is of great importance. In addition to external beauty, there are also requirements for the illumination of the room, prescribed in the bottom, which must be observed in the design and design of the interior. For, no good design without functionality.

How to create proper indoor lighting

How does the right lighting of the room begins? It depends on the purpose of the premises. The specifics of the premises should be taken into account: there are sconces in the bedroom with sides of the bed. A small night light is appreciated in the design of a nursery - some children are afraid of darkness. Additional highlighting of the workplace: a table lamp on a desk or desktop lighting in the kitchen. Lighting the hallway and corridor, it is necessary to take into account the area and shape of these premises. In a long and narrow corridor, it may be appropriate to abandon the upper lamps and replace them on the sconium along the wall. If you pick up such lamps, whatever the light is directed to the wall - you can visually expand the corridor.

Using the correct lighting of the premises, you can not only make the interior beautiful and comfortable, but also visually eliminate the lack of planning.

Decor of lamps and proper lighting

How to create proper lighting in the living room

In the living room can not do without central lighting. Take care carefully to the selection of chandeliers - it should not be overly cumbersome for this room. The light directed into the ceiling will optically increase the height of the ceiling. Now it is possible to use LED lighting, including, and as a central, upper light. One of the uses of LED lighting is the use of LED tape. Such lighting can be used as lighting over the cornice - either in a complex suspended ceiling, or for decorative stucco, along the perimeter of the room. When using this type of lighting, you can completely abandon the central chandelier.

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Decor of lamps and proper lighting

In addition to the upper light, there is a good light in the living room. Local lighting can be functional or decorative. Decorative additional lighting is used to underline architectural details. An example of such lighting can be called the backlight of the niche.

Decor lamps do it yourself

Deciding with the number and location of light sources, you can start the selection of lamps. The style used in the interior is advantageously emphasized the decor of the lamps. With a huge variety of selection of lamps in stores, there are cases that choose a lamp to a particular interior. The decor of the lamps can be a way out of such a situation. The use of copyright luminaires will make the interior unique, the nuances of the room will emphasize. And if you do a lamp yourself, it may allow you to save money. Come up with the form and shape of the lamp, and all electrical fittings can be easily purchased in stores engaged in electricity.

For decoration of lamps, you can use a variety of materials:

  • paper;
  • wire;
  • Fabric for decor of lamps;
  • a variety of beads;
  • natural materials;
  • Kids toys;
  • Old objects.

The choice of materials depends only on your imagination and interior style.

Decor of the lamp in oriental styled wire

For the decor of such a lamp you will need:

  • Thin wire (copper);
  • Beads for the decor of the lamp;
  • lamp;
  • Balloon;

Wire can be bought in the store for needlework. Beads of colored glass of different sizes or small pendants - you can take glass pendants from the old chandelier. In stores sell ready-made blanks for chandeliers: wire, cartridge and cup already in the assembled form, it remains only to make a ceiling.

Decor of lamps and proper lighting

Take a balloon, inflate it. Then you need to ride on the wire beads in random order. And then start neatly, so as not to damage the ball, wrap it with it, as if you shake a tangle of threads. You don't need to wind well - the lamp will be heavy. Distribute beads. Cut the wire, and hide the end under the coil. Along the edge of the lamp lap with wire hooks, grind glass suspensions. Such chandelier is well suited for a room decorated in Chinese or Japanese style.

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Decor lamp "Butterflies"

We have to:

  • Round lampshade with 2 pair circles for decoration of the lamp;
  • scissors;
  • decorative chain;
  • aerosol with silver paint;
  • marker;
  • wire;
  • Plastic transparent.

The decorative chain can be purchased in a construction store or shop for needlework.

Decor of lamps and proper lighting

With the help of an aerosol can be painted with lampshade and leave to dry around for about a day. Until the lampshade dry, we draw a butterfly on plastics. The butterfly sample can be taken on the Internet or magazine. The number of butterflies is not limited, depends only on your desire. Half of drawn butterflies cut out and paint the can, we leave the second half transparent. In the same way, the decor mirrors can be made.

For butterflies, cut off a 10 cm decorative chain for each. If you want, you can add beads to each butterfly. With the help of the passage and wire we connect a chain with a butterfly. All is ready! Attach the lamp to the ceiling and open the window so that our butterflies can flutter!

Decor desktop laminated paper

We need:

  • Laminated paper 3-4 sheets;
  • scissors;
  • Threads for the decor of the lamp;
  • compass;

On laminated paper, we draw circles whose sizes you choose, and cut them out. Paper color can be different, you can pick it up under the interior of your room.

Decor of lamps and proper lighting

Purge the circles on the sewing machine on their center, leaving the distance between the circles of 1-2 mm. The thread should be longer than the lamp by double. Cut the extra thread and hang the lamp to the framework.

Use the lamp economy to not glow laminated paper.

It is regardless of whether you buy lamps, or make them with your own hands, try to make the decor of the lamps to be a logical addition to the overall design of the interior, and did not write out of the overall picture of its frank inappropriateness.

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