How to put laminate with your own hands: Wooden, concrete floor


How to put laminate with your own hands: Wooden, concrete floor

No wonder the laminate is considered one of the most successful options for flooring. It is practical, functional and beautiful. If you are wondering how to lay a laminate? "I immediately want to calm you. It is very simple to lay it, you can easily make it with your own hands.

Preparation for work

How to put a laminate: along or across? Decide yourself, just a couple of tips:
  1. If you put a laminate with your own hands perpendicular to the window, then the sun's rays will coincide with the boards and the docking seams will not be visible.
  2. If you put it perpendicular to the window, then at the expense of the game of light and shadow the docking seams will immediately rush into the eyes.
  3. However, it is possible to lay a laminate and any other party that seems to you the most attractive, for example, diagonally.

Stacking process

First you need to decide how to lay a substrate for laminate, as it is an important part of the flooring. Clamp performs many functions. First, it levels the surface of the main floor, as the concrete floor is often distinguished by irregularities. Secondly, the substrate saves from high humidity. Without it, you can freely get fungus. Thirdly, the substrate performs the functions of sound insulation. If your house is concrete floor, and you do not want the neighbors from below to hear each of your step, be sure to use the substrate. And finally, the substrate is good heat insol. All the same concrete floor is a source of a cold, from which a simple laminate will not save.

How to put a substrate for laminate? Very simple! First you need to carefully clean and brew the floor, and then closed it with a vapor barrier film. And already on this film can be placed directly the substrate itself.

How to put a laminate? After all, we all really want to forget about the repair for a long time, making it once. But if you put the laminate incorrectly, it will have to shift it in the near future. Please note the whole process is described for work with your own hands without attracting a professional master:

  1. Lamella (laminate panels) need to start laying from the far left corner of the room. Do not forget to leave a small gap (about 10 cm) near each of the walls.
  2. The lamellas are stacked alternately, attaching one lamel to another. There are two mounting option: Castle and adhesive. The first option is much more convenient, as it makes it easy to remove the laminate if necessary (for example, if you poured it with a large amount of water).
  3. If you are placing lamellas with locks, then it is necessary to lower them at an angle of 45 degrees, gradually shifting down to a characteristic click.
  4. The lamellas are stacked in a stagnant manner with a displacement of 40 cm. This is necessary for uniform load distribution.

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How to put laminate with your own hands: Wooden, concrete floor

Please note that this floor covering can be laid not only on the floor, but also on the walls. How to put a laminate on the wall yourself? There is one difference from laying on the floor. Even if you chose a closed laminate version, you will need to use liquid nails or special fasteners that are usually used to fix MDF panels. You can buy such nails or fasteners in any construction store.

How to put laminate with your own hands: Wooden, concrete floor

Warm floor

In most of our high-rise buildings, the entire floor is concrete. As a result - in the winter's apartments is very cold. In order to save on the heating of your apartment and just make your life more comfortable, it makes sense to install a warm floor. However, the question arises whether it is possible to do a warm floor if you decide to lower the laminate? How compatible these elements are? Despite the existential myths, they are absolutely compatible. However, you need to consider some nuances before starting work. The most important aspect in this case is the right selection of the substrate. If the provider is too thick, the warm floor loses its meaning, as it will not pass warm. It is impossible to do a warm floor without a substrate, because there will be no sound insulation.

Accordingly, if you finish the warm floor with your own hands, choose a substrate with a thickness of 2-2.5 mm. By the way, pay attention to the modern technologies allow you to lay a warm floor and put the laminate on it in just one day, so you will not delay your repair for a long time.

How to put laminate with your own hands: Wooden, concrete floor

Laminate in the kitchen

How to put the laminate in the kitchen with your own hands and is it possible to lay it there? The answer is yes, you can even need. Compared to the usual tile, which is often put in the kitchen, laminate is very warm material. It is much more pleasant for the eyes and is able to adequately decorate any interior. However, laminate in the kitchen has its own requirements and, first of all, this is moisture resistance, because the kitchen is the place where the contact with water cannot be avoided. In addition, the kitchen is better to lower laminate with high wear resistance.

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How to put laminate with your own hands: Wooden, concrete floor

The most optimal option for the kitchen is a combined floor. In the area of ​​the kitchen, where work surfaces are located and a kitchen set, put the tile, and there are laminate in the kitchen dining area. As you can see, high humidity in the kitchen is not a hindrance for this remarkable flooring.

Vinyl laminate

Vinyl laminate (or as it is simply called the "vinyl floor") - this is the new word of the modern building market. This type of flooring has a lot of advantages:

  1. Vinyl floor is the easiest, in terms of laying, option.
  2. To put the vinyl floor, no additional materials and tools are needed. Each panel of such vinyl laminate is equipped with a special adhesive tape.
  3. Cheering vinyl floor can not even take off the old flooring! He calmly lies on the uneven floor.
  4. Sleeping such a sex in just a few hours.
  5. Unlike conventional laminate, vinyl does not require the installation of an additional substrate. He in itself is a good sound and heat-insulating.
  6. Vinyl floor can be kept both the bathroom and in the kitchen, because it is absolutely not afraid of moisture.
  7. Vinyl floor is assigned very high, 43 class of wear resistance. This means that he will serve you for many years.
  8. Externally, the vinyl floor looks as if it is made of natural wood. You will be able to lay it even in the classic interior, and no one will notice that, in fact, your gender is not made of wood.
  9. This type of floor cover is environmentally friendly and safe. You can regret it in the children's room without fear.

How to put laminate with your own hands: Wooden, concrete floor

Laminate or parquet?

Finally, I would still like to figure out what is better: laminate or parquet? After all, a wooden parquet is a favorite outdoor coating. Parquet valued for its natural appearance and its naturalness, as it is a completely wooden type of flooring. However, despite this, the parquet is still inferior to laminate in many indicators. Let's look at the shortcomings that wooden parquet possesses:

  1. Parquet absolutely unstable to moisture. With long-term contact with water, it is irrevocably spoiled.
  2. Parquet is able to burn out in the sun. It is absolutely not suitable for the rooms filled with the sun.
  3. Parquet absorbs all odors. If you sit it near the kitchen, very soon your sex will smell extremely unattractive.
  4. Any careless movement can scratch parquet. If you choose this floor covering, you will have to walk around the house in soft slippers, and under the whole furniture to put special substrates.
  5. Make a wooden parquet with your own hands is very difficult. Most likely, you will have to seek help to professionals.
  6. Parquet cost is very large. This is the most expensive type of floor covering.

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