How to make a lamb of plasticine and cotton sticks do it yourself: master class


One of the most wonderful and easily accessible materials for children's creativity is plasticine. It is plastic mass for modeling. For the first time, plasticine patented two different scientists - Franz Kolb and William Harbutt a little more than two hundred years ago. Although they did this material for the work of adults in the field of modeling, the most plasticine appreciated the children. Over time and the technical improvement of our world, the main component of plasticine is clay, replaced safe synthetic substances, such as polyvinyl chloride and high molecular weight polyethylene. Plasticine can be used for modeling in the form of an independent material or, aligning it with other materials, create unique crafts. This article will be described and shown how to make a lamb from plasticine and cotton sticks with your own hands.

How to make a lamb of plasticine and cotton sticks do it yourself: master class

About the benefits of material

Plasticine for children's creativity - the best choice of parents! Let's find out why. Greater, the child begins to actively study the world and reinforce his knowledge of actions. He learns that the ball can throw, and he will be fun to jump that it is impossible to touch hotly, because you can burn. All this information is postponed in certain centers of the brain. Such material like plasticine will help crumbling to learn about plasticity, modeling, color and size. In addition, Nature laid the center responsible for the development of speech, next to the center responsible for the movement of the fingers. Stimulating the kid's fingers, you stimulate the development of speech.

Working with plasticine encourages to create and instill with a child such qualities as preferably, attentiveness, creativity, logic, creative thinking. The modeling of various plants and animals will tell the baby about the world around. And by doing with your own hands of any fabulous character, you teach the baby to realize your creative potential and show fantasy.

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How to make a lamb of plasticine and cotton sticks do it yourself: master class

Rules for children and parents

Although plasticine is considered safe, it is necessary to remember the rules for working with it. Choosing plasticine for children Parents should pay attention to the following factors:

  • Compliance with the selected material of your child's age;
  • Safety material.

Children's teaching modeling is not a complex process at all. Already starting from the age of one and a half years, the crumb can be acquainted with plasticine. For very little children it is worth choosing the milder plasticine. Yes, and the first lessons are reduced to the study of its properties. Teach the baby to take a piece of mass and shaking it, tear off the pieces smaller, roll sausages, balls and cakes. After studying such simple actions, you can move on and create your first masterpiece. Children of all ages need to be trained in these rules of work with plasticine:

  • It is impossible to take plasticine and stacks without adult resolution!
  • For classes, the modeling should be a specific equipped place - a children's table or a dining table, covered with a special oilcloth or plasticine board.
  • It is necessary to work with the plasticine - not to be covered in your mouth, do not pack clothes and furniture.
  • At the end of the work, you need to teach the crumb to clean up: the remains of plasticine in the box, and the craft can be put on the shelf and admire it. And of course, you need to wash your hands with soap, because plasticine contains vegetable fats in its composition to protect the mass of drying.

How to make a lamb of plasticine and cotton sticks do it yourself: master class

Lepim with baby

We offer to familiarize yourself with the master class on creating a lamb from plasticine and cotton sticks. Making such a craft with a baby will give you a lot of pleasure and bring much benefit. If your child is already familiar with the plasticine, then the house is probably a bunch of blinded multicolored lumps. Do not hurry to throw them out, they can still give a second life. So, you will need for work:

  • Plasticine (you can use the remains of any color);
  • Cotton swabs;
  • Screwing cover from bank;
  • Color cardboard sheet;
  • Some colored paper;
  • Scissors;
  • Glue stick;
  • Double sided tape.

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Take the lid from the can and fill it with plasticine. Cut cotton wands so that from the end of the winding heads from the wool remained a tail of about 1 cm. Next, you need to stick cotton sticks in the plasticine cover by filling out the entire surface. Cut out the legs and head lambs from colored paper. Secure the lid on the cardboard with the help of two-way tape. Enclose the rest of the lamb to the body. Wonderful applique is ready!

How to make a lamb of plasticine and cotton sticks do it yourself: master class

Hundreds of older children

We suggest looking at the example of a master class for feeding or children of younger school age, as it is stressed to make a lamb figurine from cotton sticks and plasticine. To create it, the following material is necessary:

  • Plasticine white and black colors;
  • Scissors;
  • Cotton swabs;
  • A little guachi.

How to make a lamb of plasticine and cotton sticks do it yourself: master class

We will start work. A piece of white plasticine divide into two parts. The first part is more, the body of the sheep will be made from it, the second part, which is smaller, will be for the head. Shot two oval into a larger piece insert the tube from the cotton stick, it will serve the neck.

How to make a lamb of plasticine and cotton sticks do it yourself: master class

How to make a lamb of plasticine and cotton sticks do it yourself: master class

Cut cotton wands by stepping around 1 cm head, and stick them evenly into the body of the lamb. It turns out a wonderful curly fur.

How to make a lamb of plasticine and cotton sticks do it yourself: master class

How to make a lamb of plasticine and cotton sticks do it yourself: master class

Two cotton wands cut in half and paint the black gouache their heads.

How to make a lamb of plasticine and cotton sticks do it yourself: master class

Insert the resulting legs into place.

How to make a lamb of plasticine and cotton sticks do it yourself: master class

Attach your head to the neck. Take the ears and spout. Curly sheep made of cotton sticks and plasticine is ready!

How to make a lamb of plasticine and cotton sticks do it yourself: master class

Video on the topic

About how to comprehend the basics of modeling with a child, as well as how to create a lamb from plasticine and wool, you can learn from the video provided below.

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