[Plants in the house] Monster: Growing Secrets


Monster often becomes for flowerflowers favorite "green pet" . Unpretentious, with a spectacular view, she pleases the eye. In the article we will talk about the features of the Monster and consider the secrets of growing this interesting plant.

[Plants in the house] Monster: Growing Secrets

Native edges

Monster is an evergreen Lian, which people discovered in the rainforest Mexico, the Yuchatan Peninsula and the Jungle of Brazil.

The origin of the plant name, which in the present days successfully "tamed" by a person has a terrible and enormous story. At the turn of the 17th and 18th centuries among European travelers, rumors were rumored about tremendous cannibal plants growing in unexplored South America's jungle. As if after meeting with these green monsters, some skeletons remained from the unfortunate, and between the bones of the unfortunate sprouts from the table long proceedings. For the processes took air roots Monsters, which could really germinate through the remains of a person or animal killed in the rainforest. So liana and received its name, translated from Latin meaning the "monster".

[Plants in the house] Monster: Growing Secrets

Refers to the family of aroid. In artificial conditions, it can grow in a height of up to 20 m.

Monster - Plant with amazing properties. When too much water accumulates in the soil or the environment, the leaves of the liana begin to "pour tears", highlighting moisture droplets. A rare event.

[Plants in the house] Monster: Growing Secrets

We arrange support

Monster refers to the Lianam and in order for it to grow without difficulties, she needs to provide a solid vertical support. If there is a desire, the support can be:

  • artificial tree trunk;
  • decorative stump;
  • The design similar to the staircase.

The basic requirement for the support is reliability. Because of the milled leaves and the dense roots of the monster quite adulthood.

Important! When choosing a place for the location of the Lian, consider that drafts are negatively affected by the plant. But the temperature differences are harmless.

[Plants in the house] Monster: Growing Secrets

Before buying, the Monster should provide that in addition to the main root, it has air roots. With the help of them, Liana "absorbs" the smallest particles of water from the air, so it is impossible to cut the air roots. How to do with them? Experienced flower products advise:

  • direct air roots in a pot;
  • wrap their wet moss;
  • Establish separate small pots or ground bags.

Article on the topic: How to issue a staircase in a private house before the new year?

The choice of option is your taste.

[Plants in the house] Monster: Growing Secrets

Care for "green pet"

Lighting. Monster refers to tropical plants, so it requires good illumination. However, we can go straight sunlight - they can apply burn leaves.

[Plants in the house] Monster: Growing Secrets

Watering and moisturizing. Plant requires regular watering, because It loves moisture. In winter, the amount of water is required to reduce, but at the same time, to keep the land in a pot in the pot. Another mandatory element is a regular spraying of leaves and wiping with a damp cloth. But do not overdo it in order to prevent the roots.

Podrel. Monster follows from the spring to the autumn period, 1 time in 14 days mineral and organic fertilizers. Young shoots grow and without fertilizers, but an adult monster in this case will grow extremely slow.

[Plants in the house] Monster: Growing Secrets

If it is hot in the room, and the air is dry, lower the air roots of the plant in water bottles - thus improved the supply of monster with nutrients.

Secrets of breeding. For reproduction will be suitable: 1) cuttings; 2) Alerts with air roots. On the cutting should be 1 sheet and 1 interstice that you want to place in a moisturized land. To secure the result - regular spraying.

[Plants in the house] Monster: Growing Secrets

Monster is my favorite. Care at home (1 video)

Monster in the interior (8 photos)

[Plants in the house] Monster: Growing Secrets

[Plants in the house] Monster: Growing Secrets

[Plants in the house] Monster: Growing Secrets

[Plants in the house] Monster: Growing Secrets

[Plants in the house] Monster: Growing Secrets

[Plants in the house] Monster: Growing Secrets

[Plants in the house] Monster: Growing Secrets

[Plants in the house] Monster: Growing Secrets

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