[Plants in the house] Singonium: Growing Secrets


As a room plant, only two species from the population consisting of about 3 dozen varieties are cultivated. Singonium refers to the family of aroid. Popularity in flower water acquired thanks to beautiful foliage, rapid growth and unpretentiousness in care

The distinctive feature of the Singonium is rapid growth, since the plant belongs to the Lianov family. Long stem, with air roots stretches towards the shade. Reaching 20 meters long. At the same time, the thickness does not exceed 6 cm. In greenhouses, apartments, on the terraces of Liana, a strong support is needed, a shaded place. Body growing is practiced - pinch shoots, forming a bulk bush.

[Plants in the house] Singonium: Growing Secrets

Young leaves painted in bright emerald color. As it grows, the length of the petiole and the area of ​​the sheet plate increases. Gradually, the color dumps, acquires a dark color. Depending on the variety, the color of the leaves is distinguished: stains, stripes, splashes silver or light gray colors. In some varieties, dark leaves are decorated with bright green bodies.

The unique properties of the plant for cleansing the room from formaldehyde vapor and ozone saturation are used in laboratories, small industrial premises. The pot plant will decorate any room and refreshes the air in the apartment.


In the natural habitat, the Singonium blooms, while the inflorescence looks like a patch with pale small flower. With room growing, flowering does not occur.


In case of damage to the leaves or trunk, the root system, the juice of milk color is distinguished. Finding on the skin and the human mucosa is formed a small burn or rash. Therefore, all work with the plant should be carried out in gloves.

[Plants in the house] Singonium: Growing Secrets

Important: Poisonous juice protects the plant from pests, but also dangerous for humans.


It is painfully reacting to straight sunny rays. Place the windows overlooking the North or Western side. From the bright sun on the leaves there are burns, a color change occurs, which is pale. It is worth avoiding close accommodation with heating radiators. Air roots poorly tolerate temperature and dry air.

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From the middle of autumn until the middle of the spring requires additional backlight. In case of insufficient lighting, the foliage does not reach the desired size, less less.

[Plants in the house] Singonium: Growing Secrets

The plant feels comfortable in the temperature range from 15 to 20c. Transfers short-term deviations by 4-5C to the direction of increasing and decrease in temperature.

Watering and moisturizing

Liana in a natural medium grows in conditions of high humidity. Therefore, sensitive to the ridiculous air. To create favorable conditions, the Singonium is necessary to spray several times during the day, maintain air humidity in the room . Watching the water does not accumulate in the pallet, otherwise it will begin to heat the roots. Once a week, wipe the foliage with a damp sponge, to abundantly wasting the plant under the shower.

[Plants in the house] Singonium: Growing Secrets

Important: Watering is produced as the upper layer drying, quite often; Water flows into the pallet, after which it is removed.


The first 4-5 years the plant is transplanted annually by changing the pot on a more voluminous one. Subsequent transplants are carried out no more than 1 time in 3-4 years.

Singonium develops a strong root system, occupying all the container. The soil prefers the weakness or neutral, not heavy. At the bottom of the pot, the drainage is placed on a height of 3-5 cm, the roots of moisture and air are needed, but the plant does not carry water stagnation. Alone, the soil is prepared from sand, peat, forest or garden land and humus. Everyone is mixed in equal proportions and transplanted the plant. The shops sell a ready-made mixture for orchids, which add sand and peat, some charcoal.

[Plants in the house] Singonium: Growing Secrets

Roots of the plant during transplantation do not injure. To do this, carefully remove the land from the old pot and placed in a new one. Pre-pour the soil layer. If necessary, placed support. From above sprinkled the remaining earth and quit. Produce abundant watering.


Spank with stalling, suturing shoots with a height of 10-15 cm from an adult plant . Suitable tops of liana and middle stem. Then placed in water with a means to stimulate growth for a couple of hours. Sweep and place in a pot with wet earth. Top covered with a can. It is necessary to ventilate daily and make the soil in case of drying. Roots appear within a month. After that, the Singonium is transplanted.

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[Plants in the house] Singonium: Growing Secrets


Fit the plant is recommended during the year, with interruptions of 15-30 days. For feeding use fertilizers for aroid, which are bred in water for watering.

Important: Singonium should be protected from making fertilizers containing calcium.

[Plants in the house] Singonium: Growing Secrets


The plant, practically, does not ill, but does not tolerate the absence of irrigation. Because of this, the leaves begin to dry, fall. If the transplant used is not enough enriched mixture, then the leaves appear yellow or disappears. It is necessary to transplant the Singonium or feed the nitrogen-containing fertilizer.

[Plants in the house] Singonium: Growing Secrets

Excess moisture and drafts lead to the appearance of rotted on the stem and in the roasting zone, the coloring of the leaves dumps.

The lack of light is manifested in the thinning of the stem, the stretching of the leaves, color change.

Singonium is unpretentious liana. Features of home care (1 video)

Singonium in the interior (8 photos)

[Plants in the house] Singonium: Growing Secrets

[Plants in the house] Singonium: Growing Secrets

[Plants in the house] Singonium: Growing Secrets

[Plants in the house] Singonium: Growing Secrets

[Plants in the house] Singonium: Growing Secrets

[Plants in the house] Singonium: Growing Secrets

[Plants in the house] Singonium: Growing Secrets

[Plants in the house] Singonium: Growing Secrets

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