What trees to put in front of the house and in other places of the plot?


What trees to put in front of the house and in other places of the plot?

By purchasing a land plot and constituting the plan of the future at home, it is necessary to think about the placement of trees and semi-stares, which are always placed in the first place. This is explained not only by the size of plants, but also a relatively prolonged period of growth to full bloom or fruiting. Of course, put all the decorative and fruit trees in the country area are impossible in virtue of a limited area, so you have to choose.

And when solving the question, what trees to put on the site, you need to focus on two principles:

  • Growing conditions: demanding or unpretentious species;
  • Main appointment, or place in the garden landscape (garden, livestock, single landing).

If we talk about fruit trees, the simplest care is required for an apple tree (especially if you purchase a seedling of local selection resistant to common diseases and pests). Of course, unpretentious varieties are not distinguished by high taste, but the trouble will not bring. But if you want to surprise your neighbors something exotic, then it is worth thinking about planting yellow plums, actinidia, walnut or peach.

Relatively decorative trees and semi-stares are the same principle. For example, for a living hedge, you can use wild grapes, honeysuckle or lilac understanding, with minimal requirements for soil-climatic conditions, and you can decorate a plot, juniper, barbaris or hawthorn, for which you need a little more attention.

If you decide to plant a tree at the cottage, then be sure to check the depth of groundwater. Very many trees like fruit and decorative die immediately, as soon as their roots reach water. Such trees include a pear having a deep penetrating root system. At first, the young seedling is actively growing and pleased the owner, perhaps it will even work out to try the first fruits, but then the tree begins to get quiet and squeeze. Inexperienced gardeners complain about the disease or poor-quality landing material and buy and plant seedlings again.

To plant trees really become durable, you need to take into account the requirement of each breed to growing conditions.

Overview of fruit trees and their features

Many, having a cottage plot, want to plant fruit trees in the garden. For good fruiting, they need a high level of illumination, feeding, watering, cropping and preventive treatments from diseases and pests.

What trees to put in front of the house and in other places of the plot?

Flowering apple trees

Landing Several varieties with one maturation caused favorably on yields. To save space on the site it is better to choose varieties with a compact form of crown on dwarf-winning. Below is a brief description of the main fruit crops on the most significant parameters.

CultureAverage life life, yearsThe average height of the tree, mRequired power area, mPreferred soilsPermissible depth of groundwater ground, m
Apple treefrom 20 to 50from 3 to 73x2 or 6x4Weaknessfrom 1 to 3
Cherry25.from 2 to 54x3neutral2.
Sweet cherry60.from 3 to 84x4 or 8x4neutral1.5
Apricot40-60from 5 to 105x6weakly alkalo2-2.5
Sea buckthornfifteenfrom 3 to 52x2neutralone
Leschina60.five4x4weakly alkalo3.

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When choosing a fruit tree for a summer cottage, not only taste preferences play a large role, but also the climatic zone. For example, Aria is recommended for the northern regions, as well as honeysuckle with sea buckthorn, brought to the middle band of Russia from Siberia.

What trees to put in front of the house and in other places of the plot?


Heat-loving Alycha, plum, sweet cherry and cherry are perfect in the southern regions. However, breeding does not stand still and many cultures are perfectly adapted in atypical regions due to sustainable suspicion. An excellent example of this is Apricot Manchurian and Apricot Siberian, which are suitable for growing in Siberia and the Far East. And at least such an apricot has a specific non-winy taste, it is quite successful in recycling.

What trees to put in front of the house and in other places of the plot?

Apricot Manchursky - Adult Tree

For the rational use of the site, you can use vaccination that allows you to have several interesting varieties on one adult tree.

Review of decorative trees and shrubs

Decorative trees carry not only aesthetic function, but they often plant for the shadow in the arbor, to protect against dust from the road, to create a live border along the fence. Features of care depends on the type of plant and the cultivation zone.

What trees to put in front of the house and in other places of the plot?


There are trees that are undesirable to plant on a private site due to aggressive strokes or because of folk will accept. Consider the most popular decorative trees and shrubs in private landscape design from the point of view of the peculiarities of care and possible use.

What trees to put in front of the house and in other places of the plot?

Maple is an ostolized glossum

CultureShort descriptionUsingNote
Lipa Melo-ChoirA tree with a height of up to 30 m with a neat oval crown, high frost resistance, does not tolerate drought, the crown is well amenable to formationShady tree with pleasant fragrance during flowering period, is a honeymoon, can be used for live swelling or landing along the fence, well delays dust from the roadLipa at the house in the old gate protects against all diseases and ailments. The young tree does not bloom, the first bloom is observed only for 20-30 years of life, linden color is used in traditional medicine.
Maple isolateA tree with a height of up to 6 m with a compact spherical crown, does not need frequent trimming, grows on any soilsWell suitable for creating a shadow near the house or above the artificial pond, often planted along the fence or roadUsed in folk medicine and cooking
Cherry ordinaryA tree height from 4 to 10 m, known for its snow-white-shaped inflorescences with a bright aroma, undemanding to growing conditionsDue to the scattered wide crown, it is more often planted singing on the edge of the site or in the alleys in the Big GardenIt is impossible to plant close to the house, since its roots destroy the foundation; Gives edible fruits with therapeutic properties
Poplar white (silver)A fast-growing tree with a height of up to 30 m with a spreaded crown, has a light bark and silver leaves, a light-lubricant, salt-resistant, tolerate drought and overvaluing, frost-resistantUsed in single or group landings. For urban landscaping, a pyramidal poplar is used more often, which does not form a fluff, but has a greater heightIt is undesirable to plant close to the house due to an aggressive root system, well cleans the air from dust and harmful substances.
CatalpaA thermal-loving tree with a height of 10-15 m with a high spherical crown and an elegant smooth barrel, the inflorescences are large, white, after flowering, long pods producing additional decorativeness are formed, does not tolerate trimmingSingle landings in a gazebo or near the house, in a period of blooming a very pleasant aroma exudes, it grows relatively slowly, in the suburbs can be heatedThe people are called "pasta tree"
LilacAbdominal unpretentious shrub height from 3 to 6 m, painting fragrant inflorescences White or lilac different shades requires moderate trimmingSome varieties do not tolerate urban gaspace, so it is undesirable to plant them at the road. Lilac ideal for living hedgesThe people of family well-being protector and the source of inspiration for creative people are considered
BarberrySpiny shrub height from 1 to 4 m, with a variety of colorful leaves (burgundy, yellow, green, purple), unpretentious in careUsed to create impassable walls of dense prickly branchesUsed in folk medicine, recommended for landing at the house
WillowA tree with diluting shoots is growing rapidly, it is easy to trim, tolerates significant overvoltagePlanting in water bodies or on the moistened soils, alive hedgesThe symbol of sadness and sadness, in the old days it was considered a bad admission to put the IVI under the window

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The list can be continued for a long time, especially if you cover all varieties and varieties. Breeders successfully cope with the task of "satisfy the requests of each gardener."

Trees, unwanted in the garden plot for old giving

Before planting a tree in front of the house, you can turn to the experience of our ancestors. At first glance, all signs are based on superstitions, but they often have a logical grain.

In the country area, it is not recommended to plant an oak with a strong energy and affecting the chapter of the family. Birch as a protective shield should grow only behind the fence. Walnut can not be squeezed near the house, since his roots can eventually destroy the foundation. Unwanted on the Verba, Iva and Aspen plot, messengers of grief and death.

If there is a bride in the family, then it is also better to wait. Topol is recommended to plant the territory of the site, away from home.

Review of coniferous decorative trees

Evergreen and fairly unpretentious conifers serve as an indispensable element of the garden of any design.

For small areas of summer cottages, Fir Arizona is suitable with gray-blue cheese (height of up to 2 m) and balsamic fir (dwarf variety). For those who want to grow a big tree, the Korean fir is suitable (up to 15 m).

What trees to put in front of the house and in other places of the plot?

Fir Korean Silberlock

Dwarf varieties reaching in a height of up to 3 m have a cedar atlas and cedar Himalayan. Cedar Siberian (pine cedar) is used from large-deserved popularity. It grows slowly, but reaches very impressive sizes.

What trees to put in front of the house and in other places of the plot?

Cedar Siberian (pine cedar)

Larch and spruce more often decorate country houses with a large area of ​​the house. There are varieties of stumbling larch with a height of no more than 2.5 m with a spherical or punching crown. Very effectively look at the grade of larch wrappers: European dwarf variety rehensoch up to 1.5 m with almost fluttering over ground branches and Japanese grade Pendula with a height of up to 7 m with a delicate green-blue cheese.

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What trees to put in front of the house and in other places of the plot?

Larch Japanese Pendula

Food forms of ate can reach a height of 2 - 2.5 m, which, with slow growth, become acceptable in areas of any sizes. Varliko fir varieties with a variety of colorful needles and a lot of crown shape. Blue spruce look most beautifully and originally, spectacularly standing out among the rest of the vegetation.

What trees to put in front of the house and in other places of the plot?

Spruce Blue Huppie

From coniferous shrubs, having a different crown shape, a tiss and juniper can be noted. In the landscape design of private sites, dwarf types of juniper with different colors are used (from dark green to silver-blue) up to 8 m high.

Dates of planting trees and buying seedlings

Definitely answer the question when it is better to plant trees, it is difficult. It depends on weather conditions and a specific culture. The optimal duration of planting fruit trees from the group of seeds is the late autumn, and for thermal-loving bone crops, the landing is better to spend early in spring. The preferred age of seedlings is 2 years old, but for strollery crops (pear, cherry) it is better to use annual seedlings. The negative side of annual seedlings is not an formed krone, but they are less sick when transplanting and fastened.

Most decorative crops are planting in spring. Moreover, the strict framework "to the dissolution of the kidney" belongs only to seedlings with an open root system. The planting material with a closed root system (in pots or packages) is suitable for landing throughout the spring and even in the summer, but it is more expensive.

By purchasing seedlings on specialized exhibitions and fairs, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • In what form they are sold: seedlings with open and dried roots have small chances to take root on the site; good material is packaged in packages with a small wet room;
  • state of the root system: roots must be smooth (without thickening), elastic and without signs of peeling;
  • CZT state: kidneys must be swollen, but not dissolved;
  • Height Star: For fruit 2-year-old seedlings about 50 cm;

Buy landing material is recommended in nurseries that are in each region. Only there you can make sure the seedlings and choose plants adapted for a specific zone. The varieties of fruit trees for the Moscow region and the entire middle strip of Russia are grown in Michurin fruent.

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