Plastic wallpapers for walls as a way to decorate any room


To date, plastic panels are considered the most universal element of wall design. Wall decorative panels can be installed in the bathroom, kitchen and any other room, as they have good wear resistance and are not afraid of moisture. Thanks to the simple installation technology, the installation of plastic panels will not be difficult and therefore the lifting can be carried out independently. Today I will tell you about the types of plastic panels, as well as choose the plastic panels the sleeve room for any other room.

Plastic wallpapers for walls as a way to decorate any room

Plastic wallpapers for walls

Types of walls for walls

Plastic wallpapers for walls as a way to decorate any room

Plastic panels

Let's consider the most popular decorative panels. But before this, we will once again consider the scope of application of this material. With the help of plastic trim, a bathroom facing, toilet, shower and in general, where high humidity is present. Plastic wall panels are perfectly withstanding low temperatures and therefore are often used to cover loggias and balconies. Thanks to its environmental friendliness, facing is possible in rooms with a large cluster of people, and in the kitchen it is used because of the simplicity, even after serious contaminants.

Now it becomes clear why wall decorative details are so claimed for the inner lining of the walls in the house. Plastic tiles can be mirrored and laminated, decorative wall elements may have different colors. Panels for brick, stone and wood are widespread in interior solutions. Choosing the material you need always can be looked into the manufacturer's catalog, where the trim is almost always given.

Plastic wallpapers for walls as a way to decorate any room

Wall decoration by plastic panels

An interesting solution in the interiors of many rooms is the use of 3DPs. Foney and bamboo from which 3D is produced are sculptural textured plates that are painted acrylic paint. Plastic 3D parts can be both matte and glossy - it depends on which paint to paint them. Thanks to the 3D elements, the space in the room becomes spectacular, and the effect, which is 3DLing, incomparable with others.

Important! Wall tiles under brick, stone or tree, as well as a slab sandwich or 3d elements can be mounted with their own hands. They are attached to the crate and can be used not only for the bathroom or kitchen, but also for other residential premises.

Plastic wallpapers for walls as a way to decorate any room

Installation of plastic panels do it yourself

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  • Decorative elements have a long service life, and if the fastening and preparation of the cage passes independently and according to the technology, then, undoubtedly, the result of your work will delight not one year
  • High levels of moisture resistance and reliable connection of all plastic panels suggests that the material can be used for the design of pools, shower and bathroom
  • Plastic wall elements have the same sound insulation properties
  • Since they will be on the crate, you can make additional thermal insulation due to the installation of the insulation under the stove
  • Resistant to mechanical stress and abrasion
  • A fairly large number of varieties allows the use of plates for wood, stone, brick, as well as a 3-way panel or sandwich. And the size and installation of elements for the walls will not be difficult and can be carried out with their own hands
  • Decorative plates for wood, brick or stone and even 3D are very simple in care. To eliminate small contaminants, a slightly damp rag
  • Installation on the crate also has its advantages, because the ideal preparation of the bathroom walls is not required, and the sizes of the sheat can always choose the most optimal for the room in which the repair occurs
  • Low cost - although sandwich elements, 3d panels and plastic plates under brick, stone or tree and have a different cost, still such a type of finish is one of the cheapest options
  • Not only living rooms and baths are separated using plastic panels, due to their low temperature tolerance, it is possible to use for the interior decoration of unheated structures
  • Wall panels of fire resistant plastic and can withstand temperatures up to +400 degrees

The material is used for interior decoration and has one disadvantage in terms of use. Plastic parts are not installed in the evacuation places. When burning, they highlight caustic evaporation and wake very much.

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Coloring and the most sought-after types of plastic panels

Plastic wallpapers for walls as a way to decorate any room

Install plastic wall panels yourself

If you decide to paint the plastic or sandwich panel yourself, it is necessary to use acrylic aqueous dispersions. If you paint the finish with such a composition, it will acquire additional protection against moisture and improve its wear resistance. Before painting the panels, it is necessary to pick up the color of the coloring composition - thanks to the caller you can make the composition of pastel tones or the opposite of a saturated color. It is also not necessary to think that painting the walls can be using a brush or rollers - decorative are painted only by spraying.

Modern interiors are often used by 3DPs. In a word 3D is the reincarnation of ancient Greek style. Volumetric 3Ds can give the room with refinement and add a highlight to a common design, despite the fact that the size of the volumetric elements is 3d to be impressive, they often visually increase the area. Browse the manufacturer's catalog and choose the most suitable drawings and textures 3D. For example, if the 3D panel will be a volume horizontal pattern, the width of the bathroom or any other room will increase visually.

Plastic wallpapers for walls as a way to decorate any room

Wall sheat plastic panels

Plastic 3DDealies have a compact look and besides, they are sufficiently easy for self-installation. The low price of plastic 3D elements together with durability and various textures allows you to use them for the interior decoration of any room.

Important! Thanks to the plastic panels for the walls under the tree, brick and stone can make rooms with an incredible design. For example, transparent plastic elements are often used for the kitchen. Transparent parts are applied to design apron of kitchen.

Installation of plastic sheaturing

Plastic wallpapers for walls as a way to decorate any room

Plastic wallpapers for walls in the bathroom

It doesn't matter what plastic elements will be installed indoors - under a tree, brick, stone, matte or glossy, they can all be installed in the intensity. The lamp can be made of wood or metal profiles - if a wooden doomlette, then do not forget about the need to impregnate it with various compositions to protect against moisture.

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Installation on the crate does not require perfectly prepared walls, but with significant defects and the presence of mold or fungus, it is necessary to make the processing of walls with antifungal agents. It is necessary to make markup in advance and do not forget that the size of the profiles may differ because of the possibly different height of the walls, so be sure to number all the parts of the frame. To save on the installation of crates on the wall and installation of plastic parts for wood, stone, brick and even sandwich, you can combine wooden planks and metal profiles.

Plastic wallpapers for walls as a way to decorate any room

Wall decoration panels

The size and width of the sandwich sandwich can be different, there are parts that are mounted with the help of specialists, but at home can be installed sandwich on their own. Before installing sandwich parts, check the accuracy of the frame assembly - if something is completed with the errors, then significant problems may occur during the process.

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