We build a balcony on the first floor: how to make it right


We build a balcony on the first floor: how to make it right

In old houses, the balconies are not provided, so residents attach their independent many high-altitude houses of the first floor apartment owners face the problem of lack of balcony. The presence of the balcony causes a number of advantages due to which the life of the apartment owners is becoming more comfortable. Today, residents of the first floors can expand their living space using a balcony extension. Many owners may seem that it will take a lot of time, money and strength. To date, many restrictions on the construction of completion on the first floor are removed, so each owner can build a balcony on a separate foundation or make a balcony of a suspended type.

An extension to the house with a balcony: options and advantages

In order to start building a balcony on the first floor, an action plan should be scheduled to draw up a drawing and project of future work. For a successful outcome of the construction, it is necessary to compile an official project, thanks to which the official bodies agree to build an appropriate balcony or loggia.

There are such options for buildings on the first floor:

  • Construction of the construction on the foundation;
  • Construction of construction on a metal frame;
  • Construction of the construction with concrete slabs on the brackets.

We build a balcony on the first floor: how to make it right

After building a balcony, you will get another extra room that you can use for your needs.

The most convenient, but at the same time, the foundation and metal frame of the balconas are expensive ways to build a balcony and loggia. They provide an advantage in the form of a separate additional space that can be used in the form of a homely cellar.

Advantages of the Balcony Construction Foundation:

  1. The possibility of expanding the balcony, due to the movement of the structure to a large distance;
  2. The possibility of a long balcony facilities that will cover the entire apartment, but at the same time not to interfere with the neighbors;
  3. The ability to perform high-quality insulation and glazing balcony with convenient ways.

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It is important to keep in mind that for the construction of the door leading to the balcony, you will need to perform a number of operations for the creation of the opening in the bearing wall. It will be considered redevelopment of the apartment, so there will be a need for paperwork and receiving proper permission.

Installing a new balcony (video)

How to attach a balcony on the first floor: do legally

In order to start an extension of a loggia or balcony to the house, you need to prepare the necessary documents and approve them in the relevant authorities. The project of the future balcony should be agreed with water voltage, gas service and other supervisory authorities. After that, it is necessary to contact the administrative organization and the Department for Construction and Architecture.

Required documents for approval:

  • Application owner on redevelopment;
  • Document on the right of ownership of the apartment;
  • Notification from the technical inventory bureau;
  • Photo of a residential building;
  • Documents from utility services;
  • Written consent of neighbors for construction;
  • Balcony planning project.

We build a balcony on the first floor: how to make it right

Before building a balcony, you need to visit and get permission in several state organizations

It is important to remember that there is always an option for refusing to resolve the balcony building.

According to the law, owners may refuse for the following reasons:

  1. The residential building is located on one of the central streets of the city;
  2. The house is a historic memo;
  3. The balcony can harm the building and worsen his aesthetic look;
  4. The design will affect communication;
  5. Used construction technologies will not correspond to safety technician.

It is very important to pass all the official procedures before the construction in order to be calm in the legality of their actions.

Installation of the balcony on the first floor: Installation from "A" to "I"

If permits for the completion of the balcony are issued, all documents are in order, you can start construction work. The first step will be the layout of the foundation. If the owners decided to do everything with their own hands, it will be necessary to check the correctness of the performance and manufacture of structures.

First of all, you need to calculate the depth of the fruit of the soil. An important factor is the level of groundwater.

If it exceeds one and a half meters, the foundation should be put on a depth not exceeding the half meter. With a bulk ground, the layout level of the foundation changes and must exceed the level of the soil.

We build a balcony on the first floor: how to make it right

Building a balcony on pillars or supports, will significantly reduce your material costs.

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Required tools for layout of the location of the foundation bookmark:

  • Twine;
  • Big Cornel;
  • Wooden boards;
  • Pegs;
  • Nails;
  • Paint.

In order for the balcony to be smooth and stable, it is necessary to make accurate markup.

Markup should be done in such a sequence:

  1. First you need to place the location of the foundation with the help of twine and square.
  2. With the help of the kitchen, carefully compare the angles and the length of the diagonals in the rectangle.
  3. Proper to note the axes of the walls by spicy and slightly above the soil to nail the boards.
  4. In places connecting structures to score nails.
  5. Remove the twine and proceed to the ruin of the pit.

Each stage of the construction of the balcony is important and requires a special approach. With the burden of all nuances, the balcony will serve for many years.

We build a balcony on the first floor: how to make it right

The process of building a balcony always begins with the marking of the boundaries of its foundation.

Features of the construction of foundation

To build a high-quality foundation, it is recommended to use reinforced concrete blocks. It is important to ensure that the level of the foundation of the extension must be at one level with the foundation of a residential building.

It is important to carefully treat the question of waterproofing. The level of protection against groundwater should be high, and the walls and completion should not be collapsed, therefore, it is necessary to lay a layer for waterproofing by 0.1 meters above the scene.

If the plans are the construction of the cellar under the balcony, you will have to do dual waterproofing.

Subjects in the construction of overlapping

We build a balcony on the first floor: how to make it right

Less costly option when blocking balconies is the use of reinforced concrete slabs

In most cases, the floors are a balcony overlap. During laying of floors, it is important to monitor the coincidence of reinforcement with places where the plates have a maximum stretching.

For the construction of such a device, reinforced concrete plates 3-6 meters long and 110-180 cm long and width are used. This overlap will act as a balcony floor. Plates must be installed along the walls of the building. Side walls are supporting for plates, and the support part must exceed 14 cm.

When complying with all rules, you can be confident in the stability of the structure.

Nuances in the construction of walls

An extension to the balcony should be strong and stable. It should be sufficient thickness in order to withstand the load, if you need a balcony on the second floor.

We build a balcony on the first floor: how to make it right

The construction of the walls of the balcony is an important stage in its construction, as the stability and reliability of the entire design will depend on it.

It is important for the outer finish to use a material that will not disturb the total aesthetic view of the house. Bricks should be laid using a chain masonry. It will increase the strength of the balcony extension and will qualitatively will withdraw all the seams.

The most common and acceptable option is the construction of masonry from bricks with a width of at least 15 cm.

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Roofing: Technology

For an even structure, the roof will be needed to make a wooden frame. The frame should be constructed under the tilt, in order for water to flow along the inclined plane in case of rain.

The roof itself can be done by choosing from slate or professional flooring. The shelves of the roof should be treated with galvanized steel to prevent the possibility of leaks. From condensate will help to get rid of the layer of insulation between the frame and the roof.

After the work done, the windows and doors will remain, as well as finishing work.

How to install pendant balconies of the first floors

Today it is possible to build a hanging balcony on the first floor. It is made of suspended frames that are attached to the wall of the house with metal corners and bolts. After that, the frame is trimmed by a straighteness.

We build a balcony on the first floor: how to make it right

With the help of a suspension frame, you can quickly build your balcony

For the roof, it is best to use Ondulin, which is available in price and convenient to use. He looks beautiful and perfectly copes with his duties, making raindrops with silent.

Suspended balconies require a solid and high-quality installation, so it is best to turn to specialists to their facilities.

Outboard Balcony Extension (video)

Before you begin to an extension of the balcony or the installation of the suspension balcony, it is necessary to undergo procedures for registration in official instances and get permission to carry out these actions. After the project plan is approved, you can start taking a balcony. All stages of construction must be completed carefully, because the strength of the whole building depends on how we build. The price of the rank of balcony depends in many respects from the materials that are used when building. The new balcony will expand the space and functionality of the apartment.

Examples of the balcony on the first floor (photo)

We build a balcony on the first floor: how to make it right

We build a balcony on the first floor: how to make it right

We build a balcony on the first floor: how to make it right

We build a balcony on the first floor: how to make it right

We build a balcony on the first floor: how to make it right

We build a balcony on the first floor: how to make it right

We build a balcony on the first floor: how to make it right

We build a balcony on the first floor: how to make it right

We build a balcony on the first floor: how to make it right

We build a balcony on the first floor: how to make it right

We build a balcony on the first floor: how to make it right

We build a balcony on the first floor: how to make it right

We build a balcony on the first floor: how to make it right

We build a balcony on the first floor: how to make it right

We build a balcony on the first floor: how to make it right

We build a balcony on the first floor: how to make it right

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