How to measure the balcony block


Before proceeding with any calculations to determine how many of this or that building material is necessary for the decoration of such a room, like a balcony, you need to get sizes. So you need to know how to measure the balcony unit correctly. Installation on such a design of the plastic window element is always thorough work.

How to measure the balcony block

In the case of a wide balcony or loggia, each meter should be measured. From the resulting smaller result, the result is taken from each side of 2-3 cm, which will be departed during the glazing under the installation foam.

Where to start a similar job

So, in order to correctly measure the system, you will need:

  1. Pure paper sheet.
  2. Ball pen.
  3. Roulette.
  4. Screwdriver.
  5. Metal ruler.

All measurements must be fixed on paper.

In order to correctly calculate the balcony pass, you need to do the following:

How to measure the balcony block

The glazing process will not start developing until you develop the minimum desired sketch of the future facilities.

  • Find out the width of the space between the inner slopes, next to the element that is already there. In addition to the total value of the width, the width is needed between the internal parties of the slopes;
  • It is necessary to carefully calculate the width and the present door. This value is the distance between the internal slopes;
  • It is also necessary to learn the height of the door hole between the upper and lower slopes of the structure. In addition to the value of the door height, you need to know the height of the window space adjacent to this door. Such a measurement must be carried out both on the inside of the apartment and from the outside of this system;
  • After that, it is necessary to measure the overall width of the entire opening of the balcony element by outdoor slopes. This value is measured both at the top of the design and at the bottom. Then both values ​​are compared. They must coincide, and if not, you can try to eliminate the difference using the mounting foam during installation or in advance to put the data specified before the production;
  • It is still necessary to measure the width of the door on outdoor slopes. It is carried out, as well as all measurements, with a roulette;
  • Outside the balcony opening, you need to carefully dismantle with a screwdriver window with a screwdriver of this item.

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What is required for greater accuracy

How to measure the balcony block

Measurement of the width of the balcony door is made by outdoor slopes. It is carried out, as well as all measurements, with a roulette.

  • Outdoor measurement of the height of the space of the existing door from the bottom to the upper slope is required. It is held by the structure, and not an indoor apartment of the apartment;
  • Here the window hole is measured between its upper and lower slopes. This calculation is carried out in two parts of the structure: next to the existing door and closer to the wall. It is necessary to monitor the position of the roulette - it should be exactly vertical. Otherwise the numbers will be inaccurate, which will lead to the wrong production of the product on the balcony;
  • Special construction level need to check the verticality of the walls at the door and window opening. If there is a deviation from vertical more than 10-15 mm, it is necessary to definitely reflect on paper;
  • With the help of the metal line, the calculations of the slopes of the openings, both the door and the window are carried out. These calculations are made from all sides: to the right, on the left, at the top and bottom - in each place twice, at various ends;
  • The last nuance is the size of the future window sill. It is necessary to measure the existing internal chip.

Thus, the balcony unit is measured. You can go to the next step - the definition of the main sizes of the window and the door of the balcony unit.

The main thing is done, the calculations remained

How to measure the balcony block

Balcony scheme

To determine the overall width of the block, you need to add the size of the side slopes obtained earlier and take 4 cm from them.

The same way is calculated by the door width in this system. However, it is necessary to ensure that the width of the calculated window and door accessories will not exceed the direct width of the door and the window openings themselves.

The width of the window is calculated by the difference between the overall width and width of the door. If the value obtained requires some reduction of the connective plank between the door and the window, it can be allowed to be allowed.

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The height of the window in the present design should be 2-4 cm greater than the passage of the very passage, so that it is possible to accurately and correctly secure this product in the opening. When calculating the height of the window, it is necessary to take into account the place from above, which is necessary to fill in the mounting foam, as well as drowning into the lower part of the hole - there must still be preserved space for the mounting of the window sill.

To determine the height of the door of the future balcony block, you need to add the values ​​of the upper and lower slopes to the height of the doorway and take 4 cm from the resulting value. However, the height of the door should not exceed the height of the very passage more than 6 cm. Otherwise, it is necessary to reduce the height of the door until the required size is reached.

With the final calculations of this system, it is necessary to rely on the "double" calculations made on different sides of various passages - a common device (balcony), window and door.

Thus, the balcony must be correctly measured in part of the passage of both the door and window. Then the finished window element will fall on the balcony "as a native".

Nothing difficult. Measurement of a similar device is carried out quite easily. The main thing is the knowledge of the basic aspects of mathematics and the presence of minimal experience.

If nevertheless, this process causes any difficulties, it is better to apply for professional help in one of their companies dealing with this type of work. It is enough just to open any newspaper or ask the familiar company's address. Good luck in construction!

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