How much time flieslinic wallpaper


If you want to make excellent repairs, then it will not do without modern finishing materials. For example, flieslinic wallpapers are the most advanced wobbies, which are produced by many woeful factories in our time. They glued extremely simple, but serve long enough.

How much time flieslinic wallpaper

Bright wallpaper with geometric shapes

Today we would like to clarify how much time the canvas of flieslinic wallpapers are dry after their shots on the wall. But let's go in order and begin with acquaintance with the material.

Fliselinova wallpaper

Fliselin is a mixture of cellulose with long faux fabric fibers. It is from such a material and create an unusually strong wallpaper. The obtained in the production of cloth is very durable, not extinguished and not wetting, which gives additional functionality to wallpaper.

How much time flieslinic wallpaper

Modern wallpaper can be with the most unusual pattern.

However, there are at least two types of wallpaper, which is permissible to call phlizelin.

  • The first type is a canvase made of a few layers of phlizelin compressable. Most often, such wallpapers are used under painting, but there are decorative options. Just flieseline is not flexible enough and does not have such a relief, as vinyl.
  • The second type is the wallpaper, where phlizelin is a high-quality basis for the above vinyl. Such wallpapers are called vinyl on a fliesline basis, which in essence gives them the right to be called phlizelinov.

How much time flieslinic wallpaper

Flower topics on bright wallpaper

Recently, both of these types of phlizelin wallpapers are very popular, and this is no wonder, because according to quality characteristics, such webs are the best. They are not deformed in the process of installation and operation, not afraid of moisture and mechanical damage, easily glue on the wall. We are in great demand both types of cloths.


Fliselinic wallpaper sticking, or fliesline-based wallpapers, does not occupy a lot of time, because the first wallpaper are doubled on the width of two times, and we don't need to smear the linen with glue with glue. This method of sticking is also called "dry" and implies the lamp of glue only the wall.

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It is noteworthy that for such dense and heavy wallpapers, you need to use the appropriate wallpaper glue, marked for heavy or fliesline wallpaper.

What wallpaper glue is better, and what worse, we will not understand, but we will advise the use of high-quality compounds of verified firms at an affordable price. You will not risk and glue stunningly beautiful vinyl wallpapers on a fliesline basis from foreign ones are made on inexpensive low-quality glue. Share this particular attention. We would recommend the following compounds: methilane, moment, econ, Cleo, Kelid, Pufas.

How much time flieslinic wallpaper

Wallpaper with geometric shapes in the living room

Flizelin wallpaper is not wounded, so they easily slide along the wall, which allows you to make a smooth junction. Unlike paper analogues, the canvas is not stretched, so as soon as you get the perfect seam between the canvas, go to the further blowing knowing that the joint will remain so.

Air bubbles are easily trapped from under the wallpaper canvas using a special plastic wallpaper spatula. As soon as you finished with sticking cloths on the walls, it is worth waiting for 1-2 days so that the wallpaper is good to attach, it is so much time they dry.

It is believed that 24 hours are enough to complete the flieslinic cloths on the wall, but the conditions in the premises are fundamentally different, so we recommend waiting for two days.

If you want to make sure, whether your wallpaper dried, just spend your hand on them. If you felt humidity, then it means it is necessary to continue the drying process, let the cloth dry so much time as it is necessary. In small rooms with high humidity, it may be necessary to dry up to four days.

How much time flieslinic wallpaper

Use of silkographic wallpapers in the living room

During the process of drying wallpaper on the wall, it is necessary to get rid of all drafts, leave the room in a canned form. It is desirable that the temperature in the room is at least 18 degrees. Such actions will provide optimal conditions for evaporating fluid processes.

Apply additional means heating air and accelerating the evaporation processes of moisture from under wallpaper is not recommended. By this you can harm the wallpaper canvas, and despite the fact that the wallpaper is dry very quickly, their quality can suffer greatly.

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Knowing how much the wallpapers dry in the closed room, you can easily plan further work. Use the allotted time with the benefit, do not torfer the events.

How much time flieslinic wallpaper

Combining various wallpaper in the living room

In conclusion, I would like to note that the use of wallpaper with the foundation from Flizelin is quite substantiated even in new buildings. It is believed that the strength of the canvas allows not to be afraid that they will be dispreded or disperse, when there is a house. And since the sediment at home takes place for several years, the phlizelin wallpaper will take your friend and companion during this time.

Find and buy yourself Flizelin wallpaper You can easily be able to in any construction store of your city. They are sold in the rolls of the meter width and ten meter length. If we consider wallpapers for painting, then in a roll of such a canvase 2.5 times.

There is no deficiency in this beautiful finishing material how many rolls you need, so much you take. Moreover, now you can imagine how much such wallpapers dries on the walls, and how simple the process of their sticking. It only remains to wish you good luck in repair work.

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