Proper blowing of vinyl wallpaper on a flieslinic basis


When repairing, one of the important issues arising from each person is the question of choosing suitable wallpaper. Different models have different distinctive properties and characteristics, but it even more importantly, their sticking can also differ very much. Consider as an example, how to glue vinyl wallpaper on a flieslinic basis, the most popular lateral material for the walls has recently.

Proper blowing of vinyl wallpaper on a flieslinic basis

Fliseline-based wallpaper usually have a meter length

Is this the right choice

How good are such wallpapers well? Is there a choice of material correctly? Similar wallpapers are quite popular in vain, because they have a lot of positive properties.

Many of them are called simply vinyl, but here it is critical to understand that there are also other vinyl wallpapers, on an exclusively paper basis, they differ from these wallpapers, including adhesive methods.

Flizelinsky base is generally somewhat more profitable than paper, because it possesses albeit small but real leveling properties. And let the wall without aligning the wall still do not do, almost all small defects will be perfectly hidden under the wallpaper blade.

Proper blowing of vinyl wallpaper on a flieslinic basis

Showcase with meter wallpaper in the store

It should be said that such wallpapers are quite simple both in the installation and in everyday operation. During the sticking, the canvas themselves do not need to smear glue, there are no other problems with them when sticking on various surfaces. The durability indicator of these wallpapers is at a high level. Now you need to figure it out, how correctly and correctly blew like this canvases.

Rules of sticking

First consider the general rules that are taken into account when these wallpapers are glued onto the walls. The main thing is that it is necessary to remember - the glue is applied only to the surface of the walls, it is not necessary to apply it to the wallpaper canvas. This allows you to noticeably simplify the workflow and spend less adhesive composition.

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Powing is carried out by the method called "Shake into the joint", the seams will almost unrealicate, because the whole room will look like something holistic. From which angle to start gluing is not fundamentally, so you can choose any comfortable place.

Surface treatment

To begin with, it is necessary to competently prepare the surface of the walls. If there are already available plinths without any special problems, it will be necessary to do this, as they will only interfere with the process, and the plinth can also be swap.

Proper blowing of vinyl wallpaper on a flieslinic basis

Carefully prepared walls, deposit of successful blowing wallpaper

Next, the walls are entirely cleaned from the coating, which was present earlier, we are not going to glue new wallpaper on top. All enough bulk holes and cracks in the wall are closed with putty, after which it is left to dry. The walls are then covered by another layer of putty and is finalized by the soil. If you do not apply primer, the surface of the walls will absorb glue too quickly, because the wallpaper can not be labeled normally.

Sequence of work

  1. First you need to breed in a suitable glue, which is intended for this type of wallpaper. Universal glue can be used, combined with various wallpaper, but in this case it is necessary to clearly monitor the consistency of the composition. The glue is divorced with water according to the instruction that is defined on the package. Powder from the package must be pouring into the water with a thin flowing, without ceasing to stir the contents of the container with water, then the lumps will not.
  2. The glue leaves swell, and at this time the wallpaper roll is cut into separate sheets. You need to measure the distance from the ceiling to the edge of the floor and cut off a couple of pieces of such a height. Initially, it is not necessary to cut more, because there is a possibility that you have to reduce the length of pieces adjusting to the plinth.
  3. The glue as much as possiblely as possible in a wide brush along the wall, it is impossible to skip the plots, everything should be well and qualitatively promoted, otherwise air will begin to accumulate in empty places. Special accents for quality must be done when the angle is missing, as well as the place of the junction between the wallpaper.
  4. After that, the wallpaper strip is applied to the wall. It is recommended to read the vertical line in the surface of the walls and focus during applying on it, because sometimes the walls may not be flat, especially in old Soviet homes.
  5. The sheet must be smoothed along the entire length (preferably) plastic spatula. Moves are performed first from top to bottom, well, and then from the center towards directly to the edge of the wallpaper canvas. In the corners it is worth a bend edge, stick and press the spatula in them. If there is an excess of the wallpaper cannons along the plinth or the ceiling, they also need to clearly press the spatula to formed the cut line for them.
  6. The joints of the joints should be labeled with a small rubber roller to get the perfect and imperceptible seam.

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Proper blowing of vinyl wallpaper on a flieslinic basis

When carrying out work, the maximum accuracy is necessary

When sticking reaches the corners, you need to take a lane of wallpaper for several centimeters (at least 3-5) wider than usual and bend it at an angle. After that, the cooled place is puzzled by a spatula.

Finishing the ceiling

If the wallpaper should also be placed and the ceiling, the general principle remains approximately the same, but as the main tool for the molding surface glue is better to take a roller on a sufficiently long handle. Previously, the surface is accurately repaired and gently put off. To work, it was most convenient as possible, it makes sense to build neat layouts so that with their help you can simply and conveniently get to the ceiling with your hand.

Proper blowing of vinyl wallpaper on a flieslinic basis

One person is glued to the ceiling wallpaper strip is difficult, but really

It is desirable that the assistant helped you, because, unlike walls with a ceiling, it is quite problematic to cope with the ceiling. Ideally, one person will miss the surface with glue, and the other licks on it on a predetermined line (parallel wall).


Several tips describing how to glue vinyl wallpaper on a fliesline basis, with which the work will become even easier.

Proper blowing of vinyl wallpaper on a flieslinic basis

Room with fresh repair

  • Do not be afraid to roughly stick a sheet, the peculiarity of the phlizelin layer is that it will be good enough to slide. You can simply move the lane not a few millimeters and even centimeters without having to disconnect it from the wall.
  • It is necessary to completely de-energize the sockets and switches, and their decorative elements are removed. Only after the correct blowing of the wallpaper canvas and the drying of the walls can be returned to the place. In this case, no seams will be seams.
  • In the room where work in sticking should be maintained the same temperature, as well as to avoid drafts. Then the wallpaper will not fall behind when the glue is drying, there will be no significant problems, all pasting will pass smoothly.

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We hope that now you have some idea of ​​how to work with such a modern material as vinyl wallpaper on a flieslinic basis.

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