Door lock with handle: device, types and strength


Door lock - an integral part of any room, residential building, apartments, office, etc. But in order to ensure the complete safety of the property, it is necessary to acquire a high-quality security unit.

Door lock with handle: device, types and strength

Castle diagram with reiguel: 1 - Lock Rigel; 2 - plate profile; 3 - Key Beard; 4 - Suwalda.

Types of door locks with handles

Door mechanisms with handles are divided into three groups: mortise, overhead and mounted.

Mutable door mechanisms are considered the most reliable and demanded mechanisms as a reliable and main security. Other groups of locks are often used as additional means to protect the house.

Door lock with handle: device, types and strength

Device of a mortise lock.

The parameters for which you want to pay attention to when choosing:

  • material quality;
  • Device design;
  • secrecy;
  • Manufacturer company.

When choosing a door lock with a handle, it is worth clear what protection is purchased and what way to protect the apartment, for example, if it is on the first floors of a multi-storey building.

In this case, you need to select the type that cannot be opened from the inside without a key, even if the thieves hit the room through the balcony. To date, manufacturers offer clients of mortise locks for the right and left doors, it is worth paying attention to it.

Door lock with handle: device, types and strength

Cylinder door locking mechanism.

The mortise mechanism has an inconspicuous view, after installing the device, it is almost impaired, only wells and door handles are visible on the surface, located on both sides.

Installation of a mortise lock in no case will spoil the appearance of the entrance doors, and the mechanism hidden in the middle will prevent intruders to open the doors.

Overhead or hinged door mechanisms serve as a certain suspension from hacking. They are attached directly to the top of the doors, occupying a little space, but spoil the view of a beautiful door material. They are easily open, as their secret is visible externally, such a mechanism can easily knock out a few blows on the door.

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Device door locks with handle, their types

Door lock with handle: device, types and strength

The diagram of the device of the beehlock.

Door locks are divided into several types of mechanism type:

  • Suwald;
  • cylinder;
  • disk;
  • Biometric.

Suwald structures - the secret part of such types of locks with a handle is represented in a set of several plates, which together offer a reliable mechanism for protection. The plates work simply together with curly cuts, which, when opening, combined with protrusions on the site of the key's key.

Despite the simplicity of the mechanism, the Suwald type has the greatest degree of reliability, but it also has a disadvantage. The Suwald type device has a large well size, on which it can be easily checked by several launders of various types and tools with an application of physical force. Modern manufacturers of this type have already submitted to their customers Suwald castles with additional protection, now it is difficult for hackers to get into the necessary grooves. The device of the door lock with the handle is endowed with a system recognition system and protection of power hacking. The mechanism itself when attempting to open the lock without a key is blocked by deficiency.

Such a mechanism of work allows not only to warn from hacking, but also to warn the owner of an attempt of malicious actions.

Door lock with handle: device, types and strength

Castle lock circuit on the door.

Cylinder locks, the name itself suggests that the basis of the work is a cylinder. Turning the cylinder, that is, the discovery occurs directly by turning the full key.

This type of cylinder locks is often used in everyday life, although it is not so protected as suvalden devices. It is believed that the doors with a cylinder protection mechanism can easily be opened by applying a bit of physical strength.

And yet the cylinder lock with a handle has a reliable design, and it is easy to operate due to a simple mechanism of action. Like other protection mechanisms in the form of locks, the cylinder has different degrees of reliability, from the lowest to the most complex mechanism. When choosing a cylinder lock, it is necessary to think logically, because even the most expensive instance of this type is not able to fully protect the house from hacking, and, for example, the protruding larva will be a simple goal for fraudsters that can just snatch it.

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Door lock with handle: device, types and strength

Cutting door lock with cylinder constipation.

A modern variety of cylinder castle with a handle is increasingly found in homes, apartments, offices, hostels. This type of lock is used on interroom doors, it is not able to protect against hacking, but close the room (for example, pantry) from a small child. It is convenient to use such mechanisms in offices to burn out from foreign visitors, etc.

The disk view of the door lock has nothing to do with modern inlet doors, and the device does not fit into the form of a door handle. This species works with the help of the rotation of the regular key, which, in turn, drives the discs.

Despite the simplicity of the mechanism, a disk appearance that has a handle is able to provide excellent protection against hacking by baking or bumbing method. To open such a device, you will need special locks, especially if the lock has a well-compounded well. But this design is easily wedged with the use of force or tools, such as drill or saw for metal.

Such keyholes in the modern world perfectly cope with the storage of bicycles in the parking lots in large cities, and, of course, are still used in the villages to lock the native buildings.

Method for installing mortise locks

Door lock with handle: device, types and strength

Diagram of the device of a dual cylinder lock.

The mortise lock, which has a handle, a rather complicated device that can reliably protect the house from hacking, does not require special skills when installed. Installation of a mortise lock is carried out without much effort, skills and without the help of specialists. All that is needed for installation is a key well of suitable sizes at the entrance doors of the house or apartment. Especially since the mortise device is unpretentious and can be installed on the door of any material.

Installing a mortise device by fixing the bar on the end of the door noticeably weakens the entire security design and makes it more vulnerable in force.

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Another, more reliable way to install the door lock will not cost without the help of specialists, but nevertheless such spending are justified. During the installation, the device is embedded in the door well on all parties. The advantages of such an installation is that it is not able to affect the fortress of the whole design.

Door lock with handle: device, types and strength

Door handle button with lacking overlays.

Suwald mortise locks that have a handle are not installed on interior doors, this makes no sense, since the task of this type is in solid protection against hacking.

Let's summarize. In any case, if the first place is the preservation of the property, it is not necessary to save either on the door structures or on the door locks. Door locks must have several casov, which can be installed at all corners of the entrance doors, so, hackers will be harder to choose the key and even more likely to remove the doors or damage them with the help of girlfriend tools. You can set a pair of such locks with different secrets, but the price of such devices will be appropriate.

It depends on the material of the castle and quality of metal, its strength and durability in operation depends, so it is worth studying the material for strength, otherwise the device will have to be changed in a few months. It also applies to the manufacturer, only the responsible firm will not save on quality not to lose its reputation.

Interior mechanisms need less attention to ensuring the protection of the premises from hacking, but require care in the selection of the interior of the room. Such castles with movable handles are used for any room, locked from the inside and outside are very common in office space, hostels or storage rooms. The handle in such locks plays an important role in the closing or opening of the door.

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