How to make a vase from plasticine, bottles and banks with their own hands in stages


Gorgeous elegant vessels decorated with painting or stucco are called vases. They make them from various materials - clay, glass, metal, porcelain and even stone. This article will be described how to make a plasticine vase.

How to make a vase from plasticine, bottles and banks with their own hands in stages

A bit of history

The first vases served as vessels for liquid and bulk products. They were made from clay. The finished vase was dried in the sun or burned in the furnace to give the material more strength. As objects of art, these vessels were used to decorate the tomb, already then the masters were applied to Greek amphoras a different ornament.

First of all, the decoration of such VAZ were historical paintings that reflect various important events. Conducting excavations and finding such art objects, archaeologists can judge the entire epochs.

How to make a vase from plasticine, bottles and banks with their own hands in stages

Useful classes

Lrack is one of the species of fine art. It is based on the giving plastic materials of various shapes and the creation of compositions. This type of creativity is one of the most tactile, because during the work it is necessary to touch the material. Such contact is developing a small motility of hands, which contributes to the development of speech. This is due to the close location of the speech center of the child's brain with the center responsible for coordinating the hands and fingers.

Just one piece of plasticine, a child can create a large number of different images. At the same time, heaviness is produced, attention and memory is training. Creating something with your own hands, the child not only implements creative potential, but also learns aesthetic thinking - the vision of beauty.

How to make a vase from plasticine, bottles and banks with their own hands in stages

Decoration for a dollhouse

Make the most simple vase for dolls can even kids. To do this, form two balls of different diameters from plasticine and combine them with each other. The jock is carefully smoothed with fingers.

Article on the topic: Everything for home with your own hands: Master classes with photos and video

How to make a vase from plasticine, bottles and banks with their own hands in stages

With a pencil, you need to make a hole in the vessel body. Next you need to form a neck with hand. Making the foundation, you can go to the design of the vase. Just show your fantasy!

How to make a vase from plasticine, bottles and banks with their own hands in stages

The finished vase will be an excellent decoration of a puppet house.

Gift for mom

An indispensable attribute of the spring holiday on March 8 are live flowers. Of course, this is the privilege of adult men to give the female half such gifts. But 1-4 class students are completely able to please the mammies with an unusual vase. You can make it in the plasticography technique. This technique is based on plasticine on various solid surfaces. We offer you to make a vase from plasticine and banks. For the manufacture of a vase you will need:

  • Glass jar;
  • Plasticine;
  • Thread woolen green color;
  • Different cereals (peas, rice);
  • Toothpick or acute wand.

The jar for the vase is best to take an elongated form. Plasticine must be soft or should be pre-softened by placing it in a warm place.

To begin with, the prepared bank must be covered with a thin smooth layer of plasticine.

How to make a vase from plasticine, bottles and banks with their own hands in stages

Next, draw the selected pattern on the future vase. In this case, it's a bush with daisies.

How to make a vase from plasticine, bottles and banks with their own hands in stages

Lay out the thread of the contours of the twigs.

How to make a vase from plasticine, bottles and banks with their own hands in stages

Lay out chamomile from cereals. As a yellow core of a flower, use peas, and rice grains will serve daisy petals.

How to make a vase from plasticine, bottles and banks with their own hands in stages

Make the inscription "March 8" on the back of the vase.

How to make a vase from plasticine, bottles and banks with their own hands in stages

A wonderful gift for mom is ready. Such a VAZ will certainly please her, because it is made with love.

How to make a vase from plasticine, bottles and banks with their own hands in stages

Winter VaZochka

Very nice looking bottles decorated with various ornaments. Try to make an unusual decoration for your home. In the proposed master class, it will be gradually considered the process of manufacturing a vase from a glass bottle. Not only adults can cope with such work, but children over 9 years old. And its execution will help improve the skill of modeling and painting. For the manufacture of a vase from plasticine and the bottle you will need:

  • Plasticine (you can take exhaust);
  • Glass bottle;
  • Stack;
  • Gouache and brushes;
  • White toothpaste and toothbrush;
  • Varnish (you can take hair polish).

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The selected bottle must be evenly coated with a thin layer of plasticine.

If the stucco, which you will decorate the bottle, attach directly on the glass, then with the most likely it just disappears and spoil the product. And plasticine, which is soaked with a bottle, will give a greater clutch of stucco elements with the base.

How to make a vase from plasticine, bottles and banks with their own hands in stages

This paper selected winter landscape. To make the sun, attach a small laying of plasticine to the bottle, form the rays out of thin sausages. Using the sausages made of various thicknesses, form the trunks and branches of the trees. Laptop them to the base.

How to make a vase from plasticine, bottles and banks with their own hands in stages

The Christmas tree is made from small triangular pellets, which are cut into a fringe with a stack below. Attach parts to the bottle.

How to make a vase from plasticine, bottles and banks with their own hands in stages

The next stage in the creation of a winter vase will be degreasing. It is done using a thin layer of toothpaste on the surface of the bottle. Degreasing is necessary in order for the paint to lay on plasticine. Fasting the pasta, leave the bottle until complete drying.

How to make a vase from plasticine, bottles and banks with their own hands in stages

After drying, you can proceed to staining the bottle. Apply the first layer of paint, let it dry.

How to make a vase from plasticine, bottles and banks with their own hands in stages

The second layer align all the tones and add the necessary shades.

How to make a vase from plasticine, bottles and banks with their own hands in stages

Revilize the winter landscape by adding details. Draw twigs of trees and cover them with snow. Put on the branches of the bullfight. Add some white snowflakes with the last stroke using a toothbrush and white gouache.

How to make a vase from plasticine, bottles and banks with their own hands in stages

How to make a vase from plasticine, bottles and banks with their own hands in stages

How to make a vase from plasticine, bottles and banks with their own hands in stages

How to make a vase from plasticine, bottles and banks with their own hands in stages

For greater durability, cover the product with a layer of varnish. Winter vase from a bottle and plasticine is ready. It will become an excellent decoration of your interior.

How to make a vase from plasticine, bottles and banks with their own hands in stages

Video on the topic

About how to make vases from plasticine and other materials, you can learn from the proposed video.

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