Where Andrei Makarevich lives [Review of the three-story house in the suburbs]


Andrei Vadimovich Makarevich is a famous musical figure deserved by the Russian artist, and the founder of the Machine Machine Machine. Today, along with the team, he touring and sololy gives concerts to famous people. Makarevich wrote several books about himself and his team, as well as several poetic collections. Prior to this year, Andrei was a cultural and artificial adviser under the Russian chapter, but due to excessive workload, left the council.

Where Andrei Makarevich lives [Review of the three-story house in the suburbs]

House artista

Makarevich lived in Pushup for a long time. The house bought at the Yarmolnik. But, after a large-scale forest cutting began and he began to swear with his neighbors, decided to move. Nothing thinking, the artist bought himself a house in the Moscow region of the village "Pavlovo". This place is located in seventeen kilometers from the Moscow Ring Road, if you go through Novorizhskoye highway. In the village there is a lake with a pleasure and selling zone that goes into the forest. The whole territory is lit by old lanterns. Thanks to nature, the artist and chose this site. Here people are friendly and belong to the artist with respect.

Where Andrei Makarevich lives [Review of the three-story house in the suburbs]

In the three-story house, Andrei Vadimovich Makarevich lives without his legitimate spouse. Arrangement he did personally. The cottage came out beautiful and original. On the site there is a swimming pool with a bath, art workshop and a dishes of dishes in nature.

Where Andrei Makarevich lives [Review of the three-story house in the suburbs]

Interior decoration

The house of the artist has an interesting architecture. The house is equipped with a terrace and maintained by snow-white columns. The windows are made in the illuminator and classical form. Glass with concrete complement each other. The territory near the house is made in the designer avant-garde style.

Each housing room has its own unique thematic style. There is a room for a music studio. There are favorite artist musical instruments. There is a road with expensive wines. There is a working office, decorated with photos and portraits of favorite people.

There is a room in the house for numerous singer awards . There is a business office and a room with a billiard table. The last room is especially loved by Andrey, because there he spends often meetings with friends and distracted from important affairs.

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Where Andrei Makarevich lives [Review of the three-story house in the suburbs]

The interior of the house is complemented by collective and unique things. Makarevich is a famous collector of vintage items. He collects utensils of the eighteenth-nineteenth century, dolls, bells, tools, monastic keys and beads for many years. Therefore, in each artist room there are interesting items.

A separate artist room is designed for a beloved pet - Bruungilda. The favorite is fed with mouses, hares and toads brought from reserves.

Where Andrei Makarevich lives [Review of the three-story house in the suburbs]

One of the unusual exhibits that are located in the house of the artist is a huge crown located on the balcony. In addition to the densely planted by the trees of the yard and purely tonsured lawn, this is the main decoration of the house. Such an unusual subject, a man received after he participated in a charity evening. Makarevich rated this event and put a sample of a burenki from the event.

It was not deprived by the central room at home - the kitchen. It contains a stove with smoking. There is a rack with matte shelves, where the artist stores vintage collectible vases and teapots. Andrei Makarevich loves to cook and constantly treats guests with the help of original dishes of his cooking. Therefore, the kitchen has a man has its own unique style. In addition, this is the largest room in the house.

It is worth indicating that Pavlovsky village, which is located on Novorizhskoye highway, the most prestigious. The price of the middle section of 30 acres is 5,000,000 dollars.

Where Andrei Makarevich lives [Review of the three-story house in the suburbs]

Andrei Makarevich showed his huge country house (1 video)

Where Andrei Makarevich lives (6 photos)

Where Andrei Makarevich lives [Review of the three-story house in the suburbs]

Where Andrei Makarevich lives [Review of the three-story house in the suburbs]

Where Andrei Makarevich lives [Review of the three-story house in the suburbs]

Where Andrei Makarevich lives [Review of the three-story house in the suburbs]

Where Andrei Makarevich lives [Review of the three-story house in the suburbs]

Where Andrei Makarevich lives [Review of the three-story house in the suburbs]

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