Owl of cones: master class with photo and video


The bump is a symbol of hard work, success and strong family bonds. Crafts from cones have a strong positive energy, can multiply wealth and achievements. Owl is a symbol of knowledge, wisdom and a wide outlook. And made of cones, it will be a powerful talisman, contributes to an increase in accumulated knowledge, helps to achieve incredible success in school and career, strengthens family relationships, brings well-being and joy to the house. Do you want such an energetically strong charm, as owl, settled at your home? Make your own hands owls from the cones, the master class on creating crafts will help you with it.

Owl of cones: master class with photo and video

Crafts from fetra

Create joint crafts with children - one pleasure. This is a fascinating and useful occupation for both kids and adults. Creativity unites people and brings joy and satisfaction.

Owl of cones: master class with photo and video

We offer to cooperate efforts and make stunning crafts together with a child - soverees from the cones.

Owl of cones: master class with photo and video

Prepare the necessary materials. First of all, it is necessary to collect cones. Wonderful reason for a joint walk in the forest.

Before proceeding to create a craft, the assembled material is recommended to dry in the oven at a temperature of no more than 200 degrees for 30-40 minutes.

Owl of cones: master class with photo and video

For the manufacture of the consistence we will also need:

  • multicolored felt;
  • scissors, adhesive gun;
  • Wire and glue.
  1. Getting to work. We choose the three most beautiful cones - the body of our future night birds. We prepare patterns, carry them on the fabric, cut the part. We offer to use the presented templates.

Owl of cones: master class with photo and video

Owl of cones: master class with photo and video

  1. We collect the details, thus, as shown in the photo number 2.
  2. We glue parts with each other, with the help of a glue gun, let dry (photo number 3).
  3. The resulting billets of the face and the wings gently glue to the cones, as demonstrated in photo No. 4.
  4. We cook from the wire foot for birds, in accordance with photo number 5.
  5. We glue the legs to the torsions of the coils, as illustrated in the photo number 6.

Article on the topic: Welding of wire with their own hands: Schemes for beginners with video

Owl of cones: master class with photo and video

The trio of wise sumunations is ready.

Owl of cones: master class with photo and video

Other options for making crafts from cones and felt are presented below.

Owl of cones: master class with photo and video

Owl of cones: master class with photo and video

Owl of cones: master class with photo and video

Owl of cones: master class with photo and video

Owl of cones: master class with photo and video

Owl of cones: master class with photo and video

Owl of cones: master class with photo and video

Video to create owls from felt and cones in front of you.

Plasticine Night Bird

Owl of cones: master class with photo and video

We continue joint creativity with children. We offer the easiest option of creating talismans in the form of wise birds. We will need only plasticine and cones.

A bump, as in the past case, acts as a body, and make a muzzle, wings and paws of owls from plasticine.

Owl of cones: master class with photo and video

Fantasize and create unique night birds from cones and plasticine.

Owl of cones: master class with photo and video

Owl of cones: master class with photo and video

Owl of cones: master class with photo and video

Symbol of wisdom from acorns

Owl of cones: master class with photo and video

We continue to create with children. Before you another interesting idea for incarnation. We offer to make a schuke from cones, leaves and acorns. In this case, we use not acorns themselves, but their caps to create sovic eyes, and from the leaves are wonderful wings.

To make such a cute bird, we will need:

  • a bump, two hats from the acorns, leaves;
  • adhesive gun, glue,
  • Pieces of dense fabric for beak and paws (felt or artificial leather);
  • Beads, butt or finished eyes.

Owl of cones: master class with photo and video

  1. First of all, it is necessary to prepare a place for the eyes. To do this, remove, with scissors, a pair of symmetric petals from a bump.
  2. Stick to the prepared places of the helm hats.
  3. Prepare and cut out the details from the fetra: beak, paws. Attach them to a shishke with a glue gun.
  4. Gently glit to the chish leaves - wings, symmetrically on both sides.
  5. We decorate the eyes, glit in the middle of each hat, a black bead or use plastic eye blanks.

Ptah is ready.

Other ideas for children's creativity. Choose the inspirational options and create with pleasure.

Owl of cones: master class with photo and video

Owl of cones: master class with photo and video

Owl of cones: master class with photo and video

Video on the topic

To search for new ideas, use the video to create collections from the cones.

Article on the topic: Knitting patterns of patterns and motifs Crochet - My selection

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