Lounge area on the balcony: resting place without leaving the apartment


Lounge area on the balcony: resting place without leaving the apartment

Lounge Zone - a specially designated place for communication and recreation Balconies gradually lose their former purpose. Previously, the balconies were used everywhere in order to store old things, tools, building materials. This method of using the balcony today is losing its popularity, the idea of ​​decoring the balcony as a place to relax is replaced. Today it is quite successful you can interior with your efforts, it will make the space stylish and cozy, and the design will be quite economical. In order to organize the space properly, you need to take into account the features of the arrangement of a specific balcony.

Preparatory work: finishing and insulation

In urban environments, the finish should be easily cleaned. The best choice will be the use of plastic panels. They are very comfortable, easy to clean, strong enough and do not require additional maintenance.

It is important to pay attention to the insulation of the room. Well, if there is an opportunity to put double-glazed windows, a dense profile or put a second row of windows. However, it is a fairly scrupulous and costly type of work.

Lounge area on the balcony: resting place without leaving the apartment

Before creating a lounge area, it is necessary to thoroughly insulate and glazed the balcony

If there is no possibility to warm the room, the balcony can only be used in the spring-summer period.

Lounge area on the balcony (video)

Decor Lounge Zone: Main Concept

All balconies without exception can be redone in a comfortable lounge area. The whole concept of such a zone is based on the decor. It is in attentive attitude to the details the key to success. The purpose of the Lounge Zone is to create a cozy, favorable, peaceful atmosphere for recreation. This can be achieved thanks to a properly selected color and decorative solution.

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Lounge area on the balcony: resting place without leaving the apartment

Lounge area with pillows on the balcony - Comfortable and cozy place for recreation

The main stages of creating a decorative zone:

  1. It is necessary to estimate the space at the disposal. From this will depend on the concept of zoning, the choice of furniture and decor items. If there are few spaces, the folding or folding furniture can be used to arrange space.
  2. Best is the balcony to divide into two zones. One zone can be removed for invisible storage and structuring of things. Thanks to the large selection of built-in cabinets, this zone can be made almost inconspicuous. The second is the main space for recreation and communication.
  3. Show fantasy to the fullest. Pictures, handmade crafts, posters, postcards, old decorations, photos, etc.
  4. Organization of mini-garden. A good decorative solution will be the organization of the Green Garden. Plants should be chosen in such a way that their flowering time has different time intervals. Then it will be possible to create a continuously blooming garden. The best plants are located on the floor. If there are very few places, they can take the windowsill or place on the walls.

When decorating the balcony, the main thing is not to be afraid to experiment in color solutions and variety of accessories.

Recreation area on the balcony: the best spatial solution

The balcony design can be open and closed. But this does not affect the variety of ways to create a cozy recreation area on the balcony.

Lounge area on the balcony: resting place without leaving the apartment

Each person can independently come up with an individual interior option for the lounge area on the balcony.

Options for using balcony space:

  • Creating a mini-cabinet. The main thing is to equip such a zone with a table or stand for a laptop, a comfortable chair or chair. On the walls you can place the shelves and racks for books.
  • Creating a dining room. If the balcony is large enough, the recreation area can be arranged in the form of a dining room, while the kitchen in the apartment will carry the operating function. To do this, you need the main set of furniture in the form of a table and chairs. From the window sill you can make a cozy landing place.
  • Creating a workshop. If the owners of the apartment are creative people, the workshop on the balcony will become an excellent solution. Here you can practice drawing, sewing, modeling, etc. Creatively arrange such a workshop will not be a lot of work: easels and other creative accessories are excellent decorative elements.
  • Creating a garden. For lovers of plants there is nothing better than creating a garden Vason on the balcony can be placed on the floor, on the walls, decorate the facade of curly plants. You can also create your own mini-garden, grown beds with greens and vegetables.
  • Creating a gaming area. Game zone Great solution for creating additional space for a child. Children can be in the fresh air, as well as expand the borders of the personal space. However, such a zone should be paid to the safety of such a zone.

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A balcony of any size can be turned into a cozy area of ​​recreation, if the space is correctly disposed of, properly arrange furniture and interior items.

Soft balcony: major techniques

The soft balcony is perhaps the most beautiful way to design a recreation area, because drown in pillows and a cozy atmosphere, is the real relaxation.

Lounge area on the balcony: resting place without leaving the apartment

Soft balcony - the perfect place to relax and relax

Designers offer three main techniques with which you can create a delightful atmosphere:

  • Use a plurality of pillows. Pillows and blankets - the main tool of equipment of space.
  • Using bright curtains in tone or contrast with pillows.
  • Use frameless furniture. Chairs-bags give the atmosphere of ease and comfort, harmoniously complement the pillows, besides, inexpensive in price.

The soft balcony can be refreed to be green vases on the windowsill. A functionality will give the built-in wardrobe to the ceiling.

Original balcony: Hooky room in oriental style

Turn the space on the balcony into the real highlight and the oasis of pleasures can be hooking, made in oriental style. For a stylish and luxurious species, it is necessary to properly approach the design of the hookah.

Oriental style pisch luxury and comfort, create which you can do it.

Lounge area on the balcony: resting place without leaving the apartment

Most lovers of hookah and east themes equip the balcony in the appropriate style

Five basic designer techniques:

  • Using a large amount of fabric: on windows, walls, doorways, on the ceiling. Fabrics must have a rich and bright look: chiffon, velvet silk.
  • Construction niche for hookah using various decorative elements.
  • Put on the balcony half-breed in the tone of the total color scheme.
  • Use chairs bags. This is an additional seating, as well as decor element.
  • Making a suspended ceiling of fabric with a multitude of folds that will play with light and create a special atmosphere.

Such a room will turn the balcony in the beloved place to relax.

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Finishing and insulation of the balcony (video)

Today, more and more people turn their balconies to a place to relax. This design allows you to expand the borders of the personal space and creates a unique atmosphere for a pleasant pastime. Designers offer a variety of finishes, zoning, design and decoration interior lounge area. The main thing is what they emphasize attention, do not be afraid to use a large number of decorative elements, experiment with color, light game and contrasts. With the help of the correct layout, even the smallest balcony can be turned into a cozy place to relax and communicate.

Design Lounge Area on Balcony (Interior Photo)

Lounge area on the balcony: resting place without leaving the apartment

Lounge area on the balcony: resting place without leaving the apartment

Lounge area on the balcony: resting place without leaving the apartment

Lounge area on the balcony: resting place without leaving the apartment

Lounge area on the balcony: resting place without leaving the apartment

Lounge area on the balcony: resting place without leaving the apartment

Lounge area on the balcony: resting place without leaving the apartment

Lounge area on the balcony: resting place without leaving the apartment

Lounge area on the balcony: resting place without leaving the apartment

Lounge area on the balcony: resting place without leaving the apartment

Lounge area on the balcony: resting place without leaving the apartment

Lounge area on the balcony: resting place without leaving the apartment

Lounge area on the balcony: resting place without leaving the apartment

Lounge area on the balcony: resting place without leaving the apartment

Lounge area on the balcony: resting place without leaving the apartment

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