Mushroom Mushroom Mushroom. Knit crochet Amigurumi


Mushroom Mushroom Mushroom. Knit crochet Amigurumi. Dear listeners crochet miniature toys and emigor dolls! I want to offer you to tie a cute toy - Mushroom Mushroom with small mushrooms. Soon the new year and this idea can be used to create decorative compositions, to decorate the New Year's Christmas tree and the festive interior of your home. Below you will see the work and scheme from the Japanese master, everything is clear and without knowing the language. I have no doubt that you will deal and connect the toy for the baby.

Mushroom Mushroom Mushroom. Knit crochet Amigurumi

Mushroom Mushroom Mushroom. Knit crochet Amigurumi

Mushroom Mushroom Mushroom. Knit crochet Amigurumi

Before you, a complex mushroom, which consists of 7 parts. The picture below shows, numbered, each piece of ammoroman. To each number, respectively, the scheme is attached.

Mushroom Mushroom Mushroom. Knit crochet Amigurumi

In the schemes used columns with Nakud, the columns without a nakid and an increase. For visual decoding of symbols, look at the previous publication: Mushroom Mushroom Crochet. Knitting scheme.

Below you see: Left - knitting scheme parts, and on the right - a list of rows and the number of loops.

Step 1. Knitting scheme of a red moon hat:

Mushroom Mushroom Mushroom. Knit crochet Amigurumi

Step 2. The bottom of the hat (under red), knit white yarn.

Mushroom Mushroom Mushroom. Knit crochet Amigurumi

Step 3. Head of the Mumor. Pink yarn.

Mushroom Mushroom Mushroom. Knit crochet Amigurumi

Step 4. The leg of the ammother. Brown yarn.

Mushroom Mushroom Mushroom. Knit crochet Amigurumi

Step 5. Collar gray yarn.

Mushroom Mushroom Mushroom. Knit crochet Amigurumi

Step 6. Little Collar White Yarn. Step 7. White mugs for a mumor hat.

Mushroom Mushroom Mushroom. Knit crochet Amigurumi

Mushroom Mushroom Mushroom. Knit crochet Amigurumi

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