Plastic panels - Great finishing option for toilet


Toilet is the place that all family members attend. Such a room can be separate and contain only a toilet or bidet. But, most often, the toilet is combined with a wicker, bathroom or shower box. The question of the design and appearance of the toilet is important for everyone. In this article I will talk about the finishing of the toilet with plastic panels.

Immediately, we note that if the toilet and the bathroom are divided, the toilet finish of PVC panels occurs more often. This is due to the fact that the lack of plastic goes into the background and they are practically not noticeable in rooms with a small square. But first things first.

Dignity of material

Among the advantages of PVC panels is to highlight the following characteristics:

  1. Cheapness. The cost of this type of finishing is much lower than the tile, decorative stone and sometimes even what wallpaper. This makes a plastic version very purchased among people who make repair with their own hands and want to save on it.
  2. Ease. The PVC panel itself is very light, so it can easily be transferred or transported and installed. Since the finish can require standard plastic slices in height, then cut strips right in the store. The material is very well cutting with a simple knife with a cutter or a small knife.

  3. Fast installation. In the next half of the article, we will look at how to put plastic, but it can be immediately possible that each subsequent strip does not require additional use of nails, self-tapping and other fasteners. Plastic is attached to the grooves of the previous strip or in the guide, which greatly facilitates work.
  4. A wide range of. Previously, the selection of plastic was very small - white, grayish or point. Now the situation has changed dramatically and you can choose such colors of plastic panels that are rare even in the wallpaper. This, again, happened due to the great popularity of such material.
  5. Warning. Toilet or bathroom are those places where it is often wet. Plastic finish option helps protect walls from blotting and fast wear. Wallpaper for the toilet is little suitable, because they will have to change every 2-3 years at best. But the plastic panel is enough to wipe with a damp cloth and it will look like a new and acquire the original appearance.

    Plastic panels - Great finishing option for toilet

  6. Accessibility to modifications. This item can be lowered from the first reading. It is understood here that the finishing of the PVC panel toilet is very convenient for plumbers. In the case of flooding of an apartment, a breakthrough of pipes or sewage indoor - plastic quickly and easily can be disassembled, and after eliminating breakage - put it in place. Agree, because with wallpaper or tiles, this option will not pass.
  7. Safety. Polyvinyl chloride is the main material for the production of panels - heat-resistant. It is also worth noting that it does not include any prohibited and harmful substances.

In principle, all these characteristics are enough to make a choice. Therefore, we ask the question - how to choose the plastic panels.

Select panels

The finishing of the toilet with plastic panels will not be much labor if at the beginning you will make a detailed finish plan. On the leaf, write out which parameters in the premises of the room, in which part the panel will be installed, and how it will fit. Before you choose, you must have a clear understanding, how much and what material you need, because the store will need to pay attention to something else.

Plastic panels - Great finishing option for toilet

First of all, select the desired design and coloring of the panels themselves. If the toilet is small, it is better to stop the choice on light and pastel colors. Among PVC, the mass of such colors is gentle pink, blue, peach, gray. The panel can be both monophonic and divorce and clouds.

If you decide to combine several types of plastic - for example, blue and white - exactly make a combination of it and pay attention to shades with different lighting. It is important to pick up the color as beautiful as possible. Since the main minus plastic consider its ease of mechanical damage, then when buying the most I advise you to pay attention to the quality of the goods. When transporting to the store, the panel may already be damaged, remember it. After all, there are sellers who are targeting the sale of poor quality goods, if only in a warehouse did not lay. Inspect all the edges of each strip to do not be upset at home.

The wall variant of the panels is the same as the ceiling. The difference can only be in color (clean white is often chosen on the ceiling). In this case, your toilet will visually increase. Finishing PVC panels Some people compare with MDF. But these are completely different things, since the second type of material is more like a tree according to the properties, rather than on plastic. The same plus of these species is moisture resistance, since the fine fraction is covered with a waterproof layer of spraying.

Technology Sheathing

The decoration of the bathroom or toilet should begin with the construction of the frame. If the walls are already fully cleaned and ready for repair, then analyze whether the insulation layer is needed.

If yes - then I advise you to build an external frame frame and put insulation into it. The width of the frame layers of the frame base will depend only on the thickness of the insulation itself. Remember that the insulation will not only improve the preservation of heat in the toilet, but also increase sound insulation. This moment may be more important to the toilet than the first.

Plastic panels - Great finishing option for toilet

When the external frame is ready (lower, upper and side slats), it is tightly fitted with a layer of insulation and press it with crossbars. Thus, it turns out a rectangle, permeated by other scarves, which will help plastic to save their qualities and firmly fit into each other.

The finish of the strips begins from the angle of the room. Krepim to frame the first guide. It should become at the level vertically. If at this moment a little laughter is allowed, then all further strips of plastic will have to be closed at the top and bottom, and they will create a kind of spit room. Therefore, make sure that you have had the level and it worked, and not just lying.

When the guide is attached - insert the plastic strips themselves one after another. Each subsequent strip is included in the scene of the previous one. If the edges of the strips are smooth, then no difficulties with their installation should be. Each panel must be approaching in the drawing. If you want to install quickly - take plastic monotonous so that there are no extra problems with the selection of pattern.

If the finish comes to an end and you have a small empty place in the wall to install the last plank, then in this case the last guide to the framework. Cut off the strip of plastic vertically by narrow hacksaw and insert it immediately into the guide, and then in the groove of the previous panel.

Plastic panels - Great finishing option for toilet

In working with plastic, the question may arise - and how to cut it right. For this point, it is worth a cutter or a stationery knife or a narrow small knife. Since plastic has a certain thickness, it will have to cut it with a knife from two sides - you cut off immediately for the line on one side, then on the other. Since you can not get exactly in-point, then it is much easier to cut with a hacksaw. Although in the first case the edge will be absolutely even - and in the torus - it can be slightly rough.

My main advice when installing plastic panels in the toilet - do not rush. Yes, I always want to do work quickly, but plastic does not like this.

It also requires minimal time costs. Exact calculations will always help perform work efficiently. If you cannot calculate yourself, you can contact a specialist or to the seller in the plastic panels store. Do not be afraid to make your own hands what they built in dreams. This will bring a lot of pleasure and positive emotions. Good luck in job!

Video "Finish and installation of wall plastic PVC panels do it yourself"

The record shows the process of finishing the room with PVC panels with their own hands.

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