Beautiful boxes do it yourself for storing things


Beautiful boxes do it yourself for storing things

Often, boxes are used for storing things different sizes. Of course, you can purchase them in stores. But beautiful storage boxes can be made with your own hands. Our article will help in this.

We draw up a box of cardboard

Prepare the following materials and tools:

  • Cardboard box or paper (ordinary, decorative, gift, color cardboard), if you decide not to take a ready-made cardboard box;
  • Iron clips;
  • glue;
  • a piece of beautiful bright fabric;
  • scissors;
  • line;
  • pencil;
  • Santimeter tape.

Select for decorating a box of approximately 40 to 40 cm. It is convenient to put it in the closet or installed on the shelf. If you want to use the storage design in a specific place, then choose according to the parameters of this place.

A sideboard should not exceed 10 cm. This container is convenient for storing small things. Carefully cropped the sides, the dimensions of which are more than 10 cm, you can use a ruler, pencil and scissors. To do this, make marking on the side inner walls. From the bottom of the design from each edge, mark 10 cm, swipe the line with a pencil, and then cut off the unnecessary piece.

If you decide not to use a ready-made cardboard box, then create a design for storing things with your own hands. To do this, make two smooth squares from paper (the structure of the structure depends on the paper thickness, the thicker is better). The sides of one should be more sides of another 1.5 cm. Large square is the future cover of your capacity.

Then fold paper squares, according to the scheme represented in the photo.

Beautiful boxes do it yourself for storing things

After you make all the bends, proceed to the assembly. Display the walls in the folds of folds. Do not drive the paper in unnecessary places.

From a smaller square will be a bottom box. Make the same thing from a large square - this is the lid. Connect them together - the box is ready.

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Create beautiful boxes for storing things with your own hands will be difficult. But it is necessary to strengthen their walls. This can be done as follows.

  1. Winning of flaps inside. State the height of the design of the pencil. When working with a corrugated cardboard, in the place of bend, spend a stupid side of the scissors: it will be better bend. Provide smooth fit of cardboard to design walls. Surplus cut.
  2. Fixing the workpiece. Apply glue to the entire surface, press the cardboard tightly for 30-50 seconds. It is possible to make a sides of design with a stronger one: the top flaps of the box cut off, cut the strip from them (its width coincides with the height of the side wall, the length is equal to the perimeter of these walls). Place on it (the length of the short side side, later - long). Clean the markup. Provide smooth fitting of cardboard, stick it inside the box.

Boxes for storage of things decorated with natural fabric, look beautiful and unusual. Before decorating our design, clean and swallow the fabric iron.

Cut the blank according to the size of the box, enlarged twice. You will have a piece of rectangular or square shape.

The cloth should be beatened from two sides of the design, secure it with a manual line. Do not forget to align the matter.

Tool cardboard with glue and press cloth to it. Keep such a design will be within two days.

So that such a container looked finished, glue a piece of fabric onto it, it will completely close the cardboard inside.

Beautiful boxes do it yourself for storing things

If you make your own hand box for the storage of ladies' baubles, you can decorate it with beads, beads, pieces of skin, artificial colors. In general, all that consider aesthetically attractive.

As you can see, make beautiful boxes for storing things with your own hands, is not so difficult. The main thing is to comply with the stratification of work, to show accuracy and slightly to fantasize.

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