Make a carved panel of wood: 5 important rules


Make a carved panel of wood: 5 important rules

The carved panel from the tree will be a real decoration of the interior of residential premises, carved panels are gaining increasingly popular every year. Such masterpieces made by their own hands are a real work of art and unique in their performance. With the help of such products, you can organize the elegant design of any room, as well as give him a unique Eastern Charm. Carved panels are harmoniously combined with the interior of any style.

What makes wooden carved panels on the wall

Creation of carved panels is a difficult creative process requiring special skills and fantasies from the master, as well as understanding all the subtleties of such a difficult, but interesting lesson. For the manufacture of wall panels is not suitable for any wood.

Very often panels make from:

  • Beech;
  • Birch;
  • Alder;
  • Linden;
  • Tick;
  • Oak;
  • Pines.

On the panel often depict excerpts from life, animals and plants. Ornaments and ornamental paintings become decorated with miniature wooden paintings.

Make a carved panel of wood: 5 important rules

For the manufacture of carved paintings, the wood of coniferous breed is most often used.

Decor for panels from valuable parel of wood can be used inlaid silver or amber.

The most durable and noble are carved panels from oak and teak.

Carved wooden panels: what to pay attention to

Working with wood requires special skills, and the ability to create carved panels especially. This is a whole art with the use of artistic taste, fantasies and skills to competently emphasize the release of the material. Carved wooden panel is a real masterpiece with a finished way that you can decorate any room. Such pictures are currently very popular in the design of rooms for business meetings of various companies and firms.

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What should be paid attention to:

  • It is important to choose the correct environmental material;
  • The material for the panel must be practical;
  • Compliance with panel manufacturing technology is of great importance;
  • It is important to choose a suitable tool for work, then the process will not be so complicated;
  • Most panel elements are easy to perform electric jigsaw;
  • The finished picture is often covered with oil. This method allows you to protect the product from moisture.

Make a carved panel of wood: 5 important rules

At the final stage, the carved product is covered with a thin layer of transparent varnish

Create a beautiful composition and an attractive setting can be combined with wooden interior items and carved panels, complemented by pleasant lighting.

Do not forget that if the carved wooden panel is used in the design of the room, the rest of the interior must be appropriate.

Panel from the handmade tree fill the room with positive energy, a favorable aura and comfort.

The service life of carved wooden panels can last several decades.

Make a carved panel of wood with your own hands

Make a carved panel of wood with your own hands - not such a simple task. But it is still worth trying yourself in this art. For the first time, of course, work will be poor quality and not particularly neat, but the process of classes will give you a lot of pleasure.

Where to start:

  • Initially select the picture, on the basis of which the layout will be created.
  • After selecting suitable wood and veneer. Cushion fasten on the veneer - it will be the base of the canvas with a selected composition.
  • Create a general background. You can use different types of wood.
  • Cut the part with a knife, excluding the jar and silent of the pattern.

Make a carved panel of wood: 5 important rules

Carved decoration made of wood can be used as a charm or talisman

Details of panels are cut down a slightly larger size from the layout used. At the end of the work, all parts of the panel should be placed in the red sand or salt. Thus, the elements and saturation of their color and a special depth occur.

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After all parts are labeled with glue and assemble into the overall composition. And after complete drying, the surface should be lacquered.

The carved panel of wood is used not only for the decor of the room, but also as a champ.

Panel can also be made without details and to work to use one-piece timber bar. Such an occupation will require greater attentiveness and frosting.

How to make a carved panel for bath do it yourself

The constituent decor for the bath is played by the last role, they create a favorable general atmosphere. Due to the permanent temperature drops and moisture, the material for the panel should be chosen very carefully. Make a carved panel into a bath with your own hands at a minimum of artistic abilities is quite real. Up to work, it is necessary to think through the drawing and prepare a stencil from paper. Very often, the drawings for bathrooms are magnificent ladies with inventors or a bathhouse in the steam room. Also often use sayings and quotes to the appropriate subject. To work, you will need a sharp knife and wooden plank.

Sequence of work:

  • It is necessary to span a plate with the front side;
  • Transfer the drawing;
  • Cut the necessary patterns and contours knife;
  • Coat carved sections with a water-based veneer, and the remaining areas are a turpidar or a solution of flaxseed oil;
  • Adjust fasteners on the back side of the plank.

Make a carved panel of wood: 5 important rules

The carved panel of a tree on a bathing theme will create a comfortable atmosphere, highlights the unique interior of the steam room

That's all the master class of carved panels for the bath. Of course, this is the easiest option for an inexperienced novice, because the complexity of the entire process of thread depends only on individual abilities.

Any panel for the bath will not spoil the phrase "with light steam".

Make a carved panel watch with your own hands

The carved panel "Clock" successfully comes up to any interior, adding it style and grace. Consider the creation of a carved panel made with patterns in the form of cranes on the wall. To do this, prepare the necessary material and the tool.

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Required material and tools for panels "Clock":

  • Shield glued from oak rail;
  • Wooden base for panel;
  • Simple pencil;
  • Glue;
  • Semicircular chisel and corner;
  • Impregnation based on wax or varnish.

So proceed. To begin with, we are determined with the zone where the clock itself will be located and supply them on the shield. Also pencil applied prepared sketches on the surface. Next, with the help of the jigsaw, drink the opening for hours and all the necessary sections. A semicircular chisel make a pattern more expressive, doing focus on birds of birds. The corner must separate the main contours and pollute the entire surface. Next, we glue the resulting finished carvings on a whole base and wait until the product dry. After, cover the panel completely varnish or impregnation. Sadim on the glue dial clock. That's all, panel is ready.

Make a mount on a panel for placing a panel on the wall follows in advance.

Carved panel of wood "Ship" (video)

If desired, at the end of the panel can be soldered, it will give it softness and mattness. Indonesia is a very rich country to culture, therefore carved panels are particularly popular with Indonesian masters, personifying culture and folklore of their people. They are like magic reincarnate wood into real "live" compositions. Wooden panels before painting, used to transmit the vision of the surrounding world and display sacred symbols. A tree in Indonesia denotes a "symbol of strength and life", and carved patterns in the form of flowers and plants symbolize love, happiness and prosperity.

Carved panel of wood (photo)

Make a carved panel of wood: 5 important rules

Make a carved panel of wood: 5 important rules

Make a carved panel of wood: 5 important rules

Make a carved panel of wood: 5 important rules

Make a carved panel of wood: 5 important rules

Make a carved panel of wood: 5 important rules

Make a carved panel of wood: 5 important rules

Make a carved panel of wood: 5 important rules

Make a carved panel of wood: 5 important rules

Make a carved panel of wood: 5 important rules

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