Shield for electric meter and machine guns


All electrical installations in the room are completed after installing an electric shield. Before installing installation, you need to go to a specialized store and buy a panel for the electric meter and machine guns.

Shield for electric meter and machine guns

Counter, automata and Uzo in the shield

Of course, if you do not want to spend your funds, then you can collect such a shield yourself, but it can take a lot of time and strength. The location for further installation you need to pick up so as to save your money on the cable.


The design of the electric camshaft is quite simple. It resembles a box in which in the future can be placed:
  1. Electricity accounting device.
  2. UZO.
  3. Electrical wiring machines.

Depending on the material, such structures may be:

  • metal;
  • With plastic case.

Body shield

We have already said that plastic or metal can be used in the manufacture. Each material may have its own characteristics and therefore with them you need to get acquainted. Many experts recommend buying plastic models, as they do not conduct electricity and have increased stability.

Shield for electric meter and machine guns

Metal shield for meter and machine guns

The models are quite stylish and able to fit into almost any interior. Metal shields can have many modifications and it allows you to quickly choose the desired design.

Type of boxes

Depending on the type of wiring, panels for the electric meter and the automata of the following types can be used:
  1. Embedded. This option is needed for hidden wiring.
  2. Overhead. Such structures can use for open wiring.

The built-in shield is more compact and has an attractive appearance. Experts recommend installing this device in a niche equipped with alabaster.

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Elements and purpose of the shield

After buying such an electric panel with a standard package you will receive:

  • electric meter;
  • Differential machines;
  • Introductory machine;
  • circuit breakers;
  • Two tires.

Now it's time to get acquainted with the appointment of elements that are present here:

  1. DIN-Rake is present in the shield. This is a special device that is made of metal plates. Crop the rail to the desired size is possible with the help of the metal hacksaw.
  2. Electric meter - Mount to account for electricity consumption.
  3. Circuit breakers - are intended to protect the wiring. Before installing them, you will first need to determine the power connected to the network.
  4. The distribution bus is needed to connect zero wires. Such tires may have a closed or open execution.
  5. RCO - a protective shutdown device that will ensure safety from lesion.
  6. Electric pipes.

Assembling electric shield

When the shield for the electric meter and automata is installed in the wall you can start it to assemble. At the same time, you need to remember that for a single-phase network you need to install a two-pole introductory machine, and for three-phase - three-pole.

Stages assembly

The required number of electrical cable ends should be connected to the distribution pap. They must be signed, as in the future it will save time. Then you need to perform the following actions:

  1. The end of each wire must be released from isolation. If they have the same color, then you need to mark the core phase.
  2. Now, with the help of screws, you need to consolidate a DIN rail and install on it automatic protection. Fastening machine guns occurs with the help of special latches.

Here is the right order of the location of all elements in the shield:

  • Introductory machine must be installed on the right;
  • After that, the RCD is installed;
  • Installation of other machines is carried out taking into account convenience.

Connecting electrical elements

When all components are installed in the shield, you can proceed to their further connection:
  1. Ding-rails should connect zero veins. For this they are customized along the length. An exception in this case will be groups that are connected through the RCD.
  2. Connect machine guns. To do this, move the input to the upper terminals, and to the bottom output. In case of further replacement or connection of wires, the consumer will know what contacts and load are supplied to which contacts.
  3. In addition to the protection automaton in boxing, a differential automatic can be installed. To this machine, you need to connect the wires of the wires that are located in places with high humidity.

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The procedure for installing the counter to the shield

Before you start connecting the counter, you first need to decide on the order of connecting the device to the electrical line. Sometimes controllers can give permission to independently connect the counter to the network. However, if you do not receive permissions, then they will independently connect. Before the counter, you also need to install a protective disconnecting device. Usually, a two-pole protective machine is installed for a single-phase network.

Shield for electric meter and machine guns

Two-pole protective automata

This device performs the following functions:

  • Protects a short circuit counter and ensures prophylactic work;
  • Limits the allowed power.

To set the counter, it will also be necessary to perform the following steps:

  1. To attach the counter to the shield, you must use a special latch.
  2. Perform the installation of exhaust single-pole machines.

According to regulatory acts, the installation of an electric meter must be performed at an height of 80 to 170 cm. In additions, the mechanical or electrical option is most often installed.

Why need a Uzo in the switchboard

Man is all the time surrounded by electrical appliances. Most of them are currently completed and perfectly carried out electrical out. This can occur for various reasons, but most often it happens due to damage to isolation.

If there is no ground on the device, then touching it can be dangerous. To avoid accidents, experts recommend installing the RCD. This device allows you to protect you from lesion with a damaged isolation or short circuit.

All works that are associated with an assembly or installation of an electric shield for a meter and machine guns can be performed independently, but it is necessary to follow PUE rules. However, in practice, you can encounter many nuances. Therefore, if you do not have experience, then trust these works are better to professionals that work in the field of electrical networks.

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