Wall decoration panels PVC do it yourself


How to make a wall beautiful, what facing will take advantage of? There are many options to make wall repairs, tinted with wooden clapboard, paint, finally, you can leave with wallpaper. Yes, these methods of decor, have long been in the construction market, but often they are either roads, or quite demanding to the hands that will perform installation. But there is a way of beautiful cladding of walls for a fairly democratic price, it is a decoration of walls with PVC panels.

In addition, you can easily strike them the ceiling if you attract a laminated style. At the same time, the panels have a good appearance, and a number of other sufficiently impressive advantages, of course, and there are deficiencies. In addition, their laying does not take much time and effort.

Advantages and disadvantages of PVC panels

An important advantage of PVC panels in front of wallpaper, paint, and a tree trim, is excellent resistance to moisture. Through the stove from this material, it is unlikely to leak at least a drop of water. Therefore, I advise you to think about sewing the walls of your baths of PVC panels, the kitchen is also a suitable candidate for fastening sheet PVC tiles.

If you use decorative PVC panels for the walls, then you will be surprised how to care for them. Since it (shelving) is not afraid of moisture, it can be washed using special means. There is no divorce on this tile, it will dry quickly, but you need to be careful with hard brushes for washing. It is better not to use them for cleaning PVC panels, so there is a risk of scratching the outer layer.

Wall decoration panels PVC do it yourself

If you have to sew the walls with PVC panels using the crate, there is an opportunity to establish additional thermal insulation and sound insulation. I say additional, because PVC panels themselves have good indicators of these characteristics.

Facing walls with PVC panels, relatively simple. As already mentioned, the requirements for professionalism, minimal, you need to know only the basics of repair work, be able to use a plunder, perforator and hammer. In the rest of the work, even the child can figure out the work.

Along with the MDF panels, PVC tiles, with proper care, you will serve not one decade. This material is very and very durable. In addition, that he does not rot, he also does not absorb dirt, since there are no small cracks on its surface, they can, only with inappropriate operating conditions.

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Wall decoration panels PVC do it yourself

Although this cladding is made from synthetic materials, they are not dangerous for a person. During use, the material does not allocate any toxic substances, in contrast to the MDF.

Finally, I left the most significant advantage of PVC tiles - this is its price. Yes, yes, the cost of this cladding, the lowest among all the options for facing materials. So the economic component of "devoted" to all in the construction market.

The disadvantages of this material are a bit. But unfortunately, they can scare up many decent finishing material applicants. The first drawback is the allocation of very dangerous substances during the burning.

Wall decoration panels PVC do it yourself

The second drawback is the burnout in the sun. Of course, this process is not fast, but still he takes place. Therefore, it is desirable to mount the panel, in places where the straight sun rays do not fall.

The third and last drawback is quite subjective. Many will agree that the placed room lined with PVC panels becomes cold and uncomfortable. Therefore, I do not recommend it in the living room or bedroom.

Technique finish

PVC facing panels can be mounted on the wall in two ways. The first method is the sticking of the tile directly to the wall surface, the second method implies the use of the crate for fastening the wall to the wall. I already talked about the first version in the previous article on PVC tiles, so below we consider the option with mounting panels to the crate.

Wall decoration panels PVC do it yourself

Installation of PVC panels is similar to fastening technology MDF cladding, differences are only some nuances of work. Here, like there, the installation is divided into three stages:

  • Surface preparation;
  • Installation of the crate;
  • Installation of cladding.

Each of the stages has its own characteristics, but as already mentioned are quite simple in performance. We will analyze each stage separately.

Surface preparation

Although I said that we would discuss only the option using the crate, you need to mention how to prepare the surface if you still decide to glue PVC facing directly to the wall. The preparation of the surface in this case takes much longer.

So, the first thing to do is remove the old coating, ranging from wallpaper and finishing paint. Wallpaper remove by disconnecting, they need to be removed completely, not leaving a trace of their presence. Paint the paint with a metal brush, it is completely optional to remove it, since the glue for PVC panels has a deep penetration, and reliably fastens the material through the paint.

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Wall decoration panels PVC do it yourself

The main thing is that paint keeps well, so after processing a metal brush, you need to know where there are unreliable areas. To do this, take the adhesive tape and get a wall of the wall to the "suspect", and dramatically remove if the ribbon paints did not turn out, then everything is in order, you can continue to prepare.

Next, it is necessary to process the surface with an antiseptic and wait until he dry. After that, alternately put two layers of the primer on the wall, giving each of them to dry. Upon completion of these works, you can start installation.

Preparation of the surface for finishing its PVC plates using the crate, relatively easier. In principle, it is not necessary to remove the old coating, although it is desirable. All you need to do is eliminate the obvious damage to the wall, in the form of cracks and other recesses. They are eliminated by putty or plaster.

Also, I also advise in this embodiment, process the surface with an antiseptic, in order to reduce the likelihood of the fungus and reproduction of other parasites.

Installation of the crate

The second stage of this finishing technology is the installation of the crate. In my opinion, it is no less responsible than the installation of the panels, since because it will be carried out depend on the final result of the work.

To install the crates, you can use both a wooden bar and aluminum profiles that are used for mounting drywall. A tree as such does not tolerate moisture, to mount the crate in wet rooms, at least unwise, aluminum is better for these purposes. Wooden timing, use in dry, well heated rooms.

Wall decoration panels PVC do it yourself

Before starting to mount a wooden crate, it is necessary, just like the wall to handle the antiseptic and give dry. While the material dries, you need to set the right level to ensure the perfect surface evenness. To do this, use a plumb or horizontal level.

Important moment! When determining the level, if you plan to lay the insulation under PVC panel, take into account the thickness of the entire design. Plates should not be pressed the insulation to the wall.

When the level is defined, you can start securing the first rake. It is installed, as all subsequent, perpendicular to the direction of fastening PVC plates. That is, if the facing will be attached to the wall horizontally, the rivers need to be located vertically, if the panels will be vertical, then the rails are respectively horizontal.

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The distance between the rivers of the frame should be from 40 to 50 cm. It is necessary to attach them to the wall either on the screw either on the dowel screw, depending on what the wall is made. Dowels are used for concrete, and for the wooden wall there is enough self-tapping screws. I do not advise you to use a dowel from the sets, it is better to separately buy plastic pacifiers, and the size of the screws should be a little more diameter of the dummy, so you will achieve a more reliable fastening.


Facing is the final stage of work. The wall decoration panels PVC is approximately the same principle as when mounting plates from MDF. The walls of the PVC panels are carried out by the spike-groove method, that is, there are no serious fasteners, there is no work. But let's do business.

After completing the installation of the crate on the entire perimeter of the wall, it is necessary to establish good items, or how they can still be called facing profiles. First you need to install a "starting" profile, it is usually fixed at the bottom of the wall and not top if there is no ceiling profile. It is also necessary to install elements for internal and external corners.

Wall decoration panels PVC do it yourself

After that, you can mount the first panel. Starting I advise below, inserting the panel to the starting profile so that the groove is outside, and the thorns, respectively disappeared in the starting profile.

Tile, from the side of the groove, you need to fix on the crate, any way convenient for you, glue, or with small carnations. If you decide to nourish the panel to the rail, then do it so that the tracks from this are hidden by the next element of the facing.

After installing the first panel, you need to sew the entire surface of the wall, inserting spikes into the grooves until you reach the edge of the wall. At this point, you will most likely discover that the last panel is slightly larger than the remaining space. In order for it tightly up in her place, it needs to be trimmed, and a little bent, insert into a dotted element.

Actually, this is the installation of PVC panels on the walls. Nothing is difficult, as for me. But at least work and is not difficult, it requires accuracy in the calculations, this is especially important at the stage of installation of the crate.

Video "Installation of PVC panels"

The ten-minute video will show you the facing of the PVC panels wall, sthamanently starting from the installation of a wooden crate.

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