Door book for interroom openings: reviews, mechanism, price


Interior door book allows you to save space and looks more spectacular than the sliding door. Prices are available, and reviews about such models are positive.

Installing Block - Books

Door book for interroom openings: reviews, mechanism, price

In many cases, when installing interroom doors, the goal is to save the maximum space in the room. An option with sliding doors in principle is not bad, but in some cases strongly resembles a railway coupe.

Is there an alternative?

Yes, if it is a foldable book book. For a better acquaintance with this rapidly winning the popularity of the interior of a modern apartment, consider these products closer.

The type in question is usually manufactured in two versions: harmonica doors and doors-books. The system of acting into action is the same, and resembles blinds. Interior doors-book on their design are a set of vertical panels that are connected to each other in such a way that the movement of all elements of the system was performed reciprocating, that is, with one degree of freedom. The exact direction of movement is ensured by the presence of a special guide.

The design may be provided six or more of the flaps, which bonded between the swivel-culisy mechanism, as can be seen in the photo. In fact, such folding doors are stationaryly located shirma, and this is a rod of the harmonica doors with conventional sliding doors. However, there are no special operational advantages at the door-accordion, and their price and installation cost is significantly higher. We add to this increased requirements regarding their operation (lubrication of joints, cleaning, etc.). Only in the presence of wide doorways (5-6 m) the installation of this kind of products justifies itself.

A completely different business is a folding book book. The number of patients with such doors does not exceed two. The mechanism for folding doors-books is simple and practical, and in appearance it looks no worse than the door-harmonica. The price is available for them available.


Door book for interroom openings: reviews, mechanism, price

Two-section book

Interior doors book can be manufactured in the following options:

  • two-piece;
  • four-piece.

In the first case, such a door is formed by a pair of simultaneously folding / folding sections, and the section more often has the same width, as in the photo. In the second case, the number of sections is doubled, which allows to reduce the width of each section, simplify the convenience of manipulation with it and save the free space indoors, which can be seen in the photo.

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The selection of the number of sections is determined by the dimensions of the doorway. If the existing opening does not exceed 1.5-1.7 m, it is enough to install a two-section door, otherwise it is worth thinking about the four-section - the price of the product, respectively, will increase.

For a clear movement of the door-book sections, it is necessary to have a reliable guide mechanism. Their quantity again depends on the width of the opening:

  • If there are four sections, you will need to install two guides - upper and lower guides;
  • A two-sided door book is quite satisfied with the presence of only the upper guide rail.

The price of accessories will also decrease. The installation of the guide rail at the bottom is also fundamentally possible and, from the point of view of mechanics, even more appropriate. Possible skew with an effort application will be less than for top rail. But the complexity of the arrangement of the threshold and sharply increasing operational efforts in most cases are forced to apply the mechanism with the upper direction.

Materials for manufacture

Door book for interroom openings: reviews, mechanism, price


For use in modern residential interiors, these products are manufactured:

  • metallic (steel or aluminum);
  • wooden;
  • Glass;
  • Plastic.

All-glass folding doors-books, in turn, are performed from the following types of glass:

№№ P / PView of the door glassIn what cases is applied
TriplexFor special strength and security
Tempered or autoglassWith possible sudden blows and / or mechanical loads
3.Matted or stained glass (stained glass)If necessary, ensure opacity
fourGlass windowsFor door openings with increased thickness
fivePolycarbonate (artificial glass)As outer doors and / or with significant temperature differences
6.Glass reinforced with steel gridTo increase the mechanical strength and reduce the degree of transparency

Pure glass folding doors-books have limited use, because they do not create privacy states (necessary in some everyday situations), as well as due to their significant weight, which creates additional loads on the mechanism. For example, glass doors books can be installed in the living room, but not in the bedroom or children's. The high price of certain types of glasses also affects. Therefore, more often they are mounted in frame structures. This uses several profile options:

Door book for interroom openings: reviews, mechanism, price

Aluminum profile.

Due to its lightness and at the same time durability is quite popular and in demand. However, it is bad for creating thermal insulating inserts. Therefore, folding doors, made of aluminum profiles, will not differ high heat and noise insulating capabilities. The price of the profile is high enough.

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Wooden profile.

It is most environmentally friendly, characterized by high thermal insulation, and has the highest possibilities from the point of formation of a beautiful structure that adorns the interior of the room. Allows easy surface finish (for example, varnish, as in the photo). At the same time, moisture is afraid, and therefore it cannot be used, for example, in bathrooms.

Plastic profile.

Thanks to the multivariates of its finishing, it can be perfectly "to adjust" under the interior and the color decision of any room. With good warm-and noise insulating characteristics, it requires caution of choice when it comes to installing a doors-book in the kitchen. The fact is that plastic of a number of varieties, although it does not burn, but at elevated temperatures there may be hazardous substances for the human body. The price of this option is quite budgetary, and everyone can buy such a door.

Steel profile.

Due to its weight, such a folding door will require the installation of two guide devices, which will significantly complicate its installation and will create additional difficulties on the opening mechanism. At the same time, the strength and wear resistance will noticeably increase. Heat and noise insulation of products with a steel frame is not very high, but with frequent opening of the door of such execution do not have competitors.

Installation features

Door book for interroom openings: reviews, mechanism, price

The installation of such products in the bathrooms is easy and advisable, if you do not pay attention to their insufficient sound insulation. Naturally, preference is given to plastic, metal doors or from matted or organic glass. The material should also reliably resist the effects of elevated temperatures and humidity (including the folding mechanism). The same applies to the installation of such products in the kitchen. A large achievable savings of space is convincingly expressed in favor of installing doors of this type, which emphasizes numerous positive consumer feedback.

As input, folding doors are not applied, due to the low rigidity of their design. An exception can be made except for the exit to the patio of the private house, as in the photo.

Large design capabilities provide such products with combined flaps when the bottom of them is provided from an opaque material - for example, a tree or plastic. At the same time, the top sash can be from color, matted glass or stained, which can be seen on video. Buy such products - a successful solution in many senses, and the price in most cases is quite acceptable.

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Door book for interroom openings: reviews, mechanism, price

Reliable operation of such products is possible only under the condition for the installation of high-quality accessories on the folding mechanism. This requirement should be performed, in particular, for glass doors-books. Findings include:

  • guide rails and rollers;
  • Door supports;
  • Sealing elements;
  • door hinges;
  • pens;
  • Clamps and clamps.

When choosing the specified elements, it is necessary to find out the degree of their reliability and quality of manufacture. Before buying accessories, it is recommended to view the relevant reviews, and only then make a decision. Poor-quality fittings leads to failures in the functioning of products of even high quality. It should be noted that the design of the door systems under consideration allow the installation of both locks in them, as in the photo, the price in this case increases.


Door book for interroom openings: reviews, mechanism, price


Most easily perform installation with your own hands of wooden doors-books. To do this, use special panels on the size of the doorway (the width of such panels should not exceed 300-350 mm). Each panel joins the adjacent panel with loops. The last left and on the right of the panels are joined directly to the door jacket.

In the upper part of the door jam, you need to mount the guide bar from sheet steel (to increase wear resistance - chrome-plated or nickel-plated). Then the rollers are installed in this profile for which the product will move. For accurate fixation in the desired position, the installation of the stopper will be required.

All measurements for installation must be performed very carefully, because, due to the small stiffness of the product design, its deformation is possible during operation, and this leads to an increase in the opening / closing of the door. The mechanism before consolidation is checked for performance. Stages that show how the folding door is mounted with their own hands, you can see on the video.

With some complication of the process of its installation, as well as reduced stiffness and noise insulation indicators, folding book doors have noticeable advantages:

  • modern appearance and design,
  • practicality
  • Ease of use,
  • saving area of ​​the room,
  • Safety during operation,
  • The possibility of overlapping the doorway is quite large width.

In most cases, the price for them is acceptable.

Door book for interroom openings: reviews, mechanism, price

Door book for interroom openings: reviews, mechanism, price

Door book for interroom openings: reviews, mechanism, price

Door book for interroom openings: reviews, mechanism, price

Door book for interroom openings: reviews, mechanism, price

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Door book for interroom openings: reviews, mechanism, price


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