Polyester fabric: features and varieties


Polyester fabric is one of the most promising, popular and common materials used in the modern light industry.

Of these are made a wide variety of items and things - from stretch ceilings, ropes, tents to all sorts of transparencies and flags. These types of fabrics are used as a lining material for outerwear, as well as when sewing blankets and pillows. In addition, the material is used in combination with natural fibers in the manufacture of home textiles (linen), which gives the last strength and, accordingly, extends the service life.

What consists of

Polyester fabric: features and varieties

Polyester fabric is an artificial origin material made from polyester fibers.

Polyesters are high molecular compounds based on polypic acids.

Natural polyesters are known to science (for example, amber) and synthetic. Most compounds today are created artificially by condensation of polypic acids with polyatomic alcohols.

What is the high popularity of the material?

Popularity is related to the fact that polyester fiber obtained from polyethylene terephthalate alloy has unique chemical properties that are reported on its basis the fabric excellent physical qualities. Individually indicate the materials that, along with tissue, are made of polyester fibers. Among them are artificial fur, insulating materials, material for reinforcing tires. However, wherein the description of the properties of polyester tissues themselves.

First of all, the polyester canvas is distinguished by strength and abrasion resistance . It is surprisingly heat-resistant and surpasses most of the natural and synthetic materials on this indicator. For example, polyester fibers retain strength by 50% when heated to a temperature of 180 ° C. In addition, they are refractory and fireproof. This material is difficult to set fire; It goes out immediately when the fire is removed from the source.

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An important quality of polyester is light-resistance and waterproof. This explains its suitability for the manufacture of tents, sleeping bags, outerwear intended for use in wet conditions.

It is very important that the material has resistance to crumpled and practically does not lose shape . It is capable of maintaining the form specified in the manufacture and hold it even under the influence of high temperatures. In this regard, clothing from polyester fabrics, which has a certain form (for example, skirts with folds or pleated), can be washed at a temperature of 50 ° C and higher, without fear that it will lose its original appearance.

Polyester fabric: features and varieties

The popularity of the material is explained by its broad manifold. There are a huge set of polyester cavuls, each of which has various characteristics according to parameters such as density, extensibility, etc. Among this diversity is widely known polyester silk, polyester, microfiber and acrylic.


Polyester silk

Polyester silk is the most common of all polyester fabrics. Distinguished high wear resistance and durability, it is widely used in everyday life in the manufacture of bed and underwear, as well as flags and transparencies. The density of such a web fluctuates in the range of 170-190 kg / m3.

Polyester fabric: features and varieties


Polyester is lightweight (polyester density begins from 60 kg / m3), used both in everyday life and in production. In particular, it makes a coating for furniture, sew the sheets, duvet covers and pillowcases, as well as various types of clothing and workwear. Often, in recent cases, polyester is mixed with natural fibers that negatively affects their strength, but gives them softness and makes care for them not so time-consuming and problematic.

Another positive side of the polyester is its aesthetic attractiveness and light dyeing.


Microfiber is a relatively new type of polyester fabric, characterized by a special subtlety of fibers. It is rarely used directly, mainly serving the raw material for the manufacture of various canvases, which in turn sew clothes or furniture coating.

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The microfibra is added to the composition of these tissues in order to give them additional moisture resistance and moisture resistance. It is important that the microfiber misses the air well. Napkins from this material are perfectly absorbed fat and allow remove dirt without the use of detergents.


Another cloth in a number of popular polyester cloth is acrylic. Acrylic is one of the newest varieties of polyester cloths.

Most often it is used in the manufacture of upholstery for furniture, wallpaper, tapestries, ceilings and curtains. In addition, we create awnings, banners, tents and other advertising and decorative items. Acrylic is a highly cute fabric. Its density fluctuates in the range of 200-500 kg / m3.

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