Bamboo room decoration: varieties of materials (photo)



The bamboo room decoration is becoming increasingly popular due to the natural environmental friendliness of the material and exotic appearance.

There are various modifications of bamboo coatings.

Bamboo room decoration: varieties of materials (photo)

Bamboo wallpapers are ideal for the children's room, since they do not contain toxins.

Benefits of the Bamboo Room Finish

Bamboo room decoration: varieties of materials (photo)

In the interior, a different color combination of bamboo panels looks more interesting.

Bamboo has a mass of positive advantages, due to which its use brings not only aesthetic charm, but also practicality:

  1. Bamboo is the most eco-friendly natural material. Its processing does not contain toxic substances.
  2. Natural stems have an antibacterial effect, due to which they have a healing effect on tenants.
  3. This material is durable, wear-resistant and durable.
  4. This natural material is well tolerating temperature differences.
  5. Resistance to burnout and exposure to ultraviolet.

Bamboo room decoration: varieties of materials (photo)

Liquid nails are used as glue, which, with a spatula, are evenly distributed over the entire surface of the canvas.

Bamboo - universal material. He will look beautiful both in the living room and in the corridor, as well as in other rooms. The bamboo room decoration will perfectly fit into such interior styles as: tropical, Japanese, fusion and minimalism.

It is worth noting some features of this material. Bamboo should be purchased only in specialized stores, where the material is already on sale. Stems are dried on specialized enterprises.

Fresh-cut shoots by 80% consist of water, so the use of bamboo is categorically contraindicated in this form. This is due to the fact that when drying, the stems can be deformed, and the finish will lose their attractive appearance.

But even dried stems may vary in size when humidity drops. With large damp, bamboo elements swell and deform. Therefore, the use of this material in the kitchen and in the bathroom should be excluded.

But with a large desire, the bamboo can be separated non-working surface of the kitchen, and there must be a good ventilation system.

Article on the topic: How will it help to transform your interior bamboo and its drawing?

Varieties of materials from bamboo

Bamboo room decoration: varieties of materials (photo)

Scheme of recommended order of blending bamboo wallpapers in the room.

Today, such finishing materials from bamboo are known:

  1. Bamboo panels: wall and ceiling.
  2. Parquet.
  3. Bamboo wallpaper.
  4. Curtains and blinds.

The panels are made by pressing bamboo chips, covered on top acrylic impregnation. They may contain from two to seven layers, have different types of weaving, as well as be in the form of various sizes.

Bamboo wallpaper can be made both from the inside of the stems and outdoor. The first type of wallpaper is most preferable. Their surface is represented by thin painted cuts glued on the paper base.

This type of wallpaper is heterogeneous in color and texture, which gives the wallpaper Natural Charm. From above, these wallpapers are covered with wax. In additional antiseptic processing and coating with varnish, such wallpapers do not need.

Bamboo room decoration: varieties of materials (photo)

Scheme of manual fading and sticking wallpaper.

Wallpapers from the inner layers of shoots are considered cheaper. Their surface is smooth and smooth, since it is grouped in the processing process.

The surface of the wallpaper data is covered with varnish, stained and tinted.

Wallpaper care is quite simple: they are easily cleaned by wet wip.

It is possible to finish the walls, attaching each stem separate to the surface separately. This technology looks like this:

  • When interior decoration, each stem split in half;
  • PVA glue to attach to the surface, it is impossible to use nails in order not to damage the integrity of the escape;
  • This surface can be burned, thereby creating antiseptic processing and a peculiar decor.

If the walls are lined with halves, the quarters are suitable instead of a plinth.

Any window can be decorated with bamboo curtains and blinds. They are represented by stitched in a single canvas with bamboo straps. In the modern market there is a huge assortment of bamboo curtains of various design and coloring.

With the help of such a curtains you can emphasize the merits and hide the disadvantages of the room. Due to burnout sustainability, such curtains can last for many years, while maintaining a primordial appearance.

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Thus, finishing with bamboo material - a fresh solution for interior decoration at home.

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