Polymer clay beads with their own hands: Master class with photos and video


It is difficult to find a woman who would not love decorations. One of these popular decorations are beads. But sometimes what a woman likes is very high. Many needlewomen are now engaged in a large number of creativity. Such a material as a polymer clay is very new in the area of ​​needlework, but many craftsmen have mastered this plasticine. From clay, all sorts of products have been done for a long time - jugs, dishes, vases and more. Modern needlewomen managed to perform all sorts of decorations from it. Polymer clay beads are now occupied by one of the first places among beauty accessories.

In addition to such jewelry, bracelets, earrings can be performed from clay. For example, the most common use of this material is beads in Pandora style. Such decorations can be made independently, even the newcomer can cope with it. In addition, a varicolored product can be performed from clay with various ornaments and patterns. In such a process, even children can participate, because the kids like to sculpt the figures from the dough, plasticine, so blinding the beads from the polymer clay will like it.

Polymer clay beads with their own hands: Master class with photos and video

Polymer clay beads with their own hands: Master class with photos and video

For newbies

For those who are just trying themselves in needlework and want to learn to perform polymer clay beads, our master class will show how it can be done. With the help of polymer clay, many different products can be performed. But before proceeding to the manufacture of beads, you must first prepare special tools.

What you need to have to create decorations:

  • knife;
  • Plastic blades;
  • Special roller;
  • skidding for modeling;
  • special clay varnish;
  • hooks for beads;
  • Glass little beads;
  • Pershing;
  • thread dense;
  • line;
  • Extruder to make various figures.

Polymer clay beads with their own hands: Master class with photos and video

We take clay of one color and form a worm of it when it turns out, then you need to cut off small pieces, and then roll balls out of them. Now we make the same actions and from another color. It is important that the beads get one size. In order for beads to be the same, you need to use a ruler. In the same way, cut pieces and from the other color of clay. While the material does not dry, you need to gently insert three straps on the surface.

While the brilliant rhinestones are to cling to plastic, parallel to the holes, to then ride beads on the thread.

We get shiny beads. So that the beads are hard, we just need to lower them into cold water and bring to a boil, and then cook on slow heat for 7 minutes. Next, pull them out and put them on the napkin so that they are dried. When it is frozen, we open them with varnish, and already with full drying to ride on the thread. Do not forget that small, black, glass, glass should be between large beads. At the end, we make a special clasp so that the beads can be unbutable. Everything, our product is ready.

Article on the topic: Vase from a bottle with your own hands: Master class with photos and video

Polymer clay beads with their own hands: Master class with photos and video

Polymer clay beads with their own hands: Master class with photos and video

Merry beads

In the summer period, everyone seeks to wear something bright, beautiful and unusual. But not be sure to go shopping and look for what you like, if you can do it with your own hands. Such products have always been and will be in fashion, because with the help of your fantasy you can create just a masterpiece. In our master class, we will learn from performing polymer clay beads in a bright color.

What you need to create such a decoration:

  • polymer clay;
  • Acrylic paints;
  • Tassels of small and medium sized;
  • leather rope;
  • clasp;
  • knife;
  • needle.

Polymer clay beads with their own hands: Master class with photos and video

We take clay and make a worm of it, cut off pieces, of which form the balls of different sizes. Next, using the needle, we do a special hole, it is better to take Gypsy or even awl. After, beads should dry, just leave them and do not touch. To create the same beads, we need to make 4 larger size, 5 smaller and 2 small. We select the color yourself to make a coral, mix white, raspberry and yellow paint. The resulting mix of paints we paint all beads and let them dry.

To get a lighter shade, you need to add more white. Now brightly paint small mugs on the biggest beads. For convenience we can be the beads during the coloring to ride a pencil. When you draw circles, we take a brush small and begin to circle the contours of these drawings, but the paint is darker.

Polymer clay beads with their own hands: Master class with photos and video

We take medium beads and stain them in a dark color, and the smallest in light coral. Do not forget that you need with a needle or sewed to make holes in each bead. Let's dry, after which we ride a small one, then the middle and large. We look at the photo, in which sequence there must be beads on the shoelace. Then on the tips of our ribbons we are fastened, and our original and cheerful beads are ready.

Article on the topic: Rugs do it yourself - master class

You can use any other colors, and from clay to form another form of beads. The main thing is to have a desire and patience.

Video on the topic

This article presents video, with which you can learn how to make beads from polymer clay with your own hands.

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