Corrugated paper ball: detailed master class with video


Each has holidays, during which you want to celebrate the celebration to decorate with something extraordinary, beautiful. Recently, the premises have become very often adjusted by various balls. But we are all accustomed to inflatable, and what if you decorate the space with paper counterparts? Balls made of corrugated paper took one of the first places to decorate such celebrations like a wedding, birthdays, bachelides, graduation and more. After all, it is already difficult to submit a holiday where there are no scenery. Another popular holidays that requires a special approach is the new year. After all, the balls are decorated not only a forest beauty, but also a room. In winter, more and such decorations are popular in children's matinees.

Due to the fact that the balls are easier to do their own, many teachers teach children to make such crafts. Balls are fluttered, beautiful and the manufacturing process itself is light, interesting and cognitive, which is very important for every child. And if parents together with the child try to create such a ball, the baby will remember this for a long time.

Corrugated paper ball: detailed master class with video

Corrugated paper ball: detailed master class with video

Paper ball.

Beautiful balls, especially those who look like flowers, loves every woman. With the help of flowers, windowsides of houses are decorated, they are suspended under the ceilings. But alive flowers are a big money, and for each time they do not get so much. Therefore, you can make charming balls with corrugated paper. Such products are obtained very original, volumetric. This master class will help learn how to make an ice ball from corrugated paper.

What we need to work:

  • Paper corrugated, take one roll, which is in a width of 50 cm, and the length is 250 cm;
  • Scissing stationery;
  • Lineshek;
  • simple pencil;
  • Threads or fishing line.

Corrugated paper ball: detailed master class with video

We undertake a prepared roll of blue and diameters of equilateral squares 25 to 25 cm. Next, we need such 9 squares, so we take scissors and carefully cut out. We take each sheet and put one to one so that all parties coincide. It is very important that everything is evenly neat, the beauty of the ball depends on it. Now we take all the squares together and with the help of the line the lines of the line, the width between each should be 3 cm. Next along the lines we fold the harmonica, and the edges cut as a triangle. We take a string and tightly turn the in the middle of the harmonica, but we leave a long thread. It remains only to deploy a ball.

Please note that in this work you do not need to rush, otherwise you can easily destroy the product.

This is so easy to make a beautiful ball of corrugated paper.

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Corrugated paper ball: detailed master class with video

Festive pumps

The holiday is decoration, beautiful scenery, fun and good mood. When everything is decorated with taste, if the holiday is prepared for a long time and carefully, in this case, charming balls will be one of the best ways to decorate the celebration. Such gentle, air pumps will allow a special romantic mood that will not forget for a very long time. Paper balls do independently easy, you can get the right materials with ease, because they are sold in every stationery store.

What do we need to prepare:

  • corrugated paper;
  • scissors;
  • thread;
  • Ribbon in order to hang the ball.

Corrugated paper ball: detailed master class with video

We take the right roll of the paper of a strong (corrugated) and cut the equilateral squares from it. After everyone is cut (the amount depends on the pomp of the ball), put all the cut parts on each other, but so that all the corners coincide. After the resulting layer, we must neatly fold the harmonica, but so that the folds are equal. When everything is ready, we take a thread and start wrapping tightly in the middle of the harmonica. After that, each layer is starting to take carelessly, while not in a hurry, so as not to remember and do not break the paper. Here is a ball deployed, now we take the tape and tie it to the ball, you can hang it. This is how the ball of corrugated paper is being made.

As it has already become clear, such balls are made according to the same scheme, so it can be seen that even a child can cope with it.

In addition to corrugated paper, other materials can be used. We can refer to the paper with a sequence, from which the balls are best obtained, more air and light. Such material most often use experienced needlewomen, but taking into account the fact that it is not always such paper in local stores, balls from corrugated paper are not worse. Another type of material is a cigarette paper, but it is already more dense material that uses not so often. In kindergartens and school institutions use conventional colored paper, but due to the density of the material, the balls are not so easy. From this we can conclude that it is better to use corrugated paper or sewing.

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Video on the topic

This article presents video with which you can learn how to make balls from corrugated paper yourself.

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