Interior wall decoration with wooden panels


Natural materials in the interior of the country house are always in demand and loved. Probably stone and tree are the only materials that will never come out of fashion. The practicality and attractive appearance of wooden panels makes them an indispensable element during the repair work and the walls of the walls in their home. Wood panels are used not only for inner walls, but also for external facing. Since I spent an internal finish, I will tell you about the advantages and disadvantages of using wooden panels for walls inside the house.

Interior wall decoration with wooden panels

Wood decoration with wooden panels

Types and scope of their use of material

Wall wooden elements became widely demanded among consumers and this is due to the fact that decorative elements are much cheaper than the cost of a tree. In addition, the installation for the walls is much easier, which allows you to finish with your own hands. Wood panels can be used not only for walls, but also for cladding the ceiling and partitions for separating the room.

Interior wall decoration with wooden panels

Wooden wall panels for interior decoration

Let's conditionally divide the wooden panels for wall decoration to such:

  1. Tile panels - square elements with which the inner decoration can be made independently due to simple installation technology. Wall squares are available with dimensions of 30 * 30 and 90 * 90 cm, and the presence of a huge selection of drawings, colors and textures allows you to use individual solutions in the interior
  2. Rush type panels - for internal cladding are manufactured more than 2.5 m long. Such a name they have acquired due to their narrowness - up to 30 cm
  3. Leafy - used in the interior of large rooms, as they differ in impressive sizes 122 * 244 cm

Important! During the manufacture of wooden slabs, woodworking products are often used, rather than an array. Wall elements made of natural wood species are the most expensive.

Advantages and disadvantages of wall finishes

Interior wall decoration with wooden panels

Wooden panels

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I was immediately attracted by the fact that wooden panels can be seen any room and at the same time decorative elements easily fit into any design and perfectly combined with other finishing materials. For myself, I allocated a few special advantages of wood panels:

  • Attractive aesthetic look - comfort and sophistication This is the main transformation of the room after decoration walls with wooden panels
  • Wall plates are environmentally safe - as it is used in the manufacture of wood, which is natural material and also has properties of the regulation of microclimate in the room
  • Practicality - care for interior decoration is quite simple, with pollution enough to wipe the surface with a damp cloth

  • Simple installation - no special skills are required for mounting, it is enough to know the correct installation technology in order to perform the entire finish on your own
  • Low thermal conductivity - thanks to this, in the winter season, the room can stay warm longer. At the same time, in the summer, wooden finish allows you to save coolness
  • Not bad sound insulation - due to the absorption of sounds, the room becomes even more cozy

Interior wall decoration with wooden panels

Wooden panels for interior decoration

Important! Carved wooden panels are very in demand in the interior of a country mansion and even office space. Thanks to this design, the room becomes not only cozy, but very noble and original. Some carved patterns are able to emphasize the wealth and style of the owner of the house.

  • Strength - due to resistance to mechanical and natural impact, the panels can be served not one dozen years. And with proper care, a very long time retain your original view.
  • Preparatory work for walls are performed much faster than for example before painting. The fact is that wooden plates do not require the perfect alignment of the walls or ceiling
  • On the modern construction market there is a huge number of textures, shapes and colors of panels. There are even carved wooden panels that are made of high quality wood with subsequent pattern of pattern

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Interior wall decoration with wooden panels

Wooden wall panels

I have repeatedly observed wall elements from wood, which are used in the interior together with the combination of other materials. It looks very attractive, and the main thing that appears to complement or transform the design of the room without much effort and at any convenient time.

Interior wall decoration with wooden panels

Independently install wooden panels

Of course, like any other material, wooden plates and panels have some drawbacks:

  • It is not recommended to use wall elements for internal facing of premises with high levels of humidity - the tree is subject to mold and fungus. There are special impregnations that allow for some time to maintain stability, but this effect is still not constant
  • Anti-corrosion processing is a mandatory procedure that is made with some periodicity.

Preparation and method of fastening wooden plates

Interior wall decoration with wooden panels

Wood decoration with wooden panels

As I said, it doesn't need thorough preparation of walls for mounting the interface. It will be enough to remove all protruding irregularities and, if necessary, remove mold or fungus. For this there is a huge number of penetrating solutions. In order to the interior of the house did not appear unwanted problems, feel about the processing of walls by antifungal agents seriously.

Wall parts can be mounted on a frame made using metal or wooden profiles. This method is very convenient, because under the panels you can hide unnecessary communications, wiring and even put the heat insulating layer.

Interior wall decoration with wooden panels

Wooden panels for decoration

In the interior of the premises of the All-Eeth Wires are excess components. All panels are attached in two ways: secret and outdoor, what your choice is yours. I believe that the presence of an outer attachment looks better in the interior of the utility premises, however, this option is very simple and faster. Wall plates during interior decoration can be fastened with kleimers whose sizes depend on the materials that need to be installed. Kleimer is embarrassed by one side into the decoration grooves, and the other is screwed to the frame.

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