Layout of the solar system with her own hands for school: master class with photo


Cosmonautics Day still does not pass unnoticed in the school walls. Active teachers often arrange exhibitions on space topics, where they represent the rockets independently made by students, flying plates, planets in all sorts of variations. In this case, without the help of parents, the child is unlikely to be able to do. And if you approach the participation in the exhibition more serious and "swalling" on the layout of the solar system with your own hands?

Layout of the solar system with her own hands for school: master class with photo

There is nothing impossible, and fulfill such a craft quite realistic in one free evening, especially when at hand, but rather before your eyes, there is a detailed master class that facilitates the task.

When restricting the time it is recommended to take the simplest material for the manufacture of the layout, for example, plasticine.

Plasticine Space

Crafts from plasticine may seem rustic. But the accuracy of the work and the brightness of the material allows you to get a completely presentable product at the output.

Layout of the solar system with her own hands for school: master class with photo

First of all, the parent need to remember the school course of astronomy. Namely, the number of planets included in the solar system and their location in relation to the Sun.

What will be needed for work:

  • Plasticine of different colors;
  • Cardboard (black or dark blue);
  • Wire;
  • Match or toothpick.

Layout of the solar system with her own hands for school: master class with photo

Standing from the sun. To do this, take three colors: yellow, orange and white. A three-color mass is created, while it is undesirable to make it homogeneous in color.

Layout of the solar system with her own hands for school: master class with photo

The lump pliers in the center of the cardboard, pressed and squeezed with his fingers in such a way that it looks like a sun rays.

Layout of the solar system with her own hands for school: master class with photo

Next of white plasticine twisted thin flavors. So the orbits of the planets will look like.

Layout of the solar system with her own hands for school: master class with photo

Billets need to be located on the cardboard nine rings around the sun.

Layout of the solar system with her own hands for school: master class with photo

To adhere to the ratio of the size of the planets, it is worth paying attention to the photo below.

Layout of the solar system with her own hands for school: master class with photo

For Mercury's modeling, three colors are taken: gray, brown and white. Rolled in an inhomogeneous color ball. The end of the match or toothpicks are small holes on the ball. These are crater Mercury.

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In the same way, Venus is created. In size, it should be three more more than Mercury. Color range: gray-brown with the addition of black.

Layout of the solar system with her own hands for school: master class with photo

Wire use will help create a relief of the planet. Planet Earth is made of blue, green and yellow.

Layout of the solar system with her own hands for school: master class with photo

Mars is performed in black and orange gamme.

Layout of the solar system with her own hands for school: master class with photo

Jupiter should also try to make a slightly striped, applying brown, beige and orange shades in work.

Layout of the solar system with her own hands for school: master class with photo

For Saturn modeling, the same colors are used as in Jupiter. The only thing to add to the Saturn put the ring.

Layout of the solar system with her own hands for school: master class with photo

Uranium and Neptune are molded from plasticine blue shades.

Layout of the solar system with her own hands for school: master class with photo

Layout of the solar system with her own hands for school: master class with photo

Pluto is added to the solar system. At the moment, it is no longer considered a planet. But the snaps are timed to the Day of Cosmonautics, which is celebrated since 1961. At that time, Pluto officially was the ninth planet of the solar system. Therefore, it is also present in the layout.

With the help of gray and white plasticies, the last ball is created.

Layout of the solar system with her own hands for school: master class with photo

Imitation planets are ready.

Layout of the solar system with her own hands for school: master class with photo

It remains to distribute them according to the appropriate orbits, and the layout can be considered completed.

Layout of the solar system with her own hands for school: master class with photo

Interestingly also looks a model in three-dimensional dimension. To do this, only plasticine and several matches will be needed. Several planet balls should be cut in the corresponding colors. At the same time, the Sun is left in the form of a ball and no rays are simulated.

Plasticine balls are risked on matches, and other ends of matches should be stuck in the central ball - the sun.

Layout of the solar system with her own hands for school: master class with photo

Mock is ready. Quickly and rather original.

The work is not difficult, so it is quite suitable for children. It is recommended to attract a schoolboy to layout layout. Treating over the model of the solar system, the child can easily explore the name of the planets and their location relative to the sun.

If parents have a large number of time for creativity, you can build a layout in the technique of Papier-Masha, or use bought fontoam balls and paint their paints.

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Layout of the solar system with her own hands for school: master class with photo

Some craftsmen manage to simplify Paper-Masha technique to the limit. How to do this: balls roll out of unnecessary newspapers. Then paper flows and presses.

Layout of the solar system with her own hands for school: master class with photo

For a more uniform surface, a wet newspaper ball turns into several layers of toilet paper and again falls into the water.

Layout of the solar system with her own hands for school: master class with photo

To secure balls, they should be deceived by PVC glue from all sides and leave to dry.

Layout of the solar system with her own hands for school: master class with photo

Layout of the solar system with her own hands for school: master class with photo

Next, paper planets are subject to painting with ordinary gouache.

Layout of the solar system with her own hands for school: master class with photo

Subsequently, after drying, they are attached to the prepared foundation.

Not only blue cardboard is suitable as the basis, but even a regular box from under pizza, pre-painted in the appropriate color.

Layout of the solar system with her own hands for school: master class with photo

Layout of the solar system with her own hands for school: master class with photo

Whatever material is selected for work, the main condition remains accuracy of execution. And then the layout created for school will decorate the exhibition with its originality, and maybe it will also take a prize place.

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