Arrangement around the tree: flowerbed, bench, table and even gazebo


Arrangement around the tree: flowerbed, bench, table and even gazebo

The place in the shadow of a fragrant linden, powerful oak or compact chestnut connoisseurs of natural harmony tend to turn into a cozy corner of relaxation and privacy.

For some daches, the optimal decision will put a regular bench under the tree, and others are engaged in finding original ideas.

In any case, the lawn under the tree can not only perform aesthetic function, but also carry the functional load, serving a place for family tea party, evening conversation with friends or lonely thoughtfulness.

Create a flower bed under a tree

The flowerbed around the tree looks spectacularly, and inexperienced inhabitants such an idea seems simple and easily executable. However, when it is created, it is necessary to take into account the compatibility of the type of wood and the decorative plants growing under it. There are species that do not endure any vegetation in the zone of the priority circle. Such soles can be attributed to birch, Ivu, spruce, walnut, larch, maple, IRGU, Tyu and Posina.

Arrangement around the tree: flowerbed, bench, table and even gazebo

These breeds of trees have a surface root system and will inject any closely growing plant, competing for nutrients and moisture. The prioric circles of this group of trees are better to arrange some other than creating a flower garden, doomed to death. Nicely under such trees will grow lawn grass.

Arrangement around the tree: flowerbed, bench, table and even gazebo

However, with a large desire, in such cases it is possible to create some elevation from the soil mixture in the form of a podium, more of the design of such a flower garden will be discussed below. The lover and chestnut is isolated toxic substances to other plants.

Apple tree, pear, rowan, linden, oak, poplar, ash and fir are easily allowed under their crown of grassy neighbors, allowing you to create luxurious compositions.

Arrangement around the tree: flowerbed, bench, table and even gazebo

Regardless of the tree type when planning and a flower garden, it will take some more features of such a designer project. Flower plants are selected only by trendy and resistant to uneven humidification. Such plants include all kinds of hosts, most of the soil rims, dwarf conifers, some perennials (Badan, Badwin, Volzhanka, Lily of the Lily, Camnheel, Medicarian, Snowdrop, Ferns, Ferrust, Violet, Voronets, Shoe, Hot, Anemone) and bully.

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Arrangement around the tree: flowerbed, bench, table and even gazebo

As a rule, the flowering of teothelubil plants falls on early spring, when Krone still skips enough sunlight. Although the main decoration of the shadow flower beds is to decorative foliage.

Arrangement around the tree: flowerbed, bench, table and even gazebo

Before planting flowers around the tree, you need to properly prepare a place. First remove the top layer of soil. It is done very carefully in order not to damage the root tree of the tree. In some cases, the landing is carried out in "pockets" between thick root ramifications. The bottom of the dug hole should be protected with non-woven material to protect the root system and contain its growth.

Arrangement around the tree: flowerbed, bench, table and even gazebo

Next, it is necessary to lay a drainage layer of pebbles, a broken brick or rubble with a thickness of 10 cm. Removing the soil is replaced with a nutrient mixture of compost, turf and peat with complex mineral fertilizers. In the presence of rozing plants, they are recommended to carefully choose. Planting seedlings are produced in moistage soil. Free areas mulched sawdust or wood chips. Complex flowerbeds from plants with different prediction are drawn up according to the principle: the higher, the closer to the trunk.

Arrangement around the tree: flowerbed, bench, table and even gazebo

The shape of flower beds can be both round and asymmetric. So that the soil does not fall down and was not washed away during irrigation, the border of the flower bed must be designated using decorative stones or a border of wood or plastic. The arrangement of flowers in the flower bed should not necessarily obey some kind of scheme, the chaotic composition is interesting and naturally look.

Raised flower bed under the tree do it yourself

When creating flower beds, under adverse trees, difficulties associated with many roots penetrating the upper layer of the soil can occur in the coil circle. For the composition you can not use perennials with deep-rotor roots, it is much more profitable to plant annuals (Ameratum, Begonia, Amarant, Annual Astra, a Talk, Carnation, Gotanyania, Lobelia, Verbena).

Arrangement around the tree: flowerbed, bench, table and even gazebo

To increase the space for the growth of the roots of floral crops, you can design a raised or multi-tier flower leaf on a tree under the tree. For the manufacture of the side of the asymmetric flower beds, wooden slats and plastic bottles can be used, and bricks, old tires and plastic border are suitable for round. Just and quickly make a square wooden box of boards. It is important that the height of the soil sprinkling the tree trunk does not exceed 10 cm. If the root neck is somewhat raised above the soil level, then the soil can be filled and higher.

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Arrangement around the tree: flowerbed, bench, table and even gazebo

You can originally and smallly make a flowerbed from the lane. For this, thick branches or the trunk of the old tree are cut to the cylinders with a length of 20 - 30 cm, which, in turn, split on the halves. In construction stores you can buy ready-made borders. Prepared lamps are treated with antiseptic and dried.

Arrangement around the tree: flowerbed, bench, table and even gazebo

Then cut off the geotextile tape, to which the lamps and nails are fixed. Geotextile will protect the tree from moisture and extends the service life of the border. At the next stage, the finished border is plugged into the soil around the tree and fastened with steel rods. After laying a nonwoven material, drainage devices and sweeping of the soil flower bed is ready for landing.

Place of rest under the tree: bench and table

The zone of the priority circle can be not only beautiful, but also useful. A round, hex or square bench around the trunk of a tree and the table successfully complement the well-kept garden, without requiring the selection of a separate place. The shop and the table can have a different design, characterized by the style and complexity of execution.

Arrangement around the tree: flowerbed, bench, table and even gazebo

Arrangement around the tree: flowerbed, bench, table and even gazebo

The most common garden furniture is arranged under the birch, chestnut, nut and ever. The main rule: buildings should not tightly fit into the trunk, it is necessary to leave space for growth. The material is more acceptable, but metal and stone are also used.

Arrangement around the tree: flowerbed, bench, table and even gazebo

From rocks, it is preferable to choose a larch - a record holder for durability and sustainability to external influence. Less expensive options: pine, acacia, spruce and cherry.

Arrangement around the tree: flowerbed, bench, table and even gazebo

Arrangement around the tree: flowerbed, bench, table and even gazebo

The most common design of the garden shop has the shape of a hexagon without a back or with a high back.

Arrangement around the tree: flowerbed, bench, table and even gazebo

To make a simple bench with your own hands, you will need to perform the following work:

  • Preparation of material (wide boards for the seat, 12 bars with a length of about half a meter for legs, 6 frames for the backrest, small billets for connection and self-tapping screw);
  • determination of the size of the section (the largest side = the diameter of the barrel + 15 cm, the smallest inner side = the length of the greatest side / 1.75);
  • cutting parts constituting each of the 6 sections, and the angle of the cut should be 30º;
  • processing of all parts and seats of cuts by an antiseptic with a subsequent drying;
  • assembly sections consisting in fixing the seats for meter transverse boards;
  • The assembly of the legs, consisting in fixing the outer and inner legs to the common broad bar with the help of self-tapping screws, as a result, 6 prefabricated elements should be obtained;
  • Fixing the adjacent sections to the legs, and two parts of 3 sections in each should be obtained;
  • fastening parts around the tree;
  • Installation of parts of the back;
  • The finished design is covered with astactic impregnation.

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The table around the tree of the simplest design consists of a metal frame with bars attached around the trunk, and a table top consisting of several sections. The connection of the frame and the countertops is carried out through wooden planks.

Arrangement around the tree: flowerbed, bench, table and even gazebo

How to arrange a gazebo around the tree?

If the creation of flowerbeds and benches seems too simple and unoriginal, you can think about the construction of something more large-scale, for example, gazebo or a cozy recreation area.

Arrangement around the tree: flowerbed, bench, table and even gazebo

The plot under the tree can be a great place for an open garden gazebo. At the same time, Krone Tree serves as a natural canopy from the scorching sun, and if the shadows seem insufficiently, it is possible to plant the actinidia - a fruiting liano-fledged lens with large leaves protecting from the sun and a small summer rain.

Arrangement around the tree: flowerbed, bench, table and even gazebo

A garden gazebo around the tree serves as a comfortable place not only for outdoor activities and communication, but can also become an excellent corner for sleeping and reading. Its design may be the most different, the design depends on the overall style of the garden. A simplified solution is a small podium from a wooden flooring.

Arrangement around the tree: flowerbed, bench, table and even gazebo

If you add a low fencing to the raised flooring, it will be pretty simple in the open gazebo.

Arrangement around the tree: flowerbed, bench, table and even gazebo

Those who want to create more monumental structures and, so to speak, climb over the ground, you can advise buildings on high wooden racks. They look quite impressive, and allow plenty of enjoy the picturesque view of the site.

Arrangement around the tree: flowerbed, bench, table and even gazebo

Arrangement around the tree: flowerbed, bench, table and even gazebo

All considered design ideas of the section of the area in the zone of the priority circle can be actively used on any garden plot, adding new parts and modifying the proposed appearance of the construction. In addition to the presented options, the territory around the tree can be decorated with pebbles, sowed the grass or is clicked. In some designer styles, such minimalism is the best choice.

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