How the toilet is arranged


To date, private construction is developing rapidly. An integral part of any project, be it a comfortable house or apartment, is to carry out communications and installation of sanitary equipment. A special place in this issue is the process of installing the toilet. The toilet is in any apartment. It is an equipment for sending the needs of people who are installed in sanitary nodes. The toilet can be equipped with an automatic or semi-automatic washing system. It is most often made from plumbing ceramics.

How the toilet is arranged

It is very important to know exactly how the toilet and its drain tank is arranged, since with any breakdown it will be possible to immediately begin repair, and do not wait for the masters.

Any owner should know the device of this equipment, the principle of its work, the basic requirements for maintenance of its installation, etc. All this is very important for rational operation. Even before our era, such devices were constructed. The most ancient toilets appeared in Central Asia about the 11th century. In recent years, more and more new models have been produced. It is worth considering the device toilet device, a drain tank, the main types of toilet bowls.

Main varieties

How the toilet is arranged

Installation of a toilet and washed tank.

The toilet may be several species depending on the design and installation technique. Select outdoor toilet and suspended. In turn, among the floor there are toilet bowls with a tank, separately standing, downtime and Turkish. The difference of suspended is that the presence on the wall of the drain and special tank on the wall is required. At the same time, the drain goes directly. Depending on the type of drain, devices are distinguished with horizontal, vertical, inclined or siphon drain. Some varieties are partially performed with the addition of silver, which provides an antibacterial effect. Others have a water-repellent coating.

The most modern toilets (automated) allow you to get rid of an unpleasant smell, have heated seats and other functions. There are certain requirements for them. The toilets are part of the drainage system. The height during the installation must be 400 mm. In order to avoid breakage, the toilet must withstand a weight of 200 kg weighing, some of them are able to withstand the load of 400 and even 800 kg. There are several types of water drain systems: simple, double (3 and 6 liters) and interrupted. Drain systems can be electronic and mechanical.

The main parts of the toilet bowl are a drain tank, a bowl and chairs (seat).

The drain tank is not a mandatory component.

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Device of a drain bowl toilet

How the toilet is arranged

Scheme of an economical soiled tank.

When a toilet device in an apartment or a comfortable house, it is important to know the principle of operation of the drain tank. First of all, when buying a toilet, you need to pay attention to all components, you need to evaluate the bowl itself. One of the most important elements is a drain tank. It must be collected, rationally install and adjust the work. The device of the drain tank is quite simple. The tank can be made of ceramic material or plastic. Several mechanisms for the operation of the drain tank are distinguished: with a stop button, drain dual-mode and with two buttons. The last option is the most economical and modern. In this case, it is possible to save water.

There is a large and small button. The big merges all the water from the tank, and the small only part. Washing water can also be different: direct and reverse. In the first case, water flows directly from the tank in the toilet in one direction. In the second, the direction may vary, which is more optimal. The knowledge of the drain tank installation technology is of great importance. First of all, you need to collect it together, according to the applied instructions. The next stage of work is to strengthen the tank. This largely depends on the model. The most important part of the installation is to connect it to the sewage system and the plumbing pipe so that there is the possibility of constant water supply. With a special float, you need to learn how to adjust the water level in the drain tank. All this is in the instructions. Before you start using it, you need to check it out. If there are leaks or other defects, it is recommended to replace it with a new one.

Diagram of drain tank

How the toilet is arranged

Scheme of a regular toilet bowl.

The device of the tank is quite simple. The scheme resembles a hydraulic machine. It has a float, a seal and levers. Using the button or lever, you can direct water from top to bottom to clean and remove content. There are visible and invisible parts in the tank. The visible includes the cover, tank, button. The invisible part is located inside. The drain tank has in its composition the float crane (it is needed to fill the water tank and adjust its number), the button for flushing the water, the plug with the lateral type of water supply and drain fittings.

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Installation of the suspended tank is carried out according to the following technology. Before mounting the tank it is required to overlap water. First you need to attach a wash pipe to the tank. Pipe size 32 mm. The drain tank is raised in such a way that the lower end of the pipe is located at the desired level. Before that, in the wall make a mark for the pipe. With the help of a marker or pencil, there are points in which the holes for fastening the tank will be drilled. To do this, you can use screws or dowels. The tank is attached in a horizontal position. Next to it joins cold water, and it is filled. In places connections, the pipe and the tank it is advisable to make gaskets to avoid leaks.

If it is supposed to place the tank low, then it is fastened on the shelf toilet bowl. At the same time, the gasket is first stacked. After that, the drain tank is attached to the shelf using bolts with gaskets located inside the tank. After that, you will need to spin the nuts and cover the through hole in the tank. Then the tank is installed on the toilet. To do this, the bolts located on the tank are combined with the shelf holes and the nuts are screwed. At the end you need to connect the water supply by the hose.

Principle of the drain tank

The water drain mechanism is very simple. When you press the water shutter button, the valve opens, which connects the toilet with the tank, and water is poured into the mouth. In the event that the water level has decreased in the tank, then the float is turned on, which allows it to be filled again. In order to ensure the desired volume of water in the tank, you need to follow the position of the float. If there are a lot of water, the float is required to raise. Adjustment is carried out using special devices that are located on the float.

If there is an automatic drain system, the valve closes after the tank becomes completely empty. The most old types of toilet bowls have the installation of shut-off reinforcement with a float valve. There are intrauterine model of toilet bowls that are made of durable plastic. They have a view of a wide, flat canister. The built-in tank must be equipped with a flushed panel on which there are 2 buttons. If you click on the right of them, then 6 liters of water will fall, if on the left - 9 liters. In the first case, there is an opportunity to save water.

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Bowl and siphon device

The toilet device includes its parts such as siphon and a bowl. The bowl is a visible part of the toilet, where shipments are directly occurring. Running, it smoothly goes into a siphon. The latter is necessary as a hydraulic shutter for gases accumulating in the system. Siphon goes into the main pipe, which directly goes into the sewage system. Siphon has a curved shape. In this place, various impurities are often accumulated: garbage, hair, etc. Due to all this, the toilet must be periodically cleaned by various methods. Chemicals can be used, such as Krot, Mr. Muskul, Tiret.

A good effect is given some folk agents containing acids and alkali in their composition. You can remove breaks with bypass, it is in every apartment.

Thus, it is possible to conclude that the device of such an instrument, like a toilet, is not very difficult. The main components of its parts are the drain tank and the bowl. The most difficult is the tank. The device is distinguished by the presence of valves, buttons, the float.

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